Chapter 22: "A Few Answers" (PG-13)


"You should really get a room with a telly if you expect me to come by again," Spike said, still frustrated that the room was void of one.

Vanessa sighed and snuggled closer against his bare chest.

"Does that mean there is going to be another time?"

Spike rolled her question around in his head. He could say yes and allow himself the
benefit of a back up if the Slayer ever decided to end their little escapades. Then again
what would the Slayer think if she knew he had another girl on the side. Would she....

'What do I care what she thinks?' he asked himself. 'I don't.'

"Yeah, luv," he finally answered. "But, only if you get a room with a telly."

"Deal," Vanessa agreed, smiling slightly.

She placed one hand on his stomach and lightly ran her fingers over it, tracing small circles around his bellybutton.

"Where did you go after you left the bar the other night?"

Spike rolled his eyes. 'Great. Post-sex conversation.'

"Went crypt hunting. The place I'm at right now doesn't really fit my needs. Too many

"That's not good. I don't think I want you turning into a pile of dust just yet," Vanessa
joked. "Where are you staying now?"

Spike's mind drifted back to Buffy again. He wondered what she was doing right now, if
she was with Angel. She probably was. The two of them patrolling, making with the
smoochies while staking the baddies of the world.

"Stupid poofter," Spike mumbled, disgusted by the thought of Buffy with Angel.

"What?" Vanessa asked, lifting her head up to look at him.

"Nothing. What was it you asked?"

"Where are you staying right now?"

"No where important, pet," he answered softly. "No where important."


Angel and his friend strolled into the library and found everyone with their noses still
buried in books. Except for Buffy, she was busy rolling a pencil back and forth between
her hands on the table.

"He's here," Angel announced softly. All heads whipped around to him.

Buffy smiled when she saw Angel, glad that he was back. Angel didn't return the smile,
shifting his gaze to Giles instead.

"Here is the man you've been waiting to meet."

Giles put his book down and walked over to the man with quick steps.

"I'm glad you decided to come and help us," Giles said, extending his hand to the man
as he reached him.

The man took his hand and shook it.

"Well, Angel told me about your situation and I knew I could help."

Giles removed his glasses and glanced down at the floor. "How much do you know about our situation?" he asked, lifting his eyes back up to the man.

"Angel told me that Buffy, the Slayer, is with child. He also told me that the father is a
vampire." He paused and quickly let his eyes scan the room and its occupants. "He also told me that you all think it's part of a prophecy and that you're lacking materials.'

"Yes, that's right," Giles agreed, nodding his head. "I can't seem to find any entry in the
Watcher's journals or anything in my books. Although I did come across one short
passage, but I'm not sure if it pertains to Buffy."

"I'm not surprised."

Giles furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?"

"You won't find anything because this isn't a prophecy."

"What?" practically everyone asked all at once.

Buffy stood up from her chair. "You mean this child growing inside of me, this child that
was conceived with a vampire, is not part of a prophecy."

"Yes, that's what I'm saying."

"Then what is it?"

"A gift."


Spike pulled his leather duster on. After sleeping with Vanessa a strange feeling overtook his body. He couldn't explain it, but it was something he had never felt before.

"Will you come see me again?" Vanessa asked from the bed, watching him pull his coat onto his shoulders.

Spike lifted his hands up and straightened the lapels of his duster. "No," he replied bluntly, despite his earlier admittance of there being another time.

He moved to the door and yanked it open, disappearing into the night.

Vanessa stared at the now closed door and smiled to herself.

"Wrong answer, Spike."


"A gift," Buffy repeated.

"Yes, a gift."

Buffy threw her hands into the air. "Well, point me in the direction of whomever decided
that this," she said, gesturing to her stomach, "would be a gift. Because I'd really like to
have a few words with them."

"The Powers that Be."


"The people who gave you the child were the Powers that Be."

"Confused now," Xander spoke up. "You say that this isn't part of a prophecy, yet the
Powers that Be are involved."

The man sighed, "It's really complicated."

"Please explain it to us then," Buffy scoffed, folding her arms in front of her.

Angel stepped out from the corner he had been standing in.

"Buffy, let him explain before you get upset."

Buffy glared at Angel. "I'm not upset. I am just really irritated that my life is constantly
being played with. First it's, 'You're the chosen one, go save the world from endless
apocalypses'. Then its, 'Oh, by the way you wont live to be twenty-five'. And they decide to impregnate me with this baby."

"They aren't playing with your life Buffy," the man told her. "This baby has been planned
for some time."

This time Giles was the one confused.

"If the baby was planned, why wasn't it written?"

"Because the way the baby was to be conceived was not something the Powers that Be wanted known. And if the Watchers Council found out about it, they would go to any
lengths to stop them."

"Vampire and Slayer," Willow said.

"Plus, the fact that they wanted to conceive the baby in the most powerful slayer, one that has surpassed all obstacles thrown at her, was another factor that delayed the baby."

"I'm the powerful slayer?"

"Yes, you killed the Master, stopped an apocalypse and sacrificed all that you love to save the world."

"How was the vampire chosen?" Giles asked.

The man laughed lightly. "That one was a tough decision. At first they wondered if it was
possible to even bring a slayer and a vampire together in the sense they needed. Then
when they saw that a slayer and vampire could love, they realized they wouldn't have any problems."

"Angel and Buffy," Xander pointed out.

The man shook his head. "Buffy and Angel are not the first vampire and slayer to fall in
love. The love between a vampire and slayer dates back over 200 years."

"So, this child has been planned for 200 years?'


"So, Angel was picked to be the father and things got screwed up," Buffy said, her tension and anger rising with each revelation.

"Angel wasn't the vampire they chose if that's what you're insinuating."

"But, he's the only vampire I love...will ever love."

"Why did they choose Spike?"

"What's with the dreams she's been having?"

"What do they plan to do with the child once its born?"

The man raised his hands, signaling them all to stop with their questions. "That's all I am allowed to tell you for now," he told them before glancing over at Angel. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"


"Wait a minute!" Buffy yelled, grabbing the man and jerking him around. "You can't tell us anymore? You come here and tell us this and that's it. Who the hell do you think you are?"

"A man that's going to help you."

Angel walked over to Buffy and forced her to look at him. "Buffy, he's my friend. I trust
him and he is here to help us."

Buffy looked over at the man then back at Angel. She sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"I will continue to help you and tell you as much as I can through the pregnancy of this
child, but until then all you can know is how it happened."

Buffy nodded her head in understanding. Angel led his friend out of the library.

"Angel you can't let them know that you know more then I told them," the man warned
once they were on the other side of the doors.

"I won't."

"You know it would ruin everything if you interfere."

"I said I won't."

"Angel I know you love her and it pains me that you have to stand by and allow this to
happen, but it is they who were meant to be together."

"Peaches, who's the new luva?!"

Spike had been walking down the hall when he spotted Angel chatting with a man. He
stopped when he came face to face with them.

"Hey, I know you," Spike exclaimed, pointing his finger at Angel's friend. "You're that bloke I met at Willy's"

The mans eyes narrowed, his mind trying to process exactly who the bleached vampire
was. Finally it clicked.

"You're Spike."

"And you're Ramone."

"Spike, go away."

Spike ignored Angel. "So, you're the friend that knows all about this whole baby mess."

"And you're the father."

"Unfortunately yes."

Ramone eyed Spike before turning to Angel. "I will talk to you tomorrow."


Ramone said goodnight to both men then left.

"So, does the Scooby gang know that your little friend there is a demon?"

Angel's body tensed. He could smell Buffy's scent on him, but it wasn't as strong as his
scent had been on her.

"Where have you been?"

"Out and about."

"Did you hurt someone? I smell someone's scent on you and sex."

Spike smirked. "Well, I did make her scream, but it wasn't from pain."

Angel couldn't believe Spike would go from Buffy's beauty and light to another
bed. It gave him even more cause to doubt his friend's claim that Spike had
been chosen to be the one for Buffy, and more reason to want to dust him on
the spot than he ever had. Spike had always been loyal to Drusilla. But he'd
loved her. This just showed he couldn't love Buffy. And that he was her enemy
to the core like he'd always been.

As the anger flashed red before his eyes and the thought that one day Spike
would hurt her pounded in his head his fist clenched. Angel
mentally tried to push his anger at Spike aside, but all he wanted to do
right now was kill him. Dust him right there and raise Buffy's child as his
own. But, something in Ramone's words and eyes had said, 'He doesn't love her. At least not yet.'

Spike seemed to sense the controlled rage in Angel and smirked a little
before asking, "Is the slayer in there?"

Angel jumped back into reality. "Yeah."

"Good, been meaning to talk to her about something."

Spike pushed both doors wide open and waltzed into the library. He scanned the room until he found her over by the weapons.

"'Ello, pet," he greeted, leaning against the wall with his shoulder.

A shiver trailed through Buffy's body from his closeness. Her mind drifted back to earlier,
when his tongue had lavished her body. God, she would give anything to be back there
lying on the bed with Spike. No, not Spike, with someone other then Spike pleasuring her the way he had.

"Why are you here?" she asked, jerking an ax from its place on the wall.

"Don't know really. Was visiting a friend, got bored with her, decided to see what you
were up to and now here I am."

Buffy's eyes shot over at Spike. Did he say 'her'? Buffy shook her head, wondering why
she even cared what kind of friend he had visited.

"I'm about to go patrol."

"I'll come with you," he said, a mischievous look gleaming in his eyes.

Buffy didn't miss the look or the hidden message behind it, but she didn't let it effect her.

"Good, Angel and I could use the extra help," she said, smiling brightly and walking away from him.



"The course of true love never did run smooth." Shakespeare

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