[Reviews - 100] Printer
Summary: Buffy Summers is a So. Carolina Plantation mistress. Actually, her husband Riley Finn is, but he's away at the Revolutionary War... Spike (Lord William) Anderson is now a Captain in his Majesty's Army. Through flashbacks and in the present, these two star crossed lovers (Spike/Buffy) will meet again in 1778 So. Carolina. Please give it a read, it's better then it sounds, really??? Will be 15 to NC-17 ratings eventually. Thanks, Luv, S
Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes
Word count: 54680 Read: 47621
Published: 01/19/2005 Updated: 02/01/2005

1. Prologue & Chapter 1 by spufette [Reviews - 28] Liked (1574 words)

2. Chapter 1 by spufette [Reviews - 1] (1926 words)

3. Chapter 2: 'Visions and Ghost' by spufette [Reviews - 2] (2947 words)

4. Chapter 3: 'Big, Bad Spike' by spufette [Reviews - 6] (1806 words)

5. Chapter 4: 'Does This Suit You?' by spufette [Reviews - 3] (3217 words)

6. Chapter 5: 'My Beautiful Buffy' by spufette [Reviews - 7] (3204 words)

7. Chapter 6: 'Definitely Confused!' by spufette [Reviews - 3] (1934 words)

8. Chapter 7: 'Confessions' by spufette [Reviews - 3] (2785 words)

9. Chapter 8: 'Buffy's Interests' by spufette [Reviews - 1] (2828 words)

10. Chapter 9: 'Consolation' by spufette [Reviews - 1] (2893 words)

11. Chapter 10: 'Tough And In Charge' by spufette [Reviews - 5] (2429 words)

12. Chapter 11: 'What a Woman' by spufette [Reviews - 2] (1828 words)

13. Chapter 12: Part I & Part II by spufette [Reviews - 2] (3839 words)

14. Chapter 13: 'Is He Not As Worth?' by spufette [Reviews - 2] (3960 words)

15. Chapter 14: We Belong Together' by spufette [Reviews - 3] (2967 words)

16. Chapter 15: 'I Will Be Back' by spufette [Reviews - 3] (2445 words)

17. Chapter 16 'More Confessions' by spufette [Reviews - 0] (2904 words)

18. Chapter 17; 'More Blessings' by spufette [Reviews - 3] (907 words)

19. Chapter 18: 'Letters of Loss' by spufette [Reviews - 2] (1654 words)

20. Chapter 19: 'More Revelations' by spufette [Reviews - 4] (2644 words)

21. Chapter 20: 'Reunions & Introductions' by spufette [Reviews - 0] (2189 words)

22. Chapter 21: 'Where Ever You Go' by spufette [Reviews - 18] Liked (1800 words)