Buffy and Willows first class was History. They arrived just before the bell rang and Willow went up to sit near the back, as Cordelia Chase and her sheep Harmony Kendall, Kendra Linwood and Amy Beeches sat along with the Jocks Riley Finn, Scott Hope, Parker Abrams and Jesse Spencer at the front and Buffy went to give the teacher a note from the principal.

The bell rang and Spike, Oz, Gunn, Xander and Wesley walked into the class and went to sit up the back, it was the only one they had all together and were prepared to take full advantage of it.

Cordelia caught the new girl's attention and smiled at her, she had definite popular potential. The class watched as she waved and indicated to the spare seat next to her, they were stunned when Buffy just rolled her eyes and went and sat next to Willow. Wild thoughts were running around the classroom.

Cordelia- 'How dare she publicly reject me. She is a loser now and forever.'

Buffy- 'Sit next to her, Yeah that'll happen. Brainless ditz, though not half as brainless as that Harmony character I'll bet'

Willow- 'She turned down Cordelia and now she's sitting beside me being my friend, she's soo nice, yay me'

Spike- 'Well, well, well, new girl has spunk. And now she's sitting next to Red after turning Cordelia down. I like her already.'

Xander- 'Wills got a new friend, good fro her, I'll wonder if she'll introduce me. Oh look Spikes almost drooling, wonder if he knows?

Oz- 'Willow seems so true, glad she made a new friend. Do I need a need guitar more spare guitar strings?'

Harmony- 'Cordys gonna be pissed. I wonder if Spike will ask me out? Course he would, Hello its me.'

Riley- 'Memo to self New girl = Hotness'

Parker- 'Wow new girl shes a new goal. I think I'll ask Harmony out, nothing else to do tonight.'

The mean History teacher, Mr. Cherrie began to speak.

"Buffy, would you like to tell us about yourself?"

"No" he ignored her.

"Great, come up the front and start with why you transferred to our fair school." She walked up the front and faced the class.

"My name is Buffy Summers I'm 18, I transferred from Los Angeles, because we wanted a fresh start after those schools in LA I don't like." "Why don't you like the LA schools." He was trying to make conversation.

"Because all three I went to expelled me."

"What you do" asked Spike from the back.

"Fought, bashed up the principals car and burned down the gym." "You can sit down now Miss Summers" Mr. Cherrie said shakily. "Buffy," Willow whispered when Buffy had sat down. "You really did all that?"

"Yeah, Do you still wanna be my friend."

"Friends, hell yeah!"


"Sorry Mr. Cherrie."

Buffy glanced over at the guy who had asked her the question. He had the perfect build and Buffy found herself checking him out. 'Faith would be so proud' she thought still looking at the eye candy.

Spike glanced up at the golden haired beauty to find her looking over at him with an unreadable look. He smirked at her and she raised an eyebrow questionably and then smiled and turned back to Willow who was innocently watching a boy with red hair who was sitting beside Spike.

Buffy looked at Willow who, when she realized she was being watched, blushed and turned back shyly to her workbook. 'Go Wills!' Buffy thought as the red haired boy turned to look at Willow but ended up locking eyes with Buffy. Buffy gave him a look that said 'so your looking at my friend are you?' he just shrugged and turned away.

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