How's about another chapter tonight?? :) You guys are the best with reviews, please keep them coming! And, this will be spuffy, not Spike/Buffy friendship. I promise!!!

Chapter Eleven

“Do you know anything about painting?” Buffy asked as she stared at Spike who stared at her as if she were nuts for asking for a sheet.

“What are you talking about, you daft bint. Course I do,” he scoffed.

“Then you would know that you need a sheet to cover the floor so that it doesn’t ruin the carpet. You can’t just expect to start painting Spike. This isn’t a commercial or a sitcom.”

He smirked, “no if it were a sitcom, you’d have a gallon of paint dumped on your head about now.”

“That a threat, Mr. Reeves?” She asked, hands on her hips, a daring look glittering in her eyes.

He shrugged nonchalantly, “possibly.”

“Don’t make me sick Wesley on you,” she pointed a warning finger at him.

“Where is the ol’ boy anyway? Thought he was going to help us out.”

Buffy sighed. “Oh, he was going to, but he had some work to do. He’s got a big meeting on Monday he wanted to prep for.”

“Did I tell you I got my name on the door?”

Buffy smiled widely, “ you did? They really like you over there. When are you going to do a piece on ‘Pangs’?”

“Don’t know if that’s a good idea kitten.”

“Why not?” She pouted.

“Well, because I’m such good friends with the band members. Might be a conflict of interest.”

“That’s ok.”

Spike laughed, “yeah, for you.”

Buffy giggled. “Shall we get cracking on this? Get the sheet for crying out loud!”

“You’re a bossy chit you know that? When did you become so bossy? The Buffy Summers I knew–“

“Was a wimp!” She finished the thought.

He chuckled, “nah.”

She gave him a look.

“Okay, maybe a little. But I loved her with all my heart”

It was funny. Spike had said those words to her a million times before over the past few months, but this time, it shifted something. Made the air somehow different. It was something neither of them wanted to dwell on. Spike silently went for the sheets and Buffy tended to getting the paint ready.

Three hours later, they sat in the middle of the room, sharing a pizza and looking over the work they’d done.

“I think we did an excellent job,” Buffy noted as she surveyed the room.

“Me too. Even if I do think you got more paint in your hair on your clothes than on the walls.”

She stuck out her tongue. “Very funny. Ha ha.”

“My first meal in my first—and only---home. Nice to share it with you Miss Summers.”

“Why thank you Mr. Reeves. I’m glad I could be part of the food christening for you.”

“Well, this would be food christening.,” and he flung a pepperoni at her, hitting her on the forehead. It left a greasy orange mark and dropped to the floor.

“You’re funny,” she said, an almost dangerous glint in her eye as Spike laughed.

“I’ll get you a paper towel,” and he jumped up to grab one in the kitchen. When he came back, he found Buffy hunched over and it sounded as if she were crying.

“Buffy?” He asked softly.

She continued to cry and he knelt beside her. “Buffy baby, tell me what’s wrong. I hate to see you cry. Always have. Buffy?” He placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned closer.

Quick as a cat Buffy sprung up and mashed an entire slice of pizza in Spike’s face. He fell backwards with the force and took her with him, his hand still on her shoulder. She landed on top of him with an ‘oof’ and she burst out laughing at the sight of Spike with cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms and sauce all over his face.

“I think we need to change your nickname to Pizza Face,” Buffy roared.

He reached up and pushed some hair away from her face and gazed at her. “You know what color would bring out those gorgeous green eyes?”

She stopped laughing and looked at him. “What?”

“Blue,” and before she knew it she had a streak of paint down her face. It took her a minute to register what he did as Spike started to laugh and then she lunged for the paint brush and he tried to wrestle her away from him as she squirmed on top of him.

A voice cleared and both heads turned to see the source of it. Wesley. Buffy pushed herself off of Spike and leapt up to him, not liking the angry look on her boyfriends face. She moved to hug him, but he stopped her.

“You’re all paint Buffy,” he told her at her confused look.

“Oh. Yeah. Uh, we’re done here anyway, so I’m just going to change. Be right back.” She took off leaving the men to stand there and stare at each other.

Spike was wiping pizza off his face as he stood. “Hey mate.”

“What’s going on in here exactly?”

Spike froze at the icy tone to Wesley’s voice. “What?”

“I come in here and see you rolling around with my girlfriend. What’s going on?”

“Wesley, mate, it’s not what it looks like at all. I threw a pepperoni at her face and I went to get her a paper towel and she pretended to cry so she could mush pizza in my face. I got her with paint and then she—“

“Just stop already Spike,” Wesley said tiredly.

“There was nothing going on, I swear. I told you before that I respect the relationship you have with Buffy—“

“Do you really?”

Spike stared at him, “Wesley don’t make something out of nothing.”

“Am I?”

“Would you stop doing that?”

“Listen Spike, I know that you and Buffy have found peace with each other over the past few months and while I whole heartedly support it, I do NOT support you rolling around on the floor with my girlfriend!” Wesley’s voice had slowly risen with each word until it was a full out shout.

“We weren’t ‘rolling’ around the way you think Wesley,” Spike tried.

“She’s not a teenager anymore, William. You can’t take advantage of her any longer.” Wesley ground out.

Spike felt as if Wesley had just slapped him across the face, he stumbled back with the force of his words. “That was a low blow, mate,” Spike whispered. “About something you know NOTHING about.”

“Let it be a lesson to you.”

That sparked Spike’s anger and instead of backing away, he surged forth, staring the man down. “What’s the matter Wesley? Jealous I got there first?”

Spike knew Wesley was about to clock him and he didn’t care. He didn’t like the fact that Wesley could make a generalization about something he didn’t know anything about. It made him wonder what Buffy had told him and it made him wonder how Buffy really did feel about their past relationship. She said that she had been happy and that she didn’t blame him anymore, but had she lied?

“Honey, I’m ready!” Buffy’s voice called out from down the hall.

The men separated and Wesley made his way to her. Spike followed closely behind, trying to keep his anger in check.

“You all right with the clean up?” Buffy asked as she stuffed her clothes in a bag.

Spike nodded.

“Don’t forget to thoroughly wash the paint brushes so you can use them again.”

“He’s a big boy, Buffy. I’m sure he can figure it out on his own,” Wesley said as he ushered her out the door. Spike nearly slammed the door behind them. He stood there, in the hall to his new home, shaking with anger. How DARE Wesley say those things; he didn’t know ANYTHING about him and Buffy and what they had. Nothing. Buffy wouldn’t lie to him, not now, not after all their talks. Why would she tell Wesley Spike took advantage of her or that she still blamed him for it all and not tell him? She wouldn’t. She’d been honest about every other goddamn thing, why would she start lying now? The tension was building stronger and stronger in his body. He’d loved her dammit, and she’d loved him! There was no taking advantage on anyone’s part. He would have never taken advantage of her. “FUCK!” Spike shouted and slammed his fist into the wall, causing the plaster to give way and leave a gaping hall in the foyer wall. He barely felt the pain, but he knew he would soon as he made his way into the kitchen to grab a bag of frozen vegetables from the freezer.

“Buffy, I need to tell you something,” Wesley told her as soon as they arrived home after a quiet ride home in which Buffy knew he was angry, but didn’t quite know how to bring it up.


“I don’t Spike coming over here anymore for dinner.”

Buffy stared at Wesley, processing what he was saying to her. “You know that nothing’s going on right?”

“What I walked in on didn’t look like nothing.”

“Did you miss the pizza all over his face? Or the paint all over mine? Wesley, we were just goofing off. You know the same way I would do with Xander or Willow.”

“You didn’t have a relationship with Xander or Willow. You didn’t have a BABY with them. I don’t want him coming over here anymore. I don’t want him to think that he can get back with my girlfriend and that I’ll be okay with it!”

“Get back with- -? You think that he would? You think that I would do that to you?”

“You have been spending a lot of time with each other as of late.”

“Yeah, we’ve talking and. . . TALKING. You supported it, you said it was a good thing.”

“I didn’t realize just how cozy you were becoming with each other until I saw you rolling around on the ground together. I don’t want him thinking he can take advantage of you again Buffy.”

“Take advantage of me? When did he--?” She looked at him horrified. “That’s what you think happened? That he took advantage of me? He never took advantage of me Wesley. He would never do that.”

“So he didn’t pressure you into seeing him when you knew it was the wrong thing to do?”
“He’s not forcing me to do anything wrong now. Seeing Spike is NOT wrong. Don’t you know that it’s because of our healthy relationship that he decided to settle down and someday share the same thing we have with someone else?”

“And you’re certain that’s its not you he’s set his sights on?”

“I know it’s not. How can you make these accusations about my past with him when you know nothing about it? You know the bad stuff, you don’t know ANYTHING about the good stuff. Spike never forced me to do anything I didn’t want to do. I was a different person then than I am now and so is he, but you know what? He was still a good man then and he’s still a good man now. And yes, I did blame him for a long time, but I also blamed me too because I wanted him just as much. We were young and were stupid. I will NOT let you put the blame all on him and I will NOT let you put demands on me. You don’t want him here, fine. But I’m not going to stop seeing him.” She stared hard at him. “You don’t trust me.”

“I didn’t say that. I don’t trust him.”

“No. You don’t trust me. You don’t trust me to stay away from him if it were true that he wanted me.”

Wesley ran a hand through his hair. “What do you expect me to think Buffy? It’s not like you share with me when you two talk.”

“Because what happened with me and Spike is between me and Spike! It’s not like I intentionally keep it from you! You don’t tell me what happened with the girls you used to date. What about your first love? Huh? What happened with her? What kind of things do you want to dredge up from your past and discuss in excruciating detail? And you know what it’s not only my life Spike and I discuss, it’s his too. It’s his past and his memories and his pain just as much as its mine. It wouldn’t be fair of me to do that to him. All this time Wesley, I thought you really liked him and that you were supportive of this. Was that all a lie?”

“No, it wasn’t. I just didn’t think it’d do this far! I thought he’d be gone by now!”

Buffy’s jaw dropped, “oh my God.” Turning on her heel, she started for the door.

“Where are you going?”

“Willow’s. But feel free to call in case you don’t trust me,” and she slammed the door shut behind her.

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