Ch. 14: I Feel Pretty...Damn Sexy

"Oh, Buffy, that one’s beautiful! You should totally buy it!" Willow squealed.

"You think? You don't think it looks over the top?" She turned her body to catch a view of the back, which had a sheer overlay covering a rather low back, slightly gathered at the curve right above her ass. The dress was black with a shimmery embroidered sheath, making it sparkle under the lights. Thin spaghetti straps held the dress up smoothly, the fabric falling gracefully to her knees and dipping slightly in the back.

"No, it looks fabulous. You should buy it," Anya stated, nodding her approval. "Spike will definitely love you in that."

"I can't believe I'm going to Homecoming with an actual date this year. I mean, no offense to you guys or anything, but this is the first time I don't have to pretend I'm more interested in the punch or the bathroom when a slow song comes up." She twirled once more in front of the mirror. "I'm glad my last dance is turning out so well."

Anya emerged from her own dressing room with a tight red dress with a plunging neckline. Quickly doing a catwalk for the girls, she added, "And the party afterwards is going to be awesome! My parents are giving us a lot more freedom, and since we're all couples, we don't have to worry about leaving anyone out." She smiled appreciatively at her reflection and then returned to her room.

Buffy began changing back into her jeans and t-shirt, feeling completely dowdy after having swirled around in soft fabrics. The girls began heading to the Espresso Pump for a coffee break.

"God, I thought I'd never find a dress. You know, when you're ready to buy--that's when you can never find what you're looking for," Buffy commented as she plopped into the plush wingback chair to rest her feet. Sipping her coffee, she savored its energizing warmth and sighed contentedly. "Now that I actually have a dress and shoes, I can just worry about the night itself."

"What's to worry? You have a date, you have a ride, you have a party to go to afterwards--I repeat, what's to worry?" Willow asked as she joined her in the cozy corner.

"Willow's right. I mean, last year was harder because you didn't have a date but still came out with us, and the year before that you didn't even come. This year's pretty much perfect. What?" she inquired when she got glares from both girls.

"You don't have to remind me that I was unwanted last year. I felt it the whole night," Buffy grumbled.

"Buffy, you weren't unwanted. It was just a different group dynamic. But let's not dwell on the past. You have a hot date and a hot dress. Focus on the good," Willow stated.

"Focus on the good. Mmm, Spike." She giggled.

"You called?"

"Spike!" Buffy exclaimed when she heard his voice behind her. "What are you guys doing here? I thought we were meeting at the movies?" She scooted over to let him perch on the side of her chair while Xander and Oz pulled up chairs.

"Well, we got here a little early and thought we'd just hang out here. What's this? Bags? Did you find a dress?" he asked, trying to poke into the shopping bags.

Buffy swatted at his hands. "Hey! No peeking! You don't get to see the dress till that night."

"Oh, but you'll like it," Anya reassured, grinning. "You'll definitely like it."

"Ooh, Anya's seal of approval. That might be dangerous." He laughed while dodging Anya's fists.

"So you guys all have dresses now? No possibility of just being naked anymore?" Xander chirped.

"Ha ha. You guys have it so easy. Suit, tie--what more is there? Have some pity for us. Pity enough to buy us some popcorn and Junior Mints at the theatre."

"What? That stuff costs a fortune!" Xander complained.

"God, Xander. Can you not be so cheap?" Anya snapped, rolling her eyes.

"Well, it is. It's insane, what they make us pay. You know it's overpriced," he answered, annoyed.

"Yeah, but you should be willing to pay. That's what the guy does--he pays for the girl. He doesn't complain about how it's overpriced and how the girl isn't worth spending a few dollars for," she retorted.

"Oh, did they come out with a new edition of the 'How to be a good boyfriend' manual? Guess I didn't get my copy, since I'm such a sucky boyfriend." Xander got up and walked away from the rest of the group, who had tried not to listen to their growing argument.

"Oh my god, I can't believe he's so sensitive," Anya muttered as she got up to go after him.

"Is our oldest couple having troubles?" Buffy asked when a few minutes of silence had passed.

"Nah, they fight all the time," Willow said, trying to wave away their dispute.

"Yeah, but it does seem to be more often and more serious these days," Oz noted, looking at the two who were heatedly talking right outside the café.

"Yeah, well, they've been together for a long time. I'm sure it'll pass." Spike smiled reassuringly at Buffy, whose brow was furrowed in concern. "But tell me about your dress. What's it like?"

Buffy brightened at the change in subject. "I want it to be a surprise! But I'll tell you the color, if you're good." She poked him in the ribs teasingly.

"Hey, I'm always good."

Willow and Buffy groaned, and Oz and Spike shared a slight grin. The group chatted on, and Xander and Anya eventually returned. Nothing was said, and they simply rejoined the conversation until it was time to head to the movies.


The night finally arrived, and the girls all gathered at Buffy's to get ready. Giggling, swearing, rushing, and waiting all swirled around the small bedroom where they were preparing.

"Can you help zip me up?"

"Is my hair falling? I swear to god if my hair is falling--"

"What time are the guys coming again?"

"Maybe I shouldn't do the earrings. Should I do the earrings?"

"God, I look great!"

"Where are my shoes? Are those my shoes?"


"I've decided something. The best things about Homecoming? One--getting ready. You know, the whole dressy girly thing with the nervousness of wanting to look really nice for your date." Buffy smiled coyly at Spike and squeezed his arm.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Willow responded as she toed off her shoes. "The dance itself is not really the cool part. It's just our excuse to get all pretty."

"Totally. I'm all for the way you guys look tonight." Xander gave a thumbs up to all.

"And two? This--the part where you go to someone's house and take the shoes off and kick back and enjoy talking about how people looked and how dirty the dancing was and all. And the whole not going back home is great, too, especially when we get to stay here with a pool and a hot tub." Motioning to the house and the surroundings, she smiled eagerly at her friends.

Anya turned to address the group, as if reciting a speech she'd prepared. "Okay, so here are the house rules. We have to stay in the pool house, because the parents don't trust us not to tear up the house, which is fine because then I don't have to worry about making sure people stay out of my parents' things--not that you guys would, but still. Plus we don't have to pay overtime for our maids because anything we mess up we have to clean up--which is rule 2. Rule 3 is that you have to follow what I say about sleeping arrangements and all that." Anya watched to make sure people were listening. "Okay. Xander and I get the bedroom, well, because. That leaves one couple for the living room and the other couple for the place right outside the pool house. Now, it's supposed to be a nice night, so the outside should still be warm, and we have the rug and blankets and everything. So, what's it going to be?"

"Actually, I wouldn't mind sleeping outside, if you don't mind," Buffy said, turning to Spike.

"Under the stars? With you? Sounds perfect," he murmured, his arm tightening around her.

"Cool. So Oz and Willow in the living room?"

They nodded, and Anya smiled. "Good. All set. So, swimsuits everyone? Not that we're going to swim right away, but just so we can get into something a little more comfortable."

Eventually, everyone got into bikinis and shorts and tees, oddly contrasting with the elegant hairstyles and makeup of earlier. They all ended up in the living room, sprawled on the floor and on the couch in an awkward circle.

"So, who's up for a game of 'I've never...'? Well, even if you're not, I want to play, so let's play. Yay!" Anya clapped her hands in an attempt to get everyone excited.

Buffy bit her lip, unsure of how she was going to feel about revealing such intimate details. The last time she'd played this game, she'd won hands-down because of her lack of experience. Now, with both Angel and Spike on her list, she was unlikely to keep all 10 fingers up. She hoped Anya wouldn't call her on it, but that was doubtful. Unfortunately, everyone else seemed willing to play; with a sigh, she help up her 10 fingers and shrugged her shoulders at Spike.

Spike smiled reassuringly and tilted his head at her, grinning at her nervousness. "Give me all you got, An," he teased, turning on his cockiness.

"I'll go first. And I'll start out easy, because I'm nice like that. Hm, but that might be hard for me. Let's see...I've never had sex in front of other people." She looked around and saw that everyone kept their fingers up. "Gee, no one with voyeuristic kinks?" She ignored the rolling eyes and shaking heads and looked at Buffy expectantly.

"I'm next? How about I go with an easier one, like I've never had sex before," Buffy intoned, knowing that this particular confession was not going to be a shock to anyone. Oz, Anya, and Xander went down to nine, but Spike kept all of his fingers up. She quirked her eyebrow at him in surprise, and Spike merely cocked his in return. Buffy noted this and reminded herself to ask later.

"So, the Great Divide has occurred. Let's get to the nitty gritty, shall we? I've never used an electric helper to have an orgasm." Spike smirked as he watched all the girls take away a finger. "Had my suspicions about you guys. Anya, have you corrupted everyone with your toys?"

"I feel the need to share my expertise, and Buffy and Willow both are quite grateful to me. There's nothing wrong with a little help," Anya retorted, her 8 fingers clenched in defiance. "Anyway, next?"

"My turn?" Oz asked rhetorically, buying time to think of a good one. "I've never--" he paused mid-sentence. "Wait, did you guys hear something?" He frowned and then crept to the open window that looked out onto the pool. "Andrew?"

His question was followed quickly by two figures sprinting across the yard, one with long hair flying behind her. Spike took off after the two figures, always up for a chase, while Anya followed shortly.

"Andrew! Get your ass over here!" she yelled at her little brother, her annoyance clearly shining in her tone. Andrew was notorious for videotaping her escapades and phone conversations, for blackmail purposes only, of course.

Spike tackled Andrew from behind, and Andrew refused to be caught alone, dragging down his partner with him.

"Dawn?" Spike noted with surprise as he caught sight of her flushed face.

The two peeping toms were dragged back to the pool house, Andrew whining under Anya's innumerable punches. "Ow! God! I'm sorry, okay? We were just listening. I wasn't taping anything! Geez!"

Buffy jumped to her feet when she saw her sister coming in with Spike. "Oh my god. You have got to be kidding me. Dawn? What the hell are you doing here? Does Mom know where you are?"

"Spaz much? What, you think you're the only one allowed to do co-ed slumber parties? I'm supposed to be at Janice's, and we were on our way over there. Andrew just forgot some things, so we stopped by. We happened to walk past here, and--"

"Happened to walk past the pool house? Why would you do that? It's totally behind the house, in the back, and if you were just picking up Andrew's things, you wouldn't come back here. Andrew?" Anya snapped, grabbing his arm.

"God, lay off the physical abuse, will you? So we were listening. What's the big deal? You should be flattered that we even wanted to hear about your lives." He rubbed his arm, trying to rid it of the red fingermarks.

"It's not like there's anything we don't know anyway, please," Dawn remarked, sulking.

"So then why don't you play?" Oz asked, completely unruffled by their appearance. His eyes sparkled a little with mischief that only Willow noticed. She stifled a chuckle.

"Not a bad idea. Since you guys are so eager to listen to our secrets, why don't you share some. Give a little, get a little," Spike commented, looking pointedly at Dawn.

She blushed furiously, trying to keep her nonchalant posture but failing miserably.

"What? Spike," Buffy whispered, pulling him aside. "I don't want to share my thoughts in front of her! She's my baby sister!"

"Buffy, she's not a baby. There's no point in pretending she doesn't know these things." He leaned in a little more and whispered, "And besides, she'll squirm a little and then run out. No point in making her hate you. She just wants to be you sometimes. Humor her."

Buffy sighed loudly and then turned to her sister. "You can stay, I guess, but nothing we say in here leaves the room." She plopped herself back onto the floor where they were all sitting and motioned for Spike to join her.

"See, that's why Spike's cool. I'm not a child, you know," Dawn said, flipping her hair back in boredom.

"Yeah, Spike's cool. All of you guys are cool. So, I'm in!" Andrew commented, falling into the circle, sitting Indian style and looking eager to participate.

"Andrew, I'm going to make your life miserable," Anya growled, returning to her seat in the circle.

"An, lay off. Andrew's cool, some of the time." Xander smiled at Andrew, trying to make the tension dissipate a little.

"Fine, but only because you say so and because you'll have to get me to release all this tension later," she grumbled.

The others politely pretended not to hear her comment and made room to accommodate the newcomers.

"So, since we've got newcomers, what say we make them answer the questions we already began with, and then make them go?" Xander asked innocently. The circle nodded approval, since they'd seated themselves in between Buffy and Willow, and quickly Andrew and Dawn were initiated. Thankfully, they both came through unscathed with ten fingers intact.

"My turn!" Andrew said with glee. "Hm. Well, I've never done a lot of things. How about, I've never received oral sex. Is that how you say it?" He waved his ten fingers in front and watched the rest of the fingers go down, save Dawn's.

Anya squealed in delight as she saw Buffy's finger go down. "Yeah, Buffy! You and Spike are moving along nicely!"

Buffy's face tensed and frowned, as she quietly commented, "Not Spike," while Spike shrugged and shook his head.

"Wait, you and Angel?" Willow responded without thinking. She covered her mouth with her hands, apologetic that she'd pushed the idea out into the open.

Spike tried not to let the idea get to him, but he'd never liked the college boy to begin with. He just looked down and played with his thumb ring.

"Whoa! Angel?" Anya shrieked, oblivious to the discomfort that was starting to emerge. She batted Xander away as he tried to shut her up. "Come on. You gotta tell a little. How come you didn't say anything? That's usually pretty noteworthy."

"Well, it wasn't. I don't know what you guys are talking about anyway. It was, well, weird, and very unexpected."

"Huh? It wasn't good?" Willow asked cautiously, unable to rein in her questions.

"No, it wasn't. I wasn't expecting it, and he just, well, all of sudden he was down there and I was like, 'whoa, get back up here,' and it was just weird. Didn't feel good, wasn't expecting it, done. I didn't do him, though that's probably what he wanted. Any more questions?" Buffy breathed in and braced herself for Anya's comments. She supposed it was good that she got it out; she'd been hiding the information for a while now.

"Well, all I have to say is Angel must have sucked, and not in a good way," Anya declared, as if dismissing him.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with Anya. If it didn't feel good, he didn't do it right," Willow said, catching Oz's eyes and blushing slightly.

"Maybe I just don't like it," Buffy responded.

"And maybe Angel just wasn't very good. You let Spike have a go and tell me what you think. He's gotta be good with that tongue of his," Anya stated authoritatively. She laughed at the widened eyes of Buffy, Dawn, and Andrew.

"I think that's a compliment," Spike chuckled, curling his tongue for everyone's perusal.

"See? That's what I'm talking about. There's got to be talent in there," Anya said as she pointed to Spike's face.

Buffy pushed Anya's fingers away, her face completely red with embarrassment. "Moving on! Moving on, please."

Everyone then looked to Dawn, who still seemed a little shell-shocked but completely enthralled by the movements of Spike's tongue. "Oh," Dawn said when she realized why everyone was looking at her. "Um, okay. I've never given oral sex." She noticed that Buffy's fingers stayed put while everyone else had lost a finger. "You've never?" Dawn asked her sister.

"Nope. Angel may have pushed because he thought he was going to get some, but I just wasn't about that. Good thing, too," Buffy added, shrugging. She and her sister shared a smile.

"Andrew? You've? With who?" Anya yelled out, shocked at her little brother's active sex life.

"Hey, sharing's not part of the game. Buffy was just being nice about sharing, but the rules don't say I have to," Andrew said confidently. He happily held up his nine fingers and looked to Oz for the next turn.

Oz frowned slightly in thought, tapping his seven fingers on the carpet. "I've never been with someone of the same sex." He avoided Willow's glare as Willow, Anya, and Andrew put down fingers.

"Wha'?" Xander muttered as he saw his girlfriend and his best friend with one less finger up. "Huh?"

"Not with each other, though Willow is kinda cute," Anya commented, giving Willow a wink. "It was before we were dating, at this summer camp, and you know how those summer camps go."

"I do," Willow agreed. "It was just this one night when we were all sort of experimenting."

"You never told me that!" Buffy exclaimed, her surprise evident on her face.

"Yeah, well, it's not like I was dating her or anything. It started as a dare, and it was just curiosity," Willow commented nonchalantly.

"Mine was just because there were no boys around and we were horny," Anya stated. "But then I met Xander." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and then turned to her brother. "But you--you've been with a guy?"

"Again with the no sharing rule," Andrew declared, shrugging his shoulders with a grin.

"Xander, make him share!" Anya complained.

Xander turned to Andrew and tried to convince him. "Hey, man, we let you in on the game, so you should share a little. Everyone else is, and you know what they say about peer pressure--good for the soul," Xander joked.

"Nope, no sharing," Andrew repeated.

"I can share for him," Dawn slyly interrupted, enjoying the look of horror on Andrew's face and the attention she was getting from everyone.

"Now we're getting somewhere," Spike said, his smirk widening. "What's it gonna be, Andrew? Are you gonna share or is Dawn gonna air out your undies?"

"Wow! Look at the time. Dawn, let's go." Andrew jumped up, took Dawn's hand, and dragged her out of the room, despite her protestations.

The gang all looked around at each other before howling in laughter.

"Did you see Andrew's face when Dawn threatened to out him?" Anya burst out between gasps of laughter.

"And did you see Dawn's face when Spike did that thing with his tongue?" Willow added while holding her stomach with laughter.

"No, but did you see Andrew's?" Buffy shrieked with laughter at Spike's sudden confusion. They all burst into renewed guffaws when he began blushing at their insinuations.

"Used to the women falling at your feet but not the men? You're lucky I haven't shown you the photos he's taken of you--remember all those times you came over to swim? Yup, Andrew's got lots of those shots," Anya declared, enjoying the look of shock on Spike's face.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me about his crush. I thought Andrew had a crush on Xander. Guess both siblings moved from Xander to Spike?" Buffy teased, poking Xander's arm. "I mean, I had a hunch with Dawn, but Andrew? How long have you known? And why didn't you say anything?" Buffy demanded of Anya.

"Well, family has to stick together a little, you know. I didn't know for sure until one day I caught him with pictures from the pool. There was a whole folder of them on his desktop--stupid place to save them if you ask me. Anyway, one day I had to use his computer because mine was down, and he swore me to secrecy. But now that you guys all know, I don't have to keep his secret!" Anya looked relieved at this new turn of events. "You know how bad I am with secrets, but I managed to keep this one for a while."

"So is he out? I mean, has he come out to your parents and everything?" Willow asked, finally recovering from her giggles.

"Not yet. I think he's still figuring things out--he's got a little crush on Dawn as well, just not as big as his crush on Spike. You okay now?" Anya asked Spike, who looked like he was finally regaining focus.

"Just a little shocked, but it's completely understandable that Andrew and Dawn like me. I mean, I am pretty hot." He laughed and merely blocked the punches and pillows thrown at him. "But now that the kiddies are gone, we can get down and dirty with the game. And I believe it was Willow's turn, right?"

"Yes, it was. Are we really going to play till someone's out?"

"We have to, otherwise why bother?" Anya pointed out. She wiggled her five fingers up in the air again, as if to move things along.

"Okay, then. I've never skinny dipped." Willow noticed that Anya, Xander, Oz, and Spike all put down a finger. "Geez! What, did you guys all have a party without me?"

"Well, I wasn't there, if it makes you feel any better," Buffy muttered.

"You know, we can change that tonight, if you're interested," Spike commented, daring her with his tone.

"I don't know about that. We'll see," Buffy replied, clearly shaking her head.

"Well, worth a shot," Spike concluded. "Xander?"

"Looks like we need to move things along, right? I've never been with someone older than I am. Ha!" he yelled triumphantly as he saw everyone's fingers go down except for his. "That's right, who can top that?"

"It's not fair. I can only say things I've never done, and clearly I've done more than pretty much everyone here," Anya complained.

"Yeah, but you're still winning, or losing, or whatever you want to call it," Willow noted.

"Fine, let's see if I can keep everyone else from getting any more fingers down. How about, I've never had a one-night stand." Anya looked triumphant at all the hands staying intact until she reached Oz. "What? How can you have had a one-night stand? That's for college!"

"Well, if camp for you was girl-on-girl action, camp for me was a one-night stand," he said calmly.

Frustrated with his emotionless response, Anya turned to Buffy to continue.

Buffy hesitated for a moment and then said, "I've never touched myself in front of someone else."

Spike and Anya removed a finger. Anya only had two fingers remaining. With this in mind, Spike stated, "I've never fantasized about a teacher. Anya, don't even pretend that you're keeping your fingers up. We all know about your obsession with Mr. Kerns." He laughed as she pouted while losing a finger, but his mouth opened in surprise when he saw Willow put down a finger. "What? You had a thing for Mr. Kerns, too?"

Willow's face flamed and her voice faltered a little when she said, "Can't I pull an Andrew and refuse to share?" The looks on everyone's faces told her otherwise. "Fine. It wasn't like I wanted to have a dream about Mr. Cadman."

"Mr. Cadman? The gay French teacher?" Buffy exclaimed. "What kind of dream?"

"It's all hazy, really," Willow said quietly. "All I remember is speaking in French and eating Nutella. That's all I'm going to say." Willow looked down in shame while her friends laughed at her unease. Oz pulled her into a tight hug and reassured her, smiling. "Okay. Let's get Anya out of here, shall we? Oz? It's up to you."

"No pressure. I've never watched porn." Oz waited for everyone to fess up. And fess up they did. He was the only one to stay put; not even Willow was innocent.

"I told you getting that porno was going to haunt us later," Buffy muttered, looking at her co-conspirators.

"You guys had a girls night and watched porn?" Xander gasped. "And that is exactly why I love all of you. Feel free to love each other in front of me."

"Looks like I won!" Anya exclaimed.

Buffy sighed. "You know that just means you're the dirtiest of us all. I don't know why you're so proud of that."

Anya rolled her eyes. "You don't need to be jealous, Buffy. We can solve some of your deficiencies tonight! In fact, why don't we all go for a dip in the hot tub?"

"Not the pool?" Willow asked, slowly stretching her legs out.

Anya shook her head. "We do the pool all the time. Let's do something a little different." She stood up and shimmied out of her tee and shorts, leading the way out.

The others slowly followed, and Buffy eagerly took Spike's hand as they left the pool house and headed towards the hot tub. When it was finally ready, the group slowly got in and savored the feel of the hot water against their skin.

"Skinny dip, anyone?" Anya asked with a grin, reaching for the knots on the top of her bikini.

"What? No!" Buffy replied, making hand motions for her to stop.

"Why not? We're among friends, and you can graduate saying that you've gone skinny-dipping, though it doesn't really count since we're already in the water and a hot tub isn't a true body of water like an ocean or even a pool," Anya commented.

"I'll do it!" Willow said suddenly. Seeing Buffy's shocked face, she added, "Anya's right. Why not? Better now with friends while we're all awake and together than at some stupid frat party where we feel pressured because we've never done it before. Besides, the bubbles will conceal everything." Turning to Oz, she nodded and then suddenly both of them threw their bottoms off towards the pool.

Spike started laughing, and Buffy remained speechless.

"Whoo!!!!" Anya yelled as she pulled off her bottom and untied her top to join the strewn bathing suits now collecting in a heap by the side of the tub.

"Come on, luv. We're not looking. Let loose!" Spike urged as he began taking his bathing suit off.

Buffy gulped, looked down at herself in self-consciousness, and then finally gave in. She removed her bathing suit as quickly as possible, threw it by the others, and then sank into the water until the bubbles tickled her earlobes.

"Woohooo!!!" Xander yelled out, and he was soon joined by the others, their laughter and infectious hoots filling the air until an annoyed neighbor complained, which only led to more giggles.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Anya said, playfully splashing Buffy.

"Hey, hey, easy. No need to lose the water level," Spike interrupted before their splashing became too violent. "Let's just sit back in our nakedness, enjoy the stars, not wonder what we all look like under the water, and smile. Wish I had a cigarette." Spike played with Buffy's hair instead and leaned his head back to gaze up into the sky.

"Now that the excitement is over, what exactly are we supposed to do in a hot tub?" Oz asked, his hands bouncing on the jet streams.

"I think this is the good part, just sitting. I guess if you were alone with your honey, you'd do a little more, but since none of you were into voyeurism, I'm thinking that option is out." Anya sighed. "Well, I'm hot. I'm going to go to the pool. Enjoy the show!" she cried as she got up and ran to dive into the pool.

"Well, that was--"

Oz's comment was interrupted by Xander's yelp of "Don't look!" as he jumped out and then cannonballed into the water.

"--interesting," he finished. The remaining four looked at each other, pretending they hadn't just checked out their friends' nakedness.

"So, I'm definitely staying in the hot tub," Buffy declared. Spike chuckled in response.

"Now I can say that I've skinny-dipped," Willow stated, grinning. "Now my life is complete." She rolled her eyes and then sank lower into the bubbles.

"The bubbles are nice," Oz commented. "The lack of suit does make it feel a little different. Don't you think?"

"They are pretty nice, and the skinny-dipping does add an element of excitement, I must say," Buffy said. She sighed contentedly. "I've always loved hot tubs. The hot water and the massage jets and the steam...just makes me all oozy inside." She closed her eyes and let her hands float on the water.

"Oozy, eh? So then if I were to leave you and the hot tub alone," he said, starting to rise from the water.

"No! I mean, no, silly. Sit down." Buffy grabbed Spike's arm before he could show more than his lovely six pack. "Don't share too much with the others," Buffy teased, snuggling him while he returned to his seat.

They looked into each other's eyes for a while, stupid grins on both faces. Willow and Oz looked at each other and nodded.

"Ah, young love. If you guys promise not to look while we get out, you can have the hot tub to yourselves," Willow said.

Buffy slowly looked away from Spike's blue eyes. "No, you guys don't have to--"

"Don't worry about it," Oz interrupted. "Not much of a water person anyway."

"Ready?" Willow asked Oz. "Okay guys, close 'em."

Buffy and Spike complied, and soon they were left alone in the hot tub.

Smiling demurely, Buffy continued to float her hands on the water, unsure of what to do now that they were completely alone. "Nice night."

"Pretty damn beautiful," Spike murmured. He gently floated his hands towards hers until they touched and bobbed against each other. He slowly ran his fingers over her hands, up her arms, and against the pounding pulse of her neck. He leaned in, but Buffy stopped him before he could kiss her.

"Wait, what about the others? Shouldn't we not--"

"I don't think anyone's going to be watching," Spike interrupted, motioning to the couple in the pool who were making out in the deep end. "Willow and Oz already went inside." He brushed away her hair, slightly damp from the steam of the jets, and swept his thumb against drops of water that clung to her.

Buffy held her breath, watching his hands caress her wet skin. When his hands finally stopped, she slowly looked into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes that looked at her like there was no one else in the world. Those eyes warmed her, held her close, drew her in; their lips touched at last, tentative and unsure, as if sudden movement might shatter the preciousness of the night.

She opened her mouth to him, and their tongues began to dance sensuously in the moonlight. The hot, moist taste of his mouth spread through her body, urged on by the heat of the hot tub, and Buffy felt her heart racing with every touch. Her body naturally moved towards him, and she felt her breasts push up against Spike's chest. It thrilled her, the closeness of his bare skin, and she felt her body get even hotter. And when his hand began to move down her neck to tenderly sweep against her nipples, she couldn't stifle the soft moan that trembled in her throat. It was too hot, too much, and she broke away from him, stilled his hand against her chest. Her heart throbbed with urgency and desire, which threatened to crash over her fragile body. Slowly breathing, Buffy looked up at Spike.

His eyes were still closed, and Buffy could see the intense longing that was tightening his body. She kissed him lightly on the lips, and his eyes fluttered open. She smiled shyly at him, and Spike couldn't help but smile back. They gazed at each other for a while, and finally Spike spoke.

"Ready to get out? Don't want the hot water to burn us," he said lightly.

"Yeah, it's getting pretty hot," she whispered, casting her eyes down. "But--"

"Why don't I get out first and then hand you your suit?"

Her eyes thanked him, and she discreetly looked away while he got out of the water, though she did peek at his ass as he walked towards their clothes.

"Woohoo!!" Xander called out as he saw Spike bend over to put on his bathing suit. His laughter was met with a bathing suit-clad Spike giving him the finger as he walked over to the tub.

Buffy rolled her eyes as she deftly put on her bathing suit before climbing out of the water. "Jealous, Xander?" she called out on Spike's behalf. Throwing their bathing suits into the pool, she said, "Just so we don't have to see you guys."

"Fine, but you're missing out!" Anya teased as she put her bikini back on. The two slowly emerged from the pool, and Anya wrung out her hair as she walked towards the pool house. "Towels are here in the cabinet. We're off to bed. Blankets and stuff are here as well. Take whatever you want. Good night!" she called out quickly, dragging Xander with her.

"Guess they were tired?" Buffy asked, grabbing a towel to dry herself off.

"Or really horny, knowing Anya," he added, drying himself as he walked towards the house. "You wanna grab our stuff and get ready for bed?"

"Sounds good. I'm not really tired though," Buffy commented, toweling off her hair.

"Not to worry. I'm sure we'll figure something out," Spike noted with a grin. He avoided her towel-snap and followed her into the house.

A few moments later they were all set up with blankets and pillows, out under the stars and the warm California night air. Lying next to each other, both clad in t-shirts and shorts, Buffy and Spike soaked in the idea that they were really going to spend the night together, no parents or curfew hanging over their heads.

"I can't believe my mom let me stay out tonight. I can't believe I'm here with you," she whispered, lying on her side and looking at Spike.

He held her hand and propped his head on his elbow. "I'm so glad she let you. I'd have felt pretty stupid out here by my lonesome." He grinned at her sheepishly. "And I know I said it before, but you looked so beautiful tonight. And even now, you're still so beautiful," he murmured, staring at her intimately.

"You're pretty hot yourself," she answered, giggling a little at the nervousness of spending the night next to this gorgeous flesh. Buffy was still partially in awe that she was here with him, with Spike, her boyfriend. The knowledge filled her with contentment, and she couldn't help but sigh in satisfaction.

"Come here," Spike said, pulling her into his chest. He sucked in his breath when her soft hair brushed against his face, tickling him and teasing him. Looking down at her, he noticed her long lashes, her bright hazel eyes clear and honest, her kissable lips--everything about her drew him in.

Buffy enjoyed the strength of his body against hers, and she tried not to shiver with excitement. The whole night was ahead of them, theirs to kiss and touch and simply be--and the thought made her quiver deliciously. She knew her own limits, what she felt comfortable with, but the way he looked at her, those eyes burning into her and the starry sky behind him--it made her forget all but his touch and his presence. She closed her eyes and waited for him to kiss her.

And he did, kissed her with such tenderness that her toes felt loved. Buffy threaded her fingers through his hair, wanting to hold him close to her so that he would never leave--and never stop doing that thing with his tongue. Her other hand began running down his arms and his back, luxuriating in the taut muscles under his t-shirt. She found the edge of his shirt and couldn't resist running her hands across his bare skin.

Her bare hands sizzled against his skin, and his heartbeat began to hurdle through the air. Would she let him touch her, feel the secret places on her body? There was so much Spike wanted to do, to touch, to taste that his emotions began to overwhelm and unnerve him. This girl moved him in ways he'd never felt before. He prayed that she wouldn't stop him as he eased his hands down her body, fluttering against her belly and then grazing her breast. She moaned, and he breathed in sharply as he began to circle his thumb against her hardening nipple.

Buffy clenched his shirt in her hands as she succumbed to the swirling motions of his hands. It was arousing, but she wanted more, needed more. Hoping he'd follow her example, she pulled on his shirt to take it off.

Spike paused to throw his shirt off and, seeing the desire in her eyes, reached for hers as well. She didn't have a bra, and Spike's heart skipped as he saw her naked glorious body. Unable to resist, he bent his head over her and licked her slowly. She murmured incoherently, and Spike dove in for more, suckling her and swirling his tongue against her nipple. Her whimpers fueled his impossibly hard erection, and he couldn't help but rub against her thighs. He wanted more--he wanted to rub his tongue against every inch of her skin. Would she let him? He glanced up at her face and saw her eyes closed, her hair splayed against the pillow, her cheeks flushed with arousal. He dared, beginning his descent.

Buffy's eyes flew open when she felt Spike's kisses move southward. Fear started to grip her, but she couldn't stop him, even while her body was calling out warnings. They were drowned out by her kittenish mewls of delight, and she wanted to feel him down there; she wanted to know what the other girls were talking about and whether Angel really was a poor example.

Spike suddenly realized what he was doing, how far he was pushing. He hesitated, breathing in her excitement, and then whispered, "Buffy, do you--"

"Don't stop," she moaned, not even wanting him to finish his sentence. She slid her fingers inside her shorts, indicating her desire to continue.

His desire skated up and down his body, doing spins on his throbbing cock. He tried to settle his heartbeat as he eased her shorts and panties down her body. He groaned with pleasure as he saw her trimmed pussy in front of him, waiting for his touch. Sliding his hands down her inner thighs to spread them out, Spike leaned in and licked.

"Ooohh," Buffy gasped at his touch. Her instinct was to press her thighs together and yet push her pussy into his face. The feeling was exquisite, and she held her breath, waiting for his next move.

Spike kissed her clit with languorous strokes of his tongue, not rushing his movements. He whirled around her clit from top to bottom, from side to side, and then ended up thrusting his tongue into her slit to taste her growing wetness. She was so delicious, and he moaned into her as his cock pressed against the ground with desire.

Buffy's whole body was tensing up and tightening like a coil pressed together by incredibly talented hands. She'd started out caressing Spike's hair, but she could no longer control her movements. It was all she could do to stay conscious while his tongue pressed against her intimately. He'd started out slowly, but now his licking and sucking pushed her tighter and tighter until she felt she could not clench her eyes any more could no longer breathe could no longer bite her lip could no longer whimper could no longer--

"Spiiiiiiike," she cried out, her body finally releasing its tense coils of desire. "Oh god," she whispered, her voice high-pitched with pleasured pain and astonishment at the amazing sensations pulsing through her and shooting out at her pussy.

"Mmmmm," Spike hummed against her, pressing his tongue against her vibrations.

When she finally caught her breath and wasn't deafened by her own breathing, Buffy was crushed by another wave of desire--this time to give him pleasure. She swiftly straddled him, kissing him hard and tasting her own cum on his tongue.

Spike nearly came right there, feeling her body on top of his. He pressed her naked body against his chest, savoring the feel of her heat against him.

Buffy ravished his mouth, but it wasn't enough. She pushed herself down, sliding his shorts down with her.

"Buffy! You--"

"Shh," she mumbled in between his legs. Suddenly it was before her, his hard penis wet with cum. She wasn't sure how to start, what to do, but she merely reminded herself of what his tongue felt like on her and tried to imitate it.

"Oh, god!" Spike yelped as she licked his head slowly. He'd been completely caught by surprise by her sudden actions, and his mind was whirling with eddies of lust. He clenched the blanket beneath him and kept his eyes shut tight as she lowered her mouth onto him completely. Aching for more, he pressed his hips into the ground to keep from thrusting hard into her and fucking her mouth. He began sweating, the reins on his hunger barely in check.

Buffy felt powerful, her small sucking movements making him moan in such delectable ways. She wanted more, wanted to hear him beg for her. Adding her hands, she began handling him tighter, cupping his balls and running her lips and hands up and down his shaft.

"Oh, fuck, Buffy!" he breathed, his whole body wanting to come in her. "Buff--I--god--Buffy--I--" he babbled. He grabbed for her, wanting to save her from his climax, but she wouldn't budge. "Buffy, I--"

"Mmmmmm," she hummed against his cock, the vibrations pushing him over the cliff.

"Buuuuuuuuffffyy!" he roared as he came in her mouth, unable to hold back any longer.

Buffy kept her mouth on him, holding him tight while he released himself. She swallowed a little at a time, and she relished every whimper that he made while she held him. Finally, he was done, and she let him go with a last lick of his head.

"Oh my god," he mumbled as he threw his head back on his pillow. Buffy crawled up his body to kiss him lightly before cuddling in his arms.

"Hi," she whispered giddily as she wrapped her arms around his tired body.

"Hi. Hello. God. You're amazing," he sighed as he nuzzled into her hair.

Arms intertwined and legs laced together, they fell asleep under the stars.

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