Past Featured StorySummary: Battling a demon on a routine patrol one night, Buffy is seriously injured. When Giles realizes the full extent of the damage, he knows there is only one person who can help her get back to the Slayer she used to be.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 43 Completed: Yes
Word count: 59768 Read: 131503
Published: 01/08/2005 Updated: 03/05/2005

1. Whispers and Screams by Ashlee [Reviews - 35] (1260 words)
A/N Out of my canon/semi-canon fics, this one is slowly becoming my favorite, so please review and let me know what you think. This is set early season 5- Pre-Dawn.

2. Looking for Answers by Ashlee [Reviews - 8] (1023 words)

3. Making a Deal by Ashlee [Reviews - 14] (1113 words)

4. Pretending by Ashlee [Reviews - 14] (1168 words)

5. Competition by Ashlee [Reviews - 22] (1179 words)

6. Regaining Confidence by Ashlee [Reviews - 19] (1127 words)

7. Communication by Ashlee [Reviews - 24] (1253 words)

8. Hearing & Listening by Ashlee [Reviews - 25] (1301 words)

9. Helpless by Ashlee [Reviews - 21] (1146 words)

10. Houseguest by Ashlee [Reviews - 26] (1165 words)

11. What's Happening? by Ashlee [Reviews - 28] (1185 words)

12. Blood & Tears by Ashlee [Reviews - 22] (1563 words)

13. Blind Ambition by Ashlee [Reviews - 25] (1365 words)

14. High Stakes by Ashlee [Reviews - 34] (1127 words)

15. Intervention by Ashlee [Reviews - 30] (1140 words)

16. Longing to Hear You by Ashlee [Reviews - 32] (1253 words)

17. In a Heartbeat by Ashlee [Reviews - 24] (1249 words)

18. Betrayal of Trust by Ashlee [Reviews - 28] (1291 words)

19. Death Wish by Ashlee [Reviews - 37] (1108 words)

20. Denial & Acceptance by Ashlee [Reviews - 29] (1568 words)

21. Déjà vu by Ashlee [Reviews - 26] (1501 words)

22. Drained by Ashlee [Reviews - 23] (2582 words)

23. Coming Clean by Ashlee [Reviews - 27] (1509 words)

24. Living for the Moment by Ashlee [Reviews - 22] (1300 words)

25. Helplessly, Hopelessly... by Ashlee [Reviews - 23] (1390 words)

26. ...Reckless by Ashlee [Reviews - 30] (1047 words)

27. Prophetic Future by Ashlee [Reviews - 36] (1833 words)

28. Never Again by Ashlee [Reviews - 32] (1570 words)

29. Revelations by Ashlee [Reviews - 25] (1730 words)

30. Finding Answers by Ashlee [Reviews - 26] (1351 words)

31. One of Darkness, One of Light by Ashlee [Reviews - 28] (1101 words)

32. No Holds Barred by Ashlee [Reviews - 28] (1682 words)

33. Dare to Forgive by Ashlee [Reviews - 29] (1552 words)

34. Love Bites by Ashlee [Reviews - 26] (1069 words)

35. Can't Take My Eyes Off You by Ashlee [Reviews - 28] (1513 words)

36. Tender Heart by Ashlee [Reviews - 23] (1256 words)

37. Beyond Anger by Ashlee [Reviews - 28] (1428 words)

38. Tough Love by Ashlee [Reviews - 31] (1331 words)

39. Talking it Out by Ashlee [Reviews - 27] (1563 words)

40. Cost of a Choice by Ashlee [Reviews - 29] (1908 words)

41. Breaking the News by Ashlee [Reviews - 27] (1150 words)

42. Prophecy Girl by Ashlee [Reviews - 26] (2369 words)

43. A Lifetime of Happiness by Ashlee [Reviews - 54] (1449 words)