Rated: NC-17
Categories: Serial Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Completed: Yes
Word count: 62912 Read: 77499
Published: 09/22/2003 Updated: 11/20/2003
1. Paradox by SinisterChic [Reviews - 2] (1560 words)
2. Human Tendencies by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1550 words)
3. Shell Shock by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1934 words)
4. Identity by SinisterChic [Reviews - 1] (1889 words)
5. New Arrivals by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (2565 words)
6. Enigma by SinisterChic [Reviews - 1] (1649 words)
7. Lies? by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1941 words)
8. Getting to Know You by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1714 words)
9. Ashes, Ashes, they All Fall Down by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1761 words)
10. Harsh Realities by SinisterChic [Reviews - 1] (1523 words)
11. Seeking Help by SinisterChic [Reviews - 1] (1912 words)
12. Seeking Comfort by SinisterChic [Reviews - 1] (1279 words)
13. Confessions by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1614 words)
14. Impact by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1682 words)
15. Truths by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1817 words)
16. Secrets Out by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (2629 words)
17. Decisions by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (2356 words)
18. Love and Hate by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1957 words)
19. The Absence of Love (AKA Passion) by SinisterChic [Reviews - 2] (1690 words)
20. Fade Out by SinisterChic [Reviews - 2] (2189 words)
21. Future Events Part I by SinisterChic [Reviews - 2] (566 words)
22. A Cry in the Dark by SinisterChic [Reviews - 2] (2535 words)
23. Come Back to Me by SinisterChic [Reviews - 2] (1781 words)
24. Future Events Part II by SinisterChic [Reviews - 3] (1396 words)
25. Tipsy by SinisterChic [Reviews - 2] (1543 words)
26. The Sun by SinisterChic [Reviews - 5] (1803 words)
27. Something Red by SinisterChic [Reviews - 2] (1827 words)
28. Tender Loving by SinisterChic [Reviews - 2] (3519 words)
29. Fatal Premonitions by SinisterChic [Reviews - 2] (1110 words)
30. Seaching by SinisterChic [Reviews - 3] (1385 words)
31. Ready, Set, Go by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1174 words)
32. Kindred by SinisterChic [Reviews - 0] (1571 words)
33. Hellos and Goodbyes by SinisterChic [Reviews - 3] (713 words)
34. Hey, I'm having a baby here! by SinisterChic [Reviews - 3] (1643 words)
35. Hey, I'm Having a Baby Here! part II by SinisterChic [Reviews - 4] (2517 words)
36. Epilogue by SinisterChic [Reviews - 10] (618 words)