Chapter 13

Buffy woke with a start; she could feel claws digging into her back. She froze for a second, disconcerted. Reaching carefully behind her, her questing fingers encountered two small warm bodies.

"It's the kittens, luv." Spike's voice rumbled deep in his chest. Buffy rubbed her cheek against his shoulder and pulled the two purring bodies over, placing them gently on his stomach. He reached over with his free hand and cradled them. Spike pressed his cool lips to the top of her head then Pulled back slightly to look down at her. "How are you doing?"

She shook her head as tears rolled down her cheeks and soaked his shoulder. Reaching over, she stroked Anne's purring body. Smiling slightly as she watched the two kittens promptly curl up around each other and go to sleep. "Not good. It's not fair! We were doing so well then Willow just took her away from me. From us."

"I know, but we'll get her back. I promise." Spike yawned. He was exhausted. "Glinda saved her, we just gotta set everything right." He paused. "Watcher boy seems to be on the ball." Spike had barely slept a wink all night. He had been too preoccupied; his mind racing, replaying the events in the shop trying to second-guess himself. Unsuccessfully trying to save Dawn over and over in his mind. He had finally realised that there was nothing he could have done differently. It had angered him and eventually he had descended into depression. Something he had not felt since the early days of his escape from the Initiative. "I miss Nibblet."

"So do I, baby." Buffy ran her fingers over the ball of ginger and white fur.

Spike rubbed his cheek on the top of her head, enjoying the softness of her golden hair.

"I know. It's hard. I can't hear her moving around. Playing that crap she calls music." Spike paused. "I feel like I'm missing a limb." Buffy titled her head to look him in the eyes for the first time, her eyes a strange combination of hazel and emerald green. Spike kissed the tip of her nose.

"She's still with us. Just in a different way, I guess," she sighed.

"Yeah." Spike shifted carefully, trying to keep the kittens from tumbling off. He reached over and traced the line of Buffy's jaw, a gesture he had made repeatedly throughout the night.

He had gazed down at his precious girl for most of the evening. He kept running his hand over her face, memorising every curve and expression. His other hand rested in the small of her back, holding her securely to his side, his long pale fingers tracing random patterns on the soft skin of the small of her back. Spike had heard Wesley moving around pretty much non-stop since he had come back with them. Instead of joining him, Spike had cradled Buffy in his arms and watched her as she slept. He had not been able to let go of his slayer, terrified that if he did, she would slip from his grasp, the same way Dawn had.

"Did you sleep?" Buffy asked quietly.

"A bit," Spike lied. "You know me, nocturnal and all that." His muscles flexed as he pulled her closer. "I'll survive."

Buffy shook her head. "No. We will survive."

"That we will, my heart." Spike adjusted his hold and pulled Buffy up slightly so he could press a soft kiss to her mouth.

"Yuck, Spike! I've got morning breath." She pulled away and buried her face in the curve of his neck.

"You taste sweet all of the time." Spike blinked down at the top of her head as a slight smile appeared at the corner of his lips. She looked up at him and rolled her eyes.

"How did they get in here?" Buffy prodded the purring bundles gently.

"Columba's moggie dropped them in here a while back, then buggered off out the window. Guess she had a date or something." Spike eyed the kittens. "Odd that. She seems to think that they're hers," he trailed off when he saw Miss Kitty Fantastico, who had appeared at the window. She leapt gracefully to the floor and approached the bed. Within minutes both sleeping kittens had been carried out of the room, leaving Buffy and Spike alone.

Buffy's sat up and crawled on top of Spike. She ran her hands over his chest, trailing a finger around his right nipple as her warm lips fastened onto the left. She licked it and then suckled gently.

"Make love with me, Spike," she breathed throatily. "Please."

"Oh, luv," Spike moaned. He reached up and pulled her towards his mouth, kissing her deeply.Rolling, Spike pinned Buffy under his body and ran his hands feverishly over her trembling form. Then he stopped. He pushed off her and looked down. Nothing. He frowned.

"Spike? What's wrong?" Buffy looked up at him as he rolled off of her. "Spike?" She tentatively reached for him. Spike shrugged her hands off as he got up from the bed and stared down at his crotch.

"Bugger." He disappeared into the bathroom. Buffy sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest. Running a hand through her hair, she frowned at the closed bathroom door.

Spike grabbed hold of his flaccid cock and rubbed hopefully. "Hundred bloody years and this has never happened before." He glared and hopefully massaged his cock. Nothing. "Shit! What the bloody hell is going on?" He kicked out and caught his bare foot on the side of the bath. "Ow!"

Buffy stuck her head around the door. Spike was hopping up and down clutching his foot and his groin, cursing at the top of his lungs.

"What are you doing?" She stepped into the room, wrapping her sheet around her slim body and trying not to laugh at the sight of her vampire doing an impersonation of a demented kangaroo.

"Something's wrong. It's broken."

"What, your foot?" Buffy asked, trying very hard to suppress her giggles... and failing.

"Yes, well, no." Spike gingerly put his aching foot down and then pointed at his flaccid penis. "The Spike is not working. Buffy, it's never not worked before," he pouted. Spike stared down angrily at the offending appendage. His shoulders slumped. "Maybe my age has finally caught up with me." He looked up at the giggling girl. "Don't laugh at him! It's gonna make it worse!"

"Spike, maybe you need to relax or something."

"Something. That's it! I need some Vamp Viagra." Spike looked up hopefully. "Think Anya has a contact?"

Buffy shook her head at his antics. "I don't know."

"Come on, we're going to try again." Spike scooped Buffy up and tossed her over his shoulder. He dropped her onto the bed and pounced on her. They wrestled for a while before Spike rolled off her and onto his back. "I can't." He rubbed his hands over his face. They lay there for a moment, Buffy watching him closely, wondering what he was thinking.

"Bugger all!" Spike sat up. He covered himself up and then reached over and tucked a sheet around Buffy's body. "I think, no, I know why I'm not up for it!"

"Care to share?" Buffy frowned over at Spike, who was now primly tucking his half of the sheet around his waist. She shook her head at his almost William-like behaviour.

"Dawn," Spike muttered tersely.


"She can see us."

"What! Now?" Buffy shrieked, as she leapt from the bed and dove for Spike's discarded T-shirt. "Oh my God! We are so never having sex again!" She ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

"Too right, we're not." Spike gazed sadly down into his lap.


Wesley greeted the two of them tiredly. His eyes were red rimmed from a combination of too much reading and lack of sleep. He had spent the night researching and re-reading Willow's notes, desperately trying to find a clue, anything, which would point him in a direction as to how to recover Dawn. He had been wracked with guilt over the memories of losing another child. He was determined not to fail this time. Even if it killed him!

"Looking fresh and perky there, Wes," Buffy teased. She nudged him with her hip as she headed for the coffee.

"Well, yes. I was reading for a while."

"Watch it, mate, or you'll turn into Pinocchio. I heard you rattling around all night." Spike dug through the fridge searching for his blood.

"Spike, you lied to me! You said you'd slept." Buffy glared over at his back.

"I can feel you glaring at me, pet. What I said was, that I slept a bit." Spike looked over his shoulder at the frowning girl.

Buffy's eyes narrowed dangerously, but she relented when she spotted the sad look in his eyes. "Try the freezer. Dawn..." She faltered over her missing sister's name for a moment. Taking a breath she steadied herself. "Dawn kept a few packs in there for you." Spike nodded and then dug through the freezer, trying to hide his reaction to Dawn's thoughtfulness. Buffy stepped behind him and ran her hand over his tense back, soothing him with her touch. He arched into her hand for a second before stepping away.


Buffy flushed and pulled her hand back quickly.

Wesley frowned at their actions. "What's going on?"

"Nuthin'," Spike muttered as he watched his blood bag spinning in the microwave. Buffy blushed bright red and disappeared into the sitting room.

"She gone?" Spike glanced over his shoulder.

"Yes. What on earth is happening?" Wesley eyed Spike over his book. The blonde vampire shifted from one foot to the other, avoiding Wesley's gaze. His eye flickered from the doorway to the puzzled man and then to the microwave. Spike opened his mouth, then closed it and shook his head. Wesley watched Spike's antics and tried not to smile. He was positive that if vampires could blush, Spike would be crimson right now. "Spike?"

Before Spike could answer, the doorbell rang. He could hear muffled voices.

Anya and Tara walked in, followed by Buffy, who avoided Spike's eyes. She busied herself serving coffee to the other girls who were yawning tiredly and stretched their aching muscles. Tara frowned at the tension between Buffy and Spike. They were both visibly agitated and obviously avoiding contact with each other. There was something really off with Spike's aura. Wesley caught her eye and shook his head, mouthing to her to leave it for now.

"Buffy and I are going to see Xander. We'll see you later," Anya interrupted Tara's musings.

"Huh? Okay, I'll stay here for a while and then maybe go back to the shop. It's just, I don't know."

"Stay here with me, pet," Spike interrupted. He turned to Wesley "Any ideas what to do with the bitch?"

"Well, I did call a few contacts in Los Angeles. The Eistied Druids are amenable to helping Willow. They have offered to take Willow in, but they will bind her powers. Their leaders will not expose their brethren to any form of danger, but they can be of great help to her, though only if their Grand Mistress can be sure that any danger Willow poses is neutralized."

"Fair enough. Are these the same Eistieds from North Wales?" Anya asked.

"You know them?" Tara touched Anya's arm to get her attention.

"I've heard of them. Tara, don't worry, they are good people. They will be able to help her." Anya tucked her purse under her arm as she rose. "I'm very impressed with your contacts, Wesley." She nodded to Spike and left with Buffy.

"Spike, what's going on?" Tara stepped over to the silent vampire.

"I'd like to know as well." Wesley glanced over his book.

"Think I can help with that," a thick New York accent offered.


Anya drove carefully. She had finally given in and spent several hundred dollars on driving lessons and was now a newly qualified driver. Willow's reaction to her driving Giles 'penis mobile' during the whole Olaf incident had made Anya take the final step and try for her licence. 'Surprise Surprise! That had been another of Willow's spells going wrong as well.' She glanced over at the silent figure next to her.

"What are you thinking about, Buffy?"

Buffy looked over at the ex-demon and chewed her bottom lip. "I miss Dawn." Buffy bit down harder, there was no way she was going to discuss Spike's inability to perform this morning with Anya. She shuddered mentally at the suggestions that Anya might come up with to make Spike perkier.

"I know, we all do. Don't worry, we'll get her back," Anya promised.

Buffy looked over at Anya and smiled tentatively. She was grateful for the ex-demon's support and kindness. It was moments like these that made her regret not taking the time to get to know Anya for herself and not just an extension of Xander. She silently vowed to make sure that she spent more time with the frank and funny girl. "Also, I was wondering if you were okay about seeing Xander. You know, after what he did to you?"

"When he grabbed me?" Anya asked bluntly.


Anya hesitated. "It's difficult. I have feelings for him, but I saw a side of him that I never thought existed!" She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. "I don't know what to make of it all." She took a deep breath. "When I was a Vengeance Demon, men who behaved like that would have received short shrift from me. But now I just want to help him. It's hard. I can't understand why he would allow himself to become..."

"Like his Dad?" Buffy grimaced. "Anya, I just feel so responsible. I think Xander seeing Spike and I together was just too much for him to take."

"No, Buffy don't think that, please," Anya begged. "It's not you or Spike's fault at all. Xander has a lot of issues, issues he has to work through. I just worry that he may not work everything out."

"He will, Anya." Buffy tried to reassure the ex-demon.

"I don't know anymore. He used to hide himself behind jokes. Now, he's drinking a lot and eating way too much. I just can't seem to help. I'm worried he may lose his job if they find out about the drinking. It can't be safe, operating heavy machinery..."

"Oh." Buffy had noticed that Xander was much heavier. But she had not realised that he was drinking too much as well as overeating. "Is there anything I can do?"

"I don't think so. Xander is not too good at being confronted. He usually deflects." Anya sighed.

"Anya, if you ever need to vent or somewhere to stay, just come over to our..." Buffy took a breath to steady herself. "My place. Okay?"

Anya wiped the tears off her face with the back of her hand and tried to smile. "Thanks, I will. It's good to be able to talk to someone. Sometimes I get really lonely and a bit scared..."

Buffy flushed, embarrassed at how that she had never even considered the fact that Anya may not have had any girl friends to talk to. Unable to say anything, she reached over and squeezed Anya on the shoulder, silently offering support and friendship. She pulled her hand back and laced her fingers tightly in her lap.

"Oh, we're here." Anya gripped the wheel tightly as she spotted the hospital ahead. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

Buffy tentatively reached over to the agitated girl and patted her arm. "I'll be there with you. It's okay."

Anya gave her a tense smile and turned the car into the parking lot for Sunnydale Memorial Hospital.

A few minutes later, both girls stood hesitantly at the door to Xander's ward. Buffy pushed the door open and stuck her head through. Scanning down the beds, she spotted Xander. Her feelings about him were ambiguous. He was one of her oldest friends, but she was unsure as to how to act. He had made his feelings clear about Spike. Now, more than ever, she was going to honour Dawn and stick to making herself happy. Spike made her happy. She straightened her shoulders and pulled Anya in behind her.

"Hey you and ouch!" Buffy edged towards Xander's bed. She eyed his trussed up legs.

"I'm traction man! Not too comfy, though." Xander grinned, his smile faded slightly when he saw Anya's determined face. "Hi, Ahn."

"Xander. That looks painful." Anya nervously fluttered over and sat down next to the head of his bed.

Xander held up him arm, an IV was taped to the back of his hand. "Buuut, painkillers are my bestest friends in the whole wide world!" He laid his arm back down. "Not too many, though, cos of the bang to the head."

Buffy reached over and stroked her long fingers over his forehead. "How is it?"

Xander shrugged. "Hurts like hell. Also bit fuzzy about what happened." He looked over at Anya. "You okay?"

"We are all okay, Xander, but there's a lot to talk about."

"I know. Ahn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." He trailed off and looked away.

"I know you didn't mean to hurt me," Anya offered. Xander looked over at her hopefully. "But you did. It's something we have to work through, but I'm not sure how."

Buffy took a breath, aware that the two needed to talk privately. "Look, do you want me to go?"

"No!" They both answered.

"Oh, okay." Buffy folded her hands in her lap.

"Buffy, about Dawn," Xander spoke quietly. Buffy looked up and Xander noticed the green tinge to her eyes. "Wow! What happened to your eyes?"

"It's Dawn," Anya explained. "Tara managed to save her. Well, parts of her. In Buffy, Spike, Willow and herself."

"Spike? Why?" Xander didn't question Tara's actions, instead he zeroed in on the vampire and his involvement.

"We were all holding onto Dawn," Buffy explained.

"Right..." Xander looked over at his friend. Unsure as to what to say, he took a breath. He knew that whatever he said next would deeply affect his friendship with Buffy and his relationship with Anya. They had both made it clear that Spike was non-negotiable. Maybe he would have to just bide his time and be there for the inevitable break up. "I guess it's good, what Tara did?" Both girls nodded. "I mean Willow can un-do her mojo and presto one sister back, yeah?"

Buffy exchanged a look with Anya. Xander caught the worried glance.

"What? Can't Willow fix this?" Xander frowned. For as long as he had known Willow, he had relied on her to solve everything. He then realised that his oldest friend was conspicuously absent from his sick bed. "Also, not too impressed with the lack of Willow visiting. I mean, she could come and say 'Oops! Didn't mean to hurt you'."

Buffy spoke before Anya could say anything. "Xander, listen. Willow... She's acting all weird and not Willowish."

Xander hesitated before speaking. "I know. I didn't want to believe it when Amy called, but when I saw her in the shop... All Blair Witch and veiny, I couldn't believe that this was the same girl I knew in Kindergarten." Buffy patted Xander's hand, which lay lax on the bed. "I mean this is the girl who cried when she broke her yellow crayon. How could she do that to Dawn?"

"We think she was trying to fix her arm, but for some reason, it... She said the wrong thing." Anya stopped, she didn't want to criticize Willow. She knew Xander got really protective over the redhead.

"It's okay, Ahn, you can say it. Willow messed up. Dawn's gone and, hey, look at me, Mummy Boy!" Xander grabbed hold of Buffy's hand when he realised that she had started crying. "Hey, I'm sorry. Just slap a warning label on me. 'Danger! Shoots off stupid remarks in serious situations.'"

Buffy squeezed his hand. "It's okay. It's just..."

"You miss your sister and can't believe that Willow went all Dark Phoenix on us all. Same here." Xander's eyes fluttered shut for a second and then opened. "Man, I'm tired." Buffy's eyes filled with tears again.

"It's okay, if you want to sleep. It's good for healing, right?" Anya turned to Buffy.

The teary-eyed blonde nodded. "Yeah. Xander, you rest and heal up. I need to get back to Wes and Tara, see if they have found a anything in Willow's notes."

"Yeah, you need to go. Hey, they may have found a way to get Dawnie back already. Soon as I can get outta here, I'll help." Xander's eyes fluttered shut.

Buffy leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. "Get better, okay?"

"I will," Xander promised sleepily.


Spike launched himself at the small demon and pinned him to the breakfast bar, in a similar position that Buffy had once held him, but instead of a wooden spoon, Spike was holding his switchblade over the demon's heart. "Who the fuck are you?" he snarled. Wesley had Tara behind him and was holding a pistol in his hand, covering Spike and their visitor.

"Sheesh! And I here I thought it was only the Slayer who was big with the threats. Let go! I come in peace. You know, she once threatened to wear my ribcage as a hat?" Whistler pushed Spike off him, revealing a surprising strength.

Spike stumbled slightly, vamped out and then growled. His eyes were a strange combination of green and gold. He licked his fangs before moving to place himself between the strange smelling demon and the two humans. "I asked you, who the fuck you are? Now answer me or I will rip out your ribcage and give it to Buffy for a party hat."

"Man! What is it with you White Hats? The name's Whistler." Whistler straightened his ever-present fedora, ignoring the angry growl from Spike in reaction to being called a White Hat. He eyed the three of them with some interest. "So Spike, finally stepped into your place in the sun? Much better than trying to pull our girl down into the darkness, ain't it?"

"What do you mean? I would never turn Buffy!" Spike snarled, puzzled.

"Maybe not turn her, but you coulda tried to convince her she was a creature of the night, a predator like you. Belonging in the shadows with you..." Whistler watched Spike closely, wondering how he would react.

"Absolute crap! Buffy's perfect just the way she is. I'd never..."

Whistler interrupted the agitated vampire. "Man, you really are turning into one of the good guys." He paused and grinned maliciously. "A White Hat!"

"Goddess!" Tara gasped in surprise. She tugged on Wes' arm and pointed at Spike.

Spike looked over at Whistler, he frowned in confusion as his face gradually slipped back into his human countenance. He ignored Tara. "I'm not a White Hat!" he exclaimed indignantly.

"Good God, man! What happened to you?" Wesley exclaimed. He took an involuntary step forward closely followed by a smiling Tara.

"What? What?" Spike span around, trying to see what was wrong with him. He stopped moving staring down at his hand in surprise. "Bloody Hell!" Before any of them could stop him he ran out the backdoor and into the yard.

"Oi! Shortstop, get out here and tell me what the hell is happening to me!" Spike stood in sunlight and stared up at the blue sky. He was bathed in sunlight. "Why am I not on fire?"

"Well, it's difficult to explain," Whistler hedged.

An idea suddenly struck Wesley. "It's Dawn!"

"Or maybe not so complicated..." Whistler looked over at Wesley. "I'm impressed, English." Wesley frowned at the smaller man, suddenly reminded of Gunn who used to call him by that nickname when they first began working together. Wesley felt a pang of pain in his gut, thinking of Gunn had reminded him of Fred. He turned away and tried to collect himself.

"Spike, what's it like?" Tara walked over to the entranced vampire; he was still staring up at the blue sky. She tugged on his sleeve to get his attention.

Spike blinked down at the smiling Wiccan, his eyes unused to the natural light. Over one hundred years of darkness was making it difficult for his eyes to adjust to the brightness. His face spilt into a wide grin. "Bloody amazing! I'd forgotten how beautiful the sky could be..."

"Hate to break up the party, but I came to drop this off." Whistler tossed a small leather bound book at Tara. "You're gonna need it."

Tara fumbled for a second and then caught the book. She ran her fingers over the intricately tooled cover, tracing the gilded lettering with her fingers. Tara hesitated, she could sense the power in the book, but the tome emanated only good vibrations. She then flipped it open and began to carefully page through the book. The yellowed pages crackled under her fingers. There were detailed mystical etchings on many of the pages and the text was tiny. "What's this for?"

"Something you're going to need," Whistler answered cryptically. "You guys coming in so we can have a chat?" Whistler disappeared back into the kitchen, leaving the door open. The two humans followed him inside. Tara passed the text over to Wesley's eager hands as Whistler stuck his head back out the door. "Hey, Blondie! Get in here before you freckle." Spike reluctantly left the yard and re-entered the house. As he passed the little demon, Whistler whispered something to him.

"You sure?" Spike asked sharply.

"Yeah, she can't feel or see anything. So chill, okay?" Whistler straightened his hat and then hopped onto the breakfast bar.

"Right." Spike sighed in relief. "Thanks."

"You said your name is Whistler?" Wesley put the book down and laid his hand over it protectively. "Mr Giles' diaries mention you. I believe you turned up here in Sunnydale a few years back, during the Acathla incident?" Spike glanced over at Wesley and raised a black brow in surprise.

"Yeah, came here to sort out the mess that the Slayer made when she bumped hips with Angel."

Spike snarled angrily. "None of that you little twerp, the mess was your lot's fault! Maybe if you gits got off your arses and helped out more often, crap like that wouldn't happen."

"Yeah, but if it hadn't happened, you sure as hell wouldn't be making nice with our girl," Whistler retorted angrily.

"Buffy is her own person," Tara observed calmly. "She may be the Slayer, but she is much more than just a tool for the Powers."

"What do you mean I wouldn't be with Buffy?" Spike asked coldly.

"Yesh, from the moment you approached her in the park, you caught the boys upstairs' interest," Whistler chuckled.

"Interest? Why?" Wesley leant forward and pulled Spike back next to him, he shook his head warningly. "We need this information," he whispered.

"They needed someone to balance out the teams," Whistler offered with a casual shrug.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Spike was beginning to lose his patience, his hands flexed into fists.

"Can't tell you much. All I know is that the White Hats are about to lose one of their own and they needed another Champion to balance everything out." Whistler stuck out his hand and grabbed hold of Spike's fisted right hand and shook it. "Congratulations." With that, he vanished into thin air, not hearing Spike's agitated response to being recruited.

"I AM EVIL! You sodding git! Oi! Get back here! Take it back." Spike span and kicked the back door shut. "Balls!" He vanished out of the kitchen and up the stairs in a rage, ignoring both Wesley and Tara's calls.


Rack pulled over by the fallen 'Welcome to Sunnydale' sign. He glanced over to the burned out campsite to his right. 'Suppose I won't be getting any cold comfort anytime soon... Oh well. Guess I better save myself for Strawberry.' Rack reached into his pocket and pulled out a battered pack of cigarillos. He pulled one out and lit it from the small ball of flame that he had conjured, which floated in front of him. As he exhaled, he blew out the spinning ball of flames. Resting his head on the back of his seat, he filled his lungs with the sweet, fragrant smoke and held it. Savouring it. With a huff he exhaled, filling the stolen car with smoke.

Closing his eyes, he began to search the ether for the familiar signature of his Strawberry. He frowned at the strong barriers over the Slayer's house. For a brief moment, he sensed another powerful force moving around the house and then it vanished. Dismissing the feeling of concern, Rack concentrated on the Magic Box.

"There you are, my girl. My... My... My! You have been busy, the whole place reeks of magicks." He focused on Willow, trying to get through to her. Gradually he pierced her sleeping mind. He sifted through her recent memories, looking for something to manipulate her with. "There." Rack opened his eyes in surprise. He took another puff on his cigarillo. "Well, that was interesting."

He gathered his strength. 'Man those gypsies pack a power punch!' Rack then linked minds with the slumbering witch.

'Strawberry? Can you hear me?'

There was no reply, Willow still slept deeply. Rack frowned and gave her a mental nudge.

'Wake up, Gorgeous. I need you.'

There was a moment of silence and then he heard her sweet voice.

'Who's there?'

Reaching down, he adjusted himself in his trousers. The sound of her voice had hardened him.'Strawberry, that you, sweetness?' Rack tried to fill his mental voice with concern. After reading her memories, he had decided to act as her saviour, tempting her into his arms with promises of help and support.


'Yeah, darlin', it's me.' Rack forced himself to sound concerned. 'You alright?'

'No. I hurt them all and I killed her...'

Rack grinned in triumph; he almost had her. 'Now, come on, you were only trying to help. If the others can't see that, then they really can't be your friends, now can they?' Rack puffed absently on his small cigar and examined his nails, not really interested in the poor me attitude. He just wanted her power and, in time, her body and soul. Rack shivered in anticipation, he couldn't wait to get his hands on her and help her on her way to becoming like him.

'No, they are my friends.'

'Aw, come on, darlin'. If they were your friends, would they have tied you up and gagged you?'

'Well...' Willow wavered slightly.

'I mean, they're just afraid of your power. 'Cos, come on, what have they got in comparison to you?' Rack looked out of the window and absently watched the cars drive past him. He yawned and scratched his neck. 'Look at them, some weak-assed white witch...'

'Leave Tara alone!' Willow snapped.

'Okay, Sweet Pea, I'll leave her alone.' Damn, 'cos she looked like a peach, all round and soft. He could have spent hours on her.'So there's a slayer and her lover, some vamp whose lost his bite. Pretty disgusting, that whole situation! Guess she really is sleeping with the enemy!' He knew that this was one sore spot that he could prod.

'It's disgusting. I mean, I understand the whole Angel thing, well kinda.'


'Another vampire...'

'Man, she really gets off on screwing corpses!' Rack sniggered; he was not too surprised about the revelation of the Slayer and her vampire lovers. Not like it was news...

'Don't say that!' Willow offered weakly.

'So who's left? Oh yeah, the ex-demon and the builder guy...'

'Leave Xander alone!' Willow began to cry, the guilt of hurting her oldest friend hit her.

'Why? You didn't... Broke his legs and cracked his head open.' Rack took a breath, grinning maliciously. 'Think he wants to be your bestest friend after that?'

Willow curled into a ball, trying to stop her body from shaking. Groo glanced over, got up and walked over to Willow, bending down to check to see if she was awake. Willow kept her breath even and relaxed all her muscles; she ignored Rack's persistent voice in her head. She tried to block out his murmured reassurances. Groo stood and returned to his post.

'Xander will forgive me. He will.'

'Why? Do you think he ever forgave you for getting between the cheerleader and him?' Rack twisted the knife a little deeper. He had come across that nugget of information on her last visit. The magic broker had filed the information away at the time, thinking that he could use it for leverage at a later date. When he was ready to convince her to destroy the slayer and her band of do-gooders. But his Strawberry had gone one better and instead she had acted of her own volition, which was perfect. She was ripe for the plucking.

'What? No, he did. Don't say that!' Willow begged. Doubt began to assail her mind.

'How's your face, darlin'? Still sting?'

'Stop it!'

'You think the fiancée will let the damage to her precious shop slide?' Rack chuckled under his breath.

'I don't care!' Willow bluffed.

'Good. So you wanna come with me? Get away from them all?' Rack offered. 'We can go anywhere you want. Travel, see the world, or...'

'You can get me away?' Hope filled her heart. Maybe she could get away from it all. Get away from Buffy. Away from the guilt. She knew that Buffy would never forgive her for taking Dawn away from her. The last of her family. There was nothing she could do to change it.

'Course I can. You ready? Or do you want to go see what's his name? Xander? Maybe he'll forgive you for breaking his legs, putting him in hospital and... what else?? Oh yeah, killing his adopted sister. Should be a piece of cake...' Rack held his breath, waiting for an answer but there was nothing. He tried a different tack.

He went for the kill. 'Maybe Tara'll forgive you. You know, for abusing your powers, killing Dawn, hurting everyone. Oh, by the way, I liked the trick you pulled on the shop girl and that Watcher. I'm sure they won't mind...' he trailed off. Sitting back, he waited for the seeds of doubt that he placed in her malleable mind to grow.

Then with four simple words, Willow stepped into the darkness completely. 'Come and get me.'

"Yes!" Rack punched the roof of the car. He quickly turned the ignition and pulled into traffic. 'I'll get you at nightfall. Need to get some stuff organised.'

'Good, I won't be going anywhere.' Willow opened her eyes and gazed blindly at the wall.

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