“No! No, you’ve done enough, you could still...” Buffy whispered as tears began to fall down her face.

“No, you’ve beaten them back. It’s for me to do the cleanup.” he said, suppressing a whimper at the pain that shot through his body. Buffy looked at him. The sunlight shining down on his face, the innocence in his appearance that rarely surfaced, the love for her in his icy blue eyes, he was exquisite and she knew that this would be the last time she would ever see him. The walls crumbled around them as Faith yelled from the stairs.

“Buffy, Come on!”

Buffy looked at Faith, then back to Spike. Faith took off running toward the bus.

“Go lamb, I think it’s fair to say school’s out for the bloody summer.”

“Spike!” she yelled, tears falling down dramatically. She could feel her heart slamming against her chest, as though it might explode. She didn’t want to leave him here. She needed him with her. It wasn’t supposed to end like this. He was supposed to live. They were supposed to finally get their happy ending. And she knew then, she loved him, for the first time she realized she loved him.

“I mean it! I gotta do this.” He said, holding up his hands to emphasize his words.

Always just beyond my touch

Though I needed you so much
After all what else is living for

He closed his eyes and tried not to focus on the pain. Buffy looked at him for what was probably the last time. She saw a single tear fall from his closed eyes, as fresh ones fell from her own hazel eyes. She laced her fingers with his and he opened his eyes, looking first at their entwined hands, then up to her pleading eyes. Their hands caught on fire as the walls crumbled around them. Buffy winced at the burning sensation, but did not pull away. She knew that the fire was coming from them, from their all consuming love, and it sent sparks through her entire body. Tears fell down her cheeks and she smiled as she said the next words to him.

After all the stops and starts

We keep coming back to these two hearts

“I love you.”

“No you don’t, but thanks for sayin’ it.” Spike whispered back, knowing from his memories of the forgotten day that she did mean it. He knew he had to put doubt in her mind, though. It was the only way that she would leave him behind to face his death alone. And he needed her to get out. He needed her to live.

Two angels who’ve been rescued from the fall

Buffy felt like she had been punched in the gut, and she wished that she hadn’t screwed things up so badly that he didn’t believe she loved him even when she finally said it. The smile on her face faded, as she was about to protest. Suddenly the floor began to shake violently, stopping her. She looked at him and stumbled backwards, causing her to wrench her hand away, as she fought to keep her balance. The flames around their fingers

faded at the broken contact.

And after all that we’ve been through

It all comes down to me and you

“Now go!”

Buffy looked around at the collapsing cavern, and knew she had to go quickly. She looked back at Spike one last time, and smiled. For once in his long life he was doing something important for reasons other than earning the love of a woman, and she loved him too much to take anything away from that by making him come with her. She felt so proud of him at that very moment. He truly was a champion.

I guess it’s meant to be

Forever you and me

After all

“I won’t forget you.” She promised, mirroring her words from the forgotten day. She then took off running up the stairs and out of the crumbling school.

“I wanna see how it ends.” He said, smiling. He started to laugh as his entire body disintegrated into dust, taking the hellmouth and Sunnydale along with him.

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