Chapter 20: ‘Reunions and Introductions’

A/N: This is it, the big reunion! Hope this chapter isn’t too very sappy! Thanks for reading and the lovely reviews. Luv, S

Spike saw Buffy the moment she came out of her fine front door and began to run towards him. How could he not? He’d been scanning the front of Finnwood, from his position in the gate house, the moment Xander had dissapeared into that door. A part of Spike had worried that Buffy would not come to him, a hold over, he supposed from their botched trysts before.

‘Bloody hell,’ he’d told himself time and again, ‘her husband might well be in that mansion. She could have children by now with Finn. No, surely Xander would have said something about that.’

Spike shook his blonde head and sighed as he watched Buffy near the gate house, ‘can’t even go out and meet her. That fool, Finn, might be watching even now. He didn’t seem to follow her though.’

This thought gave Spike some more hope for the reunion with his Buffy.

‘Here I was gonna’ come back, all high and mighty and rescue Buffy out of this fucking prison. Riley Finn or no. You are pathetic Anderson, so unlike the nickname your troops gave you. Some nerves like iron spikes you have, mate,’ he snorted in self-disgust, ‘reduced to hiding out in a gate house to reunite with the woman you love. God,’ he sighed as he watched Buffy near the gate house, ‘she looks like an angel.’

He chuckled as he watched the rest of her long golden hair fall from her top knot and flow about her shoulders.

“William!” Buffy flung the gate house door open and hurried inside. Before he could respond, Buffy had thrown herself into his open arms, nearly knocking them both to the ground.

“Buffy,” he rasped as tears began to flow down both of their faces and intermingle, just as their lips met in a sweet kiss. Will backed them both up to a wall where a bench was positioned and sat them both down on it.

“Oh, God, Buffy,” Will cried, holding her little face in his rough hands, “I love you so much. I wanted to come back, sooner, but…”

Buffy laughed through her tears as she pressed her forehead to his, “Oh, Will,” she sobbed happily, “I am so glad you are here, safe, finally.”

He smiled, lovingly, at her, that beautiful grin she remembered so well. “And,” she added softly, “you know I love you too, don’t you, Will?”

William laughed with her, “yes,” he murmered, “I know you love me, Buffy.”

That’s when Buffy first noticed the flinch of pain in Will’s eyes, when she wiggled on his right thigh. “Oh, Will,” she cried in horror, “you are still hurt?”

“Well, yeah,” Spike sighed, “there’s a pain, and a scar, luv. They’ll never be gone, I’m afraid, but it could be worse. I only have a limp in my right leg, at least I’ve still got it. Almost lost it and…”

Buffy began to cry again and buried her golden head into his chest, to comfort and for her own comfort from him. It made Spike feel stronger emotionally and physically then he had in a long, long time.

“My poor Will,” she sobbed into his shirt, “all hurt and mucked up. Then to come all the way down here, to get me.”

He felt a tug on his heart, again, when she reached down and stroked his right thigh, lovingly. “I wish I could make it all better, darling,” she whispered as she snuggled into his chest once again.

“You have, Princess,” Spike murmered, stroking her golden hair that had all slipped out of her bun. “I’m better already, just holding you.”

Spike suddenly felt spiritually uplifted, something he had not felt since before he left this place, Finnwood that is, over two years before. ‘Christ, I’m euphoric. Now there’s a poetic description if I ever heard one,’ he mused, kissing the top of Buffy’s soft head.

“Buffy, sweetheart,” he mumbled, “is it all right? I mean for you to be down here, with me? I came for you, it’s true, but I don’t want to cause any trouble for you. I’m worried, about your…”

Buffy looked up and met Will’s indigo blue eyes with her damp green ones, “that’s right,” she scowled, momentarily, “you do not know.”

William gave her a confused look, then asked, “know what, luv?” She sat up straight and placed her right hand on his chiseled left cheek, tenderly, trying to put all of her pent up emotion and love into her next few words.

“I am a widow, Will,” she whispered softly, never taking her eyes from his, “Riley never made it back from battle.”

Whatever reaction that Buffy expected from William, she decided to accept it, no matter what. William looked at her for a moment or two, silently, a battle was raging in him, she could tell by his blue eyes. She realized that Will was relieved perhaps even more happy, more then anything, but somewhat remorseful that he felt that way.

“It is all right, Will,” Buffy murmered as she stroked his cheek lightly, “I never once acted the grieving widow. ‘I’ cannot even play that false to any man, especially to God. I never loved Riley Finn and he was a despicable man in life. However, apparently he did actually do an unselfish thing and died trying to save a comrade. As Father Rayne told me, all that anyone could possibly do is pray that Riley is at peace. That much, I have done. You and I both know that my late husband was never an issue, not after your stay here that summer, anyway. You would have come for me, no matter, just as you did and I would have gladly gone with you. No matter.”

Will nodded and leaned in to give Buffy another chaste kiss and embraced her tightly, “God, Buffy,” he rasped with emotion, “I’ve missed you so much, love you so very much.”

“Buffy, sweetheart,” Will began cautiously, “if Riley was gone, dead this long, Xander, he must have known?”

Buffy thought for a moment, then finally nodded her head, “yes, he did. However, Will, he felt that I should be the one to tell you. About Riley, about many things. Xander,” she continued to explain as she stroked his cheek, tenderly, “he means well. You must know that, just like back in Boston, when he tried to ease the way for you and me, with Papa. Sometimes the best intentions, they backfire, go awry, this is true with Xander’s. Not meaning to, of course,” she sighed sadly, “the best intentions can cause much loss and sorrow.”

“Yes, they do, sometimes,” Spike nodded sadly. “Remember Lt. Parker Abrams,” he asked Buffy softly.

“Yes,” she nodded against his chest, “he seemed like a good man.”

Spike swallowed hard and mumbled quickly, “he was lost. Bull’s Ferry, where I was wounded, and Xander too. Terrible waste, I’m afraid. For both sides.”

Buffy tensed up then cooed softly, “I am sorry Will. Sad to lose a good young man like the Lieutenant. Hard to say the real loss, on both sides. The consequences will be felt for generations I am afraid.”

Spike pulled Buffy closer to him and suddenly felt his dour mood lighten a bit. “O’Connor,” he began carefully, then chuckled despite himself.

Buffy looked into Spike’s eyes, her green orbs were wide and questioning, “what ever did happen to Angel O’Connor,” she asked quietly.

Trying not to laugh, too obviously, Spike informed Buffy that Master O’Connor had been captured at Bull’s Ferry and immediately expatriated to England.

“The American Army Colonel felt that that’s how Angel O’Connor would have wanted it. I’m sorry Buffy,” Spike laughed out loud, “but the man was a pompous arse and at least he’s safe in his ‘beloved’ England now.”

Buffy, Spike noticed giggled wickedly, “a more fair outcome could not be truer,” she admitted.

The couple sat and just held each other for a while, then Buffy smiled up at her love, softly, “come up to the house with me, Will,” she ordered gently. “There’s someone, no, make that some people I want to introduce you to.”

William gave Buffy another one of those ‘puzzled’ looks, but allowed her to stand up and offer her hand to him.

“Besides,” she giggled, “poor Xander is probably getting quite drunk up there, worried that we are not inside yet.” He took it and stood up, then walked with his Buffy outside and up to the big, fine house.

Spike limped along beside his Buffy, a little ashamed that he was crippled, permenantly, but just happy to be by her side once again.

“I’m sorry, luv,” he apologized, almost shyly, “I’m not the man I once was. My leg I mean.”

Buffy and Spike walked up to the main house, arm in arm together. “No,” Buffy sighed dreamily, “you are even more of a man then ever, darling. How right your arm feels about me, Will,” she assured him.

“Yes,” he responded, “always right. You and me that is.” They went through the front door and ran right into the man servant, Jesse, waiting in the hallway, a devlish grin on his face.

“Good to see you Captain Anderson,” Jesse greeted Spike warmly. “It’s good to see you, Jesse,” Spike responded, offering his hand to the man, “but it’s not Captain anymore, just William Anderson, now.”

Jesse smiled, “no matter. Missy Buffy,” the man servant continued with a happy grin, “Mr. Harris had Mahalia bring the babies into the parlour. I put Mr. Harris up in the first floor master bedroom, thought he might need a rest.”

“Babies, Buffy?” Spike asked, puzzled.

“Yes, Will,” Buffy responded with a smile. “Come, into the parlor, everything will be clearer then.”

His love led him into the fine parlour, Spike remembered clearly. He spied Mahalia, Buffy’s trusted servant and good friend, hovering over two young, fair-haired children.

When Buffy and he entered the parlor, Mahalia hurried over to them, “good to see you Captain Anderson,” the woman giggled. Before he could correct the servant about his title, she grinned at both Buffy and him and hurried out of the parlor.

“Again,” Spike mumbled to Buffy, “babies?”

Buffy led him over to the sofa, where two of the most beautiful children Spike had ever seen sat, playing with some blocks.

“Mine,” cried the sandy haired boy, of about two, as he grabbed for a block with the letter ‘A’ on it.

“No…mine,” responded the honey blonde haired girl, who appeared to be the same age.

“Mama!” the children cried out at the same time, their eyes on Spike’s Buffy.

“Mama?” Spike asked, his left, scarred brow was surely raised in question as he neared the two lovely children before him.

“Yes, Will,” Buffy smiled softly, “Mama. That is me. These are my children. This is James Michael and my little Joyce Darla.”

Spike leaned in and peered into the handsome boy’s face and saw a mirror image of himself and his long lost twin brother, James. Turning his attention to the small girl, he saw his Buffy there, but his own blue eyes peered back at him.

“They are our children…” but before Buffy’s last words could even leave her lovely mouth, Spike fell to his knees and pulled the two little tots to him in natural recognition, “mine,” he rasped huskily.

“Mine, Buffy. Your’s and mine.” Spike began to weep, freely, joyfully as he released his right arm from his children to reach out for their Mother.

“Why is our Daddy crying, Mummy,” little James asked shyly while his Father embraced his sister and him in his left arm.

“Because, silly,” little Joyce sighed, “Daddy is so very happy to see us.”

Buffy allowed Spike to pull her into the embrace of love he had about his children.

“Yes, James,” Spike heard his Buffy whisper lovingly, “your Daddy is so very happy to see all of us, finally.”

A/N: Okay, it was short but to the point. I hope it satisfied the Spuffy reunion squad!!! (tee hee) I hope that the kind of ‘far-fetched’ speaking abilities of the twins wasn’t too out there. I needed to have them say exactly what they did. Actually, I’m going to write another chapter (surprise/surprise!) and tie up some more loose ends. A hint, Father Rayne will be making an appearance in the next chapter (do I hear the Banns being read?) Much Spuffy joy in the next chapter. Please read and review this one. Of course, as soon as I finish this one, I’ll start another fiction. Thanks, Luv, Spuf

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