Cordy seated herself at a table in the student union. As a favor to Faith, she was going to find out if Spike was seeing someone else. Faith had chickened out but Cordy wanted to support her friend so she volunteered. She caught a glimpse of him in the corner of her eye then waved him over to her table.

"I'm glad you made it."

Spike seated himself at the table. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Do you know why I ask you to meet me here?"

Spike lighted a fag, taking a drag then blew out the smoke before answering. "I take it's about a certain pissed off brunette."

Cordy leaned in, waving the smoke out of her face. "So what's the story?"

"I decided to move on. Should have done it a long time ago." Spike had taken another drag of his cigarette while slouching his chair.

"Well your timing really sucks. I know you heard about Angel and me." Cordy exhaled, leaning back in her chair with a sad look on her face.

"Yeah, sorry about that pet. I thought you two were perfect together. He was bloody stupid to let you go. Any man would be lucky to have you."

"I guess he wanted bigger tits. Cordy perked up at the thought of something terrible happening to Angel. I hope she gives him a venereal disease like herpes. I hear it's the gift that keeps on giving. So who is she, Spike?" Cordy changed the subject after realizing her purpose for being there.

"What are you talking about pet?" Spike leaned forward to extinguish his fag.

"The girl you dumped Faith for."

Spike looked up from the ashtray then shifted in seat. "What makes you think there is someone else?"

"Because you're a guy...a good looking one at that. I know you had someone waiting in the wings. There were obvious signs. The infrequent calling, no loving, and plus you totally flaked on her at the frat party. Is it that Drusilla chick I see you talking to all the time?"

"No" Spike leaned back in his chair.

"Cecily? Harmony?"

"No and hell no. Why don't you just drop it pet? I'm not going to tell you anything."

"Oh I get it, you and Xander. I've always wondered about you two." Cordy nodded her head, pointing a suspicious finger at Spike.

"Now you've gone to far. Did Faith put you up to this?"

"Maybe but she's my friend and I didn't like seeing her upset."

Spike had given Cordy and unbelieving smirk. "Faith upset. I doubt it. Tell me how many dates has she been on this last few days."

Cordy eyes darted away from his. She didn't want to answer the question, knowing Faith had been on at least two dates since Spike called her to tell her it was over.

"No need to answer pet. I knew Faith would bounce back in no time. I'm not a stupid git. I know Faith's been seeing at least three blokes I know which I don't have a problem with. Look, she and I had fun. I lost interest...end of story."

"Now I have to know. Who is it? She must be something. A lot of guys think Faith is hot so I'm gonna assume this new girl is equally as hot if not hotter."

"Look pet, I don't mean to be rude but it's really none any of your business."

"Come on tell me. Is it a professor? Is it Ms. Calender? or Professor Giles?"

"Enough with the gay speculation already."

"Well I have to ask. Faith told me you couldn't close the deal the last time you two were intimate. I assume your equipment preferred something of the male persuasion."

Tired of Cordy asking him questions. Spike decided to play with her.

"What if I told you it was Buffy?"

Cordy eyes opened wide.

"Shut up. You're lieing. You're not seeing Buffy. She wouldn't do that. I know there was some sort of attraction between you two but she would have told me."

"Are you sure about that luv? Spike leaned forward, giving Cordy an intense stare. "I mean you weren't too keen on the idea of us hooking up."

"You know it hurts my feelings that you would say something like that about my best friend. I know her. She wouldn't do that to anyone including Faith. She has too much class to do that to a friend."

When Spike realized Cordy was getting upset. He tried to take back what he'd said. He laughed, falling back in his chair.


"That wasn't funny."

"Serves you right. I told you to stop asking me. Buffy is a nice girl and all but she and I are just friends. She made it crystal clear there could never be anything between us."

Cordy was relieved. "Okay you got me. I give up. No more questions about your ho's."

"Don't talk about my lady friend like that."

"Ahh hhahh so you are seeing someone and it's a girl."

Spike smiled and stood up. "I have to go. I'll see you around and pet try to keep your chin up. After Darla burns Angel, he will realize he made a mistake and come crawling back."

"He can crawl all he wants. I'll never take him back." Cordy watched Spike walk off.


Finally, Buffy was able to get a day off from work. The new manager at the Double Meat Palace was smart enough to hire two more workers which help decrease the number of hours Buffy worked. She was happy to be getting off at a decent hour, which meant she could spend more time with Spike and catch up with Cordy. The two women made plans to go to the mall and get a bite to eat. Afterwards, Buffy had plans with Spike. He was going to meet her at her apartment for a little one on one.

When Buffy exited the elevator, she looked down the hall at Faith's door before entering Cordy's room. She was relieved her best friend was ready to go.

"Hey you're dressed."

Cordy turned around, placing her hands on her hips "Why wouldn't I be?"

Buffy placed her finger under her chin. "Hmmmm, the only time you've ever been ready for anything was when you and I graduated from high school."

"Very funny and you're right but I had to do a favor for Faith otherwise I would have kept to you waiting. You might want to write this down. A woman must never step out into the world without wearing the perfect outfit."

Buffy looked at Cordy with questioning eyes. "What favor?"

"She wanted me to find out who Spike was dating. You know he broke up with her. Damn men"

"Wow, you say that like they really were a couple. I thought he was just the first on a very long list of guys she likes to fuck."

"Jealous much."

"Jealous because my legs don't spread as wide as hers. I don't think so."

Cordy had given Buffy an angry look. "Stop it, you shouldn't talk about her like that."

"Why not everyone else does and you know it?" Buffy sat on Cordy's bed, thumbing through a magazine.

"She's my friend Buffy and I thought she was yours too."

"She's okay but I wouldn't consider her a friend."

Cordy pulled her head back. "Really"

Buffy was still thumbing through the magazine. "Yeah really and why are we arguing about this?" Buffy looked up, tossing the magazine to the side.

"I'm sorry. I'm just hating men right now." Cordy flopped down on her bed while Buffy rummaged through the things on top of her dresser. She picked up a pink lipstick and applied it to her lips.

"So what did Spike tell you?" Buffy stared in the mirror at Cordy.

The brunette picked up the magazine, thumbing through it. "Let me tell you, trying to get him to talk was like trying to break into Fort Knox. He wasn't forth coming at all. I even insulted his manhood by suggesting he was gay and he still wouldn't budge."

Buffy smiled then closed her eyes as thoughts and images of her hot session with Spike in the bathroom flooded her mind. There was nothing gay about Spike.

Cordy looked up from the magazine, crinkling her brow.

"Why are you smiling?"

Buffy's eyes opened. "Huh?"

"You were smiling."

"Oh I was just thinking about this a cute dress I wanted to buy at Macy's"

"Well anyway. It turns out he is seeing someone else but he didn't tell me her name. Guys are such pigs. They break up with you and already have you replaced just like that." Cordy snapped her fingers and began to reflect on her relationship with Angel. Tears filled her eyes. "I mean you treat them good and give them all the sex they want and they still kick you to the curb. I mean what did I do that was so wrong that made him want a slut like Darla."

Buffy walked over to the bed to hug her friend. "Because she was a slut and you're not. You were just too good for him and he didn't know how to handle it. Believe me from what I know about Darla, he isn't getting much. She will show him a few tricks. He'll realize that's all she's good for and then kick himself for letting you go. He's not intelligent enough to be with you. His brain is in his penis."

Cordy laughed. Buffy was making her feel better. She grabbed a tissue to wipe her eyes walking over to her mirror careful not to smear her mascara.

"Before we leave, we need to go by Faith's. I want to tell her what I know about Spike."

Buffy was ready to go. She stood up and walked over to the door. "Why? So what if he's seeing somebody else. You don't even know her name. What's the point? Come on Cordy, you know Faith had to know there was someone else."

"You're being really harsh about all this. What did she ever do to you?"

Buffy shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing"

Cordy started laughing. "It's funny, when I kept asking Spike who he was seeing, do you know he had the nerve to mention you."

Buffy looked at Cordy with questioning eyes, smirking. "Why is that funny?"

"Oh come on, you."

Buffy placed her hand on her hip. "What the hell is that suppose to mean?"

"Well, its Spike. He's a major hottie. I've seen the type the girls he deals with. We're talking nothing but top of the line. You know he once dated a runner up in a Miss Universe Pageant."

"Big whaup. You think I couldn't pull a guy like Spike."

"Oh honey, I didn't mean. Cordy started fumbling over her words. I mean you're cute but...oh you know what I mean." Cordy picked up her purse. "You ready to go."

Buffy was pissed her best friend was suggesting she wasn't good enough for a guy like Spike.

"What if I told you I was the one seeing Spike?"

Cordy mouth dropped open, staring into Buffy's eyes.

"Are you?"

Buffy arched her eyebrow. "Yep"


"You heard me. It's me."

Cordy was shocked and speechless.

"Close your mouth honey. You might let some flies in."

"How long has this been going on?" She asked, still staring at Buffy wide-eyed.

The cat was finally out of the bag and it was too late to take it back. Buffy had to tell her now. "Going on three months"

"Three months. We've only been in school three months." Cordy shouted.


"Oh my God and I bet you've had sex with him to."

"Oh yeah" Buffy smiled, getting off on the fact that she made Cordy eat her words.

"Oh my God. I can't believe you would do that to Faith. Hell, I can't believe you would do that to anyone. I guess you're not the person I thought you were."

"I'm still the same person. This thing between Spike and me just happened. I really think we were meant to be together Cordy. I really like him and I think I could fall in love with him and I want you to be happy for me."

"How can I be happy for you? You're stole him from Faith and you betrayed me. I do recall telling you how I felt about you getting involved with him and you just ignored it."

"I tried to fight my attraction to him but it was hard. Come on you of all people know I follow my heart more than anything."

"You're right and I thought you would have learned your lesson from Riley. This is so fucked up. Who else knows about you two?"

"Xander, my roommates, and now you."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Do you really want me to answer that? Look how you're acting. You would think I did this to you. It's only Faith and I'm sure she's over it by now. You should get over too and try to be happy that I found someone after all the shit Riley put me through."

"So is Spike just a rebound?"

"Of course not."

Cordy continued to stare at Buffy, shaking her head.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I just can't believe what I'm hearing. What is Faith going to think when I tell her my best friend is the reason Spike broke up with her?"

"What do you mean when you tell her? It's none of your business. This is exactly why I didn't tell you."

"Well how long were you planning on keeping it a secret until I was invited to the wedding."

Buffy knew that was a good question and she didn't have an answer.

"Tell me how serious is it because if my memory serves me correctly. He was seeing her while you two were together and I also know he's been seeing some chick named Drusilla so where does that leave you. To me, it sounds like you're on a list of girls he likes to fuck."

"How could you say that me? Its more than that."

"Oh really. He's so serious about you. Don't come running to me when he breaks your heart. He has a reputation you know or don't you care."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't I. Buffy I've known Spike a lot longer than you have. He has a lot of 'girlfriends' and he's in his last year of college. He is going to be out of here soon. I believe Hollywood is his destination. You have two more years here and I really don't think you're going with him and as for a long distance relationship, forget about it. He will dump you. He's good at that. Faith is not the only one he's done this to."

"Stop it, Cordy. I know what you're trying to do. Look, I like him. I enjoy being with him and I'm not going to stop seeing him because Faith will be upset."

"And what about me. Oh that's right you don't care what I think."

"Why can't you just be happy for me and try to see it from my side. Cordy he makes feel good about myself. He makes me smile. Tell me you haven't noticed how happy I've been this last couple of months. It's because of him."

Buffy was right. Cordy has seen a change in her but she just thought it had more to do with Buffy being away from the drama at home. She had no idea her best friend was seeing anyone. Also, Buffy had just broken up with a boyfriend of five years. Cordy wanted to be happy for her but not if she was going to be with Spike. It was wrong.

"I see a pattern here."

"What are you talking about it?"

"First you and Riley break up, then your parents, and now you're breaking up Faith and Spike. I guess this is your way of dealing with your issues."

"How could you say something like that? You know one has nothing to do with the other."

"I don't know that. You haven't talked about your parents or Riley since you've been here. Well at least not to me. Oh let me guess, good old Spike has become your sounding board. How sweet of him?"

"So what if he has? I couldn't talk to you. You were too busy hanging out with Faith and that cheating ass Angel to give me the time of day."

"Oh so that's it. You're getting back at Faith because she and I been hanging out together."

"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Sure I'll admit I was jealous of you spending so much time with Faith but I expected you to make new friends while you were here."

"Then why Buffy?"

"I told you it just happened and I don't regret doing it."

"Even if it hurts me." Cordy shook her head. "Man, I didn't know you were such a cold hearted bitch."

"Takes one to know one." Buffy stared daggers at her friend.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot, why hold back now."

"How do I know you want do the same thing to me?"

"Because I love you. You're like a sister to me. I've known you since third grade. We've been through everything together. I would never do that to you."

"You did it to Faith."

"I've known Faith less than a year and let me tell you I'm not impressed. She's a liar, a manipulator, a thief and a whore. The only reason I've tolerated her this long is because of you. Come on Cordy she has a stable of other guys including a boyfriend back home. Why so much emphasis on Spike? What is the big fucking deal about Spike?"

"She really likes him. Sure she dates a lot of guys but I think she would have changed for him but he was too busy with you."

"Well I really like the color pink but I don't wear it everyday."


"My point exactly. This isn't about Faith. It's about you forcing your morals on me. Look, I know I've said I would never do something like that to anybody but I found out you should never say never so damn me to hell. Lets just get pass this."

"What about Faith?"

"What about her?"

"Are you going to tell her?"


"Well I guess I have to."

"Why? Its not your place to tell her."

"Well somebody has to. Don't you think its going to be more than awkward when she sees you and Spike together and worse than that she is going to know I knew about it and didn't say anything. What kind of friend does that make me?"

Cordy had a point but if anyone was going to tell Faith she thought it should be Spike.

"I don't disagree with you. Look Cordy, I know this is hard for you to accept so can you just be neutral and not say anything. I'll see Spike later and let him know he should break the news to Faith."

"Okay, but it better happen soon or I'm going to tell her and Buffy so that you know, Karma is a bitch."

A/N: I hope you're still enjoying the story so leave me a review. I'm dieing to know what you think about this conversation. Whose side are you on?

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