Rated: NC-17
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 34 Completed: No
Word count: 65749 Read: 53514
Published: 01/24/2005 Updated: 07/01/2005
1. Chapter 1: Working the streets by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 8] (1840 words)
2. Chapter 1: Bitter Revelations by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 5] (1858 words)
3. Chapter 3: Breakdown by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 9] (1877 words)
4. Chapter 4: Debts waiting to be paid by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 5] (2423 words)
5. Chapter 5: How to say hello, Sunnydale style by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 5] (1623 words)
6. Chapter 6: A lively debate about the rights of the unalive by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 6] (1903 words)
7. Chapter 7: In the heat of the moment by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 13] (1884 words)
8. Chapter 8: Attitude Adjustment by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 5] (2557 words)
9. Chapter 9: Just in the neighborhood by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 8] (2318 words)
10. Chapter 10: Tears by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 4] (2626 words)
11. Chapter 11: A battle of wills by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 9] (1746 words)
12. Chapter 12: A step in the right direction by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 13] (1687 words)
13. Chapter 13: Trapped by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 11] (2372 words)
14. Chapter 14: Unexpected encounter by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 4] (2360 words)
15. Chapter 15: A chance by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 4] (1685 words)
16. Chapter 15: A drunk, a truce and an unexpected invitation by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 8] (1707 words)
17. Chapter 17:A wager is made by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 5] (1429 words)
18. Chapter 18: Birds of a feather... by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 4] (1357 words)
19. Chapter 19: A moment of life and an eternity of death by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 10] (1735 words)
20. Chapter 20: A choice of deaths by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 8] (1513 words)
21. Chapter 21: Surprise by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 10] (1887 words)
22. Chapter 22: From death to life by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 4] (3025 words)
23. Chapter 23: Road trip by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 6] (1956 words)
24. Chapter 24: Natural progression by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 9] (2076 words)
25. Chapter 25: Buzz kill by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 8] (2169 words)
26. Chapter 26: Silent prayers by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 9] (1432 words)
27. Chapter 27: He loves me....or does he? by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 7] (1958 words)
28. Chapter 28: Connections by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 7] (2768 words)
29. Chapter 29: It's a small world by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 5] (1745 words)
30. Chapter 30: Getting aquainted by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 5] (1622 words)
31. Chapter 31: A plan by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 9] (1519 words)
32. Chapter 32: From joking to screaming by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 7] (1613 words)
33. Chapter33: Haste by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 8] (1248 words)
Disclaimer: The information contained in this fiction, is for entertainment purposes only. Try it in the real world and the nice officers will escort you to a cell, so don’t blame me.
34. Chapter 34: Taking back control by Revello_1620 [Reviews - 11] (2231 words)
Sorry it's taken sooo long for an update. My muses have been in a really Spuffy mood lately but thanks to reading a few really amazing fics, they started churning again!
My beta Eternal is on vacation until the end of the month, so please overlook the mistakes which I'm sure managed to slip through when I read over it myself.