Author's Chapter Notes:
Prayers, sacrifices and reviews will get you what you want in the next chapter... OK, fine, ONE of the things you want :D I have no shame :::shakes head sadly::: But seriously, reviews do make me write faster lol

Chapter 39: New recruit on the team

Loaded with her heavy briefcase and her purse, and carrying thick files under one arm, the warden rushed past her secretary’s desk. If the brilliant smile on her face was any indication, Buffy was in a good mood.

“Good morning, Harm.” Buffy greeted cheerfully.

The other woman lifted her head to look at her, and opened her mouth to speak, but Buffy was already walking into her office. She was in a hurry to get back to work. She wouldn’t say that she had been neglecting her work, but she definitely hadn’t given it her full attention lately. Things had been so hectic since the holidays. She couldn’t believe it was mid February already. So much had happened since the New Year fiasco that she hadn’t been able to give the prison’s affairs all her attention. But after her success with Angel and Darla the night before, she felt like she could take on any challenge and she would come up on top. She felt almost like her old self again.

Buffy stopped in her tracks when she saw the red head sitting in one of the big leather chairs facing her desk, casually sipping on a steaming hot beverage--knowing Willow, probably some kind of herbal tea. The woman couldn’t handle caffeine. One cup of coffee and she’d drive everyone around her crazy with her incessant chatter, so she usually stuck to the safer choice: chamomile. She was wearing light gray trousers and a mint green peasant shirt. Her shoulder length flaming red hair was pinned up around her pixie face, green eyes bright and awake as usual.

“Willow! Hey. You’re up early. Don’t you usually start your day at 9?”

The other woman gave Buffy a radiant smile “Couldn’t sleep. I needed to talk to you.”

Buffy dropped her briefcase and purse on the floor and put the files on her desk before sitting in the seat next to Willow.

“Your weekend was that exciting?” She asked her friend with a smile, unable to hold back her amusement. Willow was buzzing with barely contained energy.

“Actually, it was pretty boring. Until yesterday morning.”

“What happened?”

The red head leaned forward in her eagerness to share what was on her mind. Her enthusiasm was contagious and Buffy found herself sitting up straight and giving Willow her entire attention.

“OK, so you know how once I start something, I don’t accept failure, right? I just can’t help it; I turn into the pitt bull of problem solving. Good thing I’m not a police inspector because I’d drive myself insane in no time. I wouldn’t sleep at night…”

“Will, is that coffee in your hands? Because you know what that stuff does to you.”

“Nope, it’s green tea. So, as I was saying--” She continued animatedly, “ --and I swear there‘s a point even if it doesn‘t look like there‘s one yet. I was in my office yesterday, tidying up and putting files up to date, when I came across William Rayne’s file.”

Willow didn’t notice Buffy tensing up, and just kept talking.

“I looked through my notes, and yours, and just couldn’t accept the ‘inconclusive results’. It bugged me and I couldn’t admit defeat. So I called Faith in my office and asked her to take me to William.”

Buffy frowned. “To do what?”

“To talk to him, what else? I just have this obsession with needing to understand that guy. I had to try one more time. I know you did a great job talking to him, but you didn’t tape it and there aren’t many notes. I needed to talk to him myself.”

“But he already told you he didn’t want to. Not that I have anything against you talking to the guy. I actually think it would be a good thing for him to open up to someone else and it might as well be you, but…”

“And he did!” Willow interrupted excitedly. “That’s what I was getting at. I went to see him with Faith because I had nothing else to do yesterday afternoon. I could have gone home, but I couldn’t leave it be. I went to him and asked if he’d reconsider talking with me. And believe it or not, he said yes.”

“Really? That’s great, Will. Did he say anything interesting? Did you figure him out? You said you didn’t sleep last night so I’m thinking it didn’t go so well?”

Why the pang of jealousy, she couldn’t tell. Most likely, there was a selfish part of her who liked being the only one Spike trusted. But at the same time, she wasn’t lying when she said it would be good for him to open up to someone else.

“He told me EVERYTHING.” Willow answered, almost bouncing on her seat.

Buffy reached out and took the mug from the other woman’s hand before the liquid could spill everywhere, and set it down on the desk.

“Sorry.” Willow blushed. “It was just so great. We talked for two hours. Childhood, move to America, meeting with Drusilla, his life in Sunnydale… and the murder. I know none of this is news to you. He told me he already told you everything. But it was great to be able to make my own opinion.”

“And what is your opinion?” Buffy asked, curious to hear what Willow thought of Spike after hearing his story.

“Well, actually… that’s why I’m here.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not a stupid woman, and I know what I think doesn’t change anything about the guy’s situation. And despite the fact that he has the sexiest smile and the bluest eyes I’ve seen, don‘t go thinking that he seduced me into believing him or anything. I mean, he’s good looking, but I‘m not that dumb. And don’t look at me like that! He’s cute, but I’m married and I love my husband.” She added, her cheeks flushing at the amused look Buffy was giving her.

“Just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t look at the menu, you know?”

Buffy laughed. “Will, please try to focus.”

“Sorry, I did it again.” She took a deep breath and finally said: “I don’t think he did it. Am I crazy? Maybe, I don’t know. But it just doesn’t add up. The guy doesn’t have the profile. I don’t buy that he’d have killed that girl no matter how much of a bitch she was. Not nice calling a dead girl a bitch, but hey, she really was. Anyway, even a passion crime… he’s just not the type. Guys who commit passion crimes can be nice normal guys too, guys that have been pushed too far, but they all have that little something that William just doesn’t have.”

Desperate to prove her point before letting Buffy speak, Willow talked so fast that when she finally stopped, she was almost out of breath.

“It’s OK Will, take a deep breath. You do realize there is caffeine in green tea, right? You should stay away from that stuff.” She blinked her sparkling emerald eyes in confusion. “Really?”

Buffy gave her a half smile. “Well, I don’t know for sure, but I’m starting to have my doubts after hearing your serious babble fest there.”

“Sorry, but I’ve been dying to talk to you since yesterday and every time I called you, I got your voice mail. I almost left a message, but you see in what state I’m in right now? I don’t think my message would have made much sense. You know the main reason cell phones have been invented is that you can be reached when you’re not home, right?”

“Geez, I can’t want to be alone for one lousy weekend without everybody giving me a hard time about it. I get it. I’ll never turn my cell phone off ever again, promise.”

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to get you all growly.”

Buffy sighed. “It’s got nothing to do with you, Will. It’s just that when I turned the damn thing back on, I had a bunch of messages. I swear some people were about to call 911 and report me missing.”

“Oh. That’s good, isn’t it? That means people care about you and if you ever get kidnapped, it won’t take too long before somebody notice.” Willow grinned at her friend’s perfect eye roll. “Can we get back on topic? I’m much calmer now, I promise.”

“Topic. Check. Go ahead.”

“Actually, it was kinda your turn to say something. Personally, I’ve reached my conclusion. I don’t think William Rayne killed Drusilla Blackwell. Now, if you want me to get into boring details of what made me draw this conclusion, psychological analyses, theories, references, quotes from obscure authors that you probably never heard of… I even have a few books to back me up. I noted the pages if you’re interested…”

Buffy’s eyes were wide with sudden fear at the idea of being submitted to this torture. “A world of NO. But thanks. Not that I’m not all for feeding my intellect, but that sounded way too college-like for my taste. There‘s a reason why I took a year’s break from my ongoing Psychological studies ya know. My brain was about to explode after finishing Psych of the criminal mind last year. And it didn‘t help that the woman teaching it was psychotic. What was her name again? Oh yeah, Professor Walsh. I think she was evil…” Buffy shuddered.

“You’re taking another degree?” Willow asked, her interest flaring.

“Yeah. You know what they say, you never stop learning. I have to keep up to date. But I figured with the new and very demanding job, I should take a break for a while. But, we were talking about William.”

“Right, William, who I believe is behind bars by mistake.” The two friends smiled at each other, then Buffy continued in a more serious tone. “You don’t have to convince me, Willow. I already came to that conclusion on my own. I don‘t think he did it either.”

The entire time Willow had been rambling, Buffy’s thoughts had been in a jumble over what exactly she could reveal to Willow. Part of her was tempted to tell her old friend everything that’d been going on over the past few months. But unless she’d changed a lot since they were kids, Willow couldn’t keep a secret to save her own life. Not to mention that the more people knew, the higher the exposure risk got. She couldn’t take that chance, no matter how much she loved and trusted Willow. But it was still nice to have someone else who believed Spike was innocent. It made her feel like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. At last, she had a proof that she wasn’t just very naïve to believe in Spike’s innocence despite the lack of evidence. If someone as rational as Willow, who had such a brilliant mind, could believe him too, then it meant Buffy wasn’t merely blinded by love. The only thing left was to determine exactly what to reveal, and how much she wanted the red head involved in all this.

Buffy chuckled at the look of pure shock on Willow’s face.

“Oh, come on Will. Of all people, you should know I can look beneath the surface--think outside the box--whatever. After all, you are talking to the first person who ever thought that instead of building a tree house with wood, it’d be so much easier and faster to bring my Little Pony tent up the tree. See? I started thinking outside the box at a really young age.”

Willow laughed at the memory. “And also broke an arm in the process.”

“Yeah, laugh it up. But that’s beside the point.” She pouted, making Willow laugh even more. “I was just trying to remind you that your friend Buffy can keep an open mind.”

Willow struggled to regain her seriousness. “Yes, of course. I mean, after all, you did manage to see pass Cordelia Chase’s vain, egotistical and bitchy personality and become her BFF.”

“Her what?”

“Best Friend Forever.” Willow said, putting on a ditsy look and clasping her hands together in her best cheerleader imitation.

“Bite me, Red.”

Willow finally calmed down. She sat back and looked at Buffy in silence for a moment, a cryptic smile on her lips.

“What?” Buffy asked, wondering what was going on behind her friend‘s green eyes.

“Nothing. It’s just… William calls me that.”

“Calls you what?” She asked, pretending not to know what Willow was talking about.

She knew damn well that Spike called Willow ‘Red’, which probably explained why she called her that too. But she didn’t want to sound like she was hanging out with Spike all the time and make her friend suspicious. Of course, she was about to find out that this was a waste of time and Willow, being the smart woman that she was, already had suspicions.

“Buffy, can I ask you something a little personal?”


“Do you like William? I mean as in like-like him… not just like. But you know what I mean by like, right? No need to explain that. And I‘m babbling again.” She shook her head and chuckled nervously, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson.

“What makes you think that? Because I think he’s innocent? I finished Psychology of the criminal mind at the top of my class, Willow. I’m in my element when it comes to understanding criminals. There’s nothing more to it.” Buffy said quietly, not quite able to bring herself to look the other woman in the eyes. She hated to lie to Willow.

“No. That’s not it. I’ve had my doubts since that day in my office. You remember when we tried to talk to William together?”

Buffy nodded, looking a bit tense.

“That day, I left the two of you alone. When I came back a little while later, I walked in without knocking and…”

Buffy frantically tried to remember that day. She didn’t have sex with Spike in Willow’s office, did she? That would have been way stupid.

“… well I think William was crying. And there was just something about the way you were comforting him. I didn’t ask you about it, but I’ve been wondering ever since. Not that anyone could blame you.”

“That’s just crazy, Willow. I really don’t feel that way about Spike.”

“Whatever you say. But I think it’s really too bad he’s a prisoner because I think he feels the same way about you. Whenever your name is mentioned, his face just lights up, his eyes sparkle, he gets more animated… I think he loooves you.” Willow tried to joke, but it fell flat. Buffy didn’t even smile.

“I thought I was a romantic fool, but apparently, you’re worse than I am. Anyway, it doesn’t really matter who has feelings for whom and who doesn’t. I’m more interested in finding out why you wanted me to know that you think he didn’t do it. I’m sure you didn’t tell me that just to share a juicy gossip.”

Willow’s shoulders slumped a bit at that. “Honestly? I don’t really know. I know I can’t do anything about it, and you can’t do anything either. But I couldn’t file the information away and go back to my normal life as if nothing happened. I don’t know what I thought sharing this with you would accomplish, but I figured that it would make me feel better not to keep that to myself. Buffy…”

She hesitated a moment, looking down at her clasped hands in her lap.

“I really feel bad for the guy. A part of me almost hopes that we’re both wrong and he did kill her because I don’t even want to imagine what it must feel like to be in prison when you never did anything wrong.”

Willow seemed genuinely upset over this, and seeing the conflicted emotions play on her friend’s face, Buffy decided to share at least part of her secret with her. She hoped it would make her feel better somehow.

“Can I let you in on my little secret?”

Willow nodded eagerly.

Sitting on the edge of her seat, Buffy leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees. Willow felt the need to do the same, as if they were not alone in the room.

“I’m already working on getting him out of here.”

Buffy told her old friend everything about Angel, Darla, the PI she hired and her plan to bring the two murdering bastards down. Willow listened with great interest, her mouth slightly opened as she took in all the details of Buffy’s story.

“Wow. I don’t know what to say. This all sounds potentially dangerous, Buffy.”

The blonde woman waved her hand dismissively “Nah. You know me, I’m a tough cookie. Super Buffy to the rescue. I’ll beat the bad guys’ asses, free the innocent, and restore justice in my prison.”

“Will you let me buy the rights to the movie? That sounds like a potential blockbuster.”

Buffy raised one arm towards the sky a la Super Girl, and both women burst out laughing. When the laughter finally died down, Willow asked: “So, was I right? Are you doing all this because you like him?”

“I don‘t think it matters if I have feelings for him or not.”

“Why do you do it then? It‘s a big risk to take for a stranger.”

“For the same reason you came in my office this morning. Because I can’t just sit back and do nothing, knowing what I know. It isn’t right. This man doesn’t belong in prison and if the system was too corrupt to see it the first time when he was on trial, then I’ll make damn sure it sees it clearly this time around.”

Willow nodded slowly, seemingly lost in thoughts. She finally spoke up.

“I want to help.”


“I need to do something. I can’t let you do this by yourself. I want to help you. I’m not very brave or anything, but I still want to do this with you. Even if I’m just moral support girl. What do you say?”

“I don’t know, Will. I really don’t want to drag you into this. If something happened to you, I would never forgive myself. I know the risks and I accept them so if something happens to me, fine. But you…”

“I know the risks too, obviously since I just told you it was dangerous. I’m a grown woman, Buffy. I’m not saying I want to do anything crazy, but if there’s anything I can help with, I’d like to do it.”

Buffy looked away, lost in her thoughts. She knew she should say no. Everything inside her was telling her this was a bad idea and her instincts were usually right. But at the same time, she wouldn’t feel nearly as alone and vulnerable in this if Willow was there. She knew she was being selfish, but she made her decision nonetheless.

“Alright. If you really want to help, I can’t stop you. But if you change your mind, it’s fine too.”

Willow’s eyes lit up, her cheeks were pink with excitement. “Really? So what can I do to help?”

“Well, there’s this party Angel and Darla invited me to. I’m a little uneasy about going there by myself so maybe you could come with? It’s next weekend.”

“Sure. And stick out like a sore thumb. That’ll be fun.” Willow said, red eyebrows raised in disbelief at the idea that Buffy would think she could blend in with that kind of crowd.

But instead of admitting the idea was absurd, Buffy grinned at her friend, an evil glint in her eye. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

The red head frowned, suddenly worried. “No--no I’m pretty sure I’m not. What are you thinking exactly?”

“I’m thinking make-over. I‘m thinking long girlie afternoon, trying on clothes and drinking margaritas, I‘m thinking…”

“I’m thinking you’re totally NUTS!”

Buffy’s smile broadened. “And it feels grrreat!”

They chuckled. Willow stood up and grabbed her mug from the desk where it had been forgotten for the past half hour. “All right. It‘s back to work for me. Don‘t want you to think the prison is paying me to do nothing.”

Buffy smiled warmly at her friend. “Wanna have lunch later?”

“Sounds great. I’ll be in my office. Come and get me when you’re ready to go.”

“Will do.”

She watched as her friend left the office, suddenly feeling a hundred pounds lighter.


Spike looked up when the library’s double doors opened, then stood up a little too quickly.

“Rayne! What the FUCK? Look what you’re doing!”

He looked to his right just in time to see that he had knocked over one of the piles of books they’d spent the afternoon reorganizing. He tried his best to catch it but it fell to the floor despite his best efforts. The other guy working with him gave him a murderous look. And considering this was a prisoner, it wasn’t only a figure of speech.

“Look what you did, you dickhead!” The other guy spat.

In a corner of the library, a guard was sitting with his boot clad feet on the table, his chair reclined on two legs as he read a porn magazine. He looked up from his reading at the ruckus.

“What’s going on over there?” He yelled at the two prisoners, not too gently.

The other prisoner answered before Spike could open his mouth. “Nothing, sir. Just Rayne pissing me off, sir.”

“Well, get back to work. I don’t want to spend all afternoon in here.”

Normally, Spike wouldn’t have let the other guy talk to him like that, but he was too busy looking at his girl to care. Buffy was standing right by the door of the library, surrounded by two guards and a trio of men in suits.

He crouched to pick up the fallen books, never taking his eyes off her. He’d been worried all weekend that maybe something was wrong with her, but she looked fine. She was talking animatedly with the three men accompanying her. Looking around, she saw him. Their eyes locked for a moment and she spared him a ghost of a smile.

It sounded corny even in his head, but just seeing her for a second like that made his day.

Spike smiled back before returning to what he’d been doing. He started putting the piles of books back on the now clean shelves. The library was closed for the day so he as well as three other guys could tidy up and reorganize everything. He didn’t mind this. The library was his territory and he felt more relaxed in this place than anywhere else in the prison. Here he didn’t have to talk to anybody or pretend to be a hard ass. If he could go from his cell, to the library, and back to his cell every day, he’d be a happy man. Well, with a stop in Buffy’s office, of course.

And the good thing about it was that the library was one of the places in the prison where they weren’t watched by the guards all the time. Except today because two of the prisoners were there as part of their extra New Year chores. The guys were tired of paying for the New Year riot so the guards had to be more vigilant. But usually, you could go from the common area to the library without being escorted and handcuffed. In prison, you hang on to any bit of freedom you can find; which was usually not much.

Spike looked up to see Buffy shaking hands with the three men before one of the guards escorted them out of the library. He expected to see her follow, but instead, she walked towards the shelves accompanied by Faith. The other guy--Bill, Spike thought his name was--stood up. From the other side of the room, Andrew trotted hurriedly in their direction, a rag on his shoulder, apparently eager to find out what the warden wanted with them.

“All right, guys. You did a good job. I was conducting an inspection and the ‘important’ people I was with were impressed. Thank you. I think that means you deserve a break. Why don’t you go outside and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.”

Andrew raised his hand.

“Huh.. Yes.. Andrew is it?”

Wide eyed Andrew turned to Spike and whispered excitedly “She remembered my name!”

Spike shook his head. Buffy rolled her eyes.

“Yes, and I can also hear you. What do you want Andrew?”

“Mrs Warden Summer, I just wanted to say that we’re not finished yet.”

Andrew squealed when Bill‘s elbow connected painfully with his ribs.

Buffy gave Bill a nasty look but didn’t say anything to him. “It’s all right Andrew. You guys can finish tomorrow. You can go now.”

The guard who’d been reading porn threw the magazine on the table and was the first out the door, followed by Faith and the three prisoners. Just before Spike could walk out of the library, Buffy stopped him.

“Prisoner Rayne, could you hold on, please? I need your help with something before you leave. It will only take a minute…”


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