Chapter 12

They all walked into the hospital and a doctor came up to Joyce and was talking to her while Spike and Dawn sat down. "Is she going to be okay?" Joyce said to the doctor.

"We did all we could for her. She hasn't woken up yet; she'll have to pull out of this one on her own. I believe she'll be okay though, but I think there is something else that you need to know." The doctor said. "She has severe bruises and cuts on her and with the way she was found...I believe your daughter was raped." Joyce put her hand over her mouth; she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Oh god, who could have done this?" She wondered and no one said anything until Spike spoke up.

"It was Parker. I know he's responsible for this." Joyce turned to look at him.

"Buffy's boyfriend, but why would he do this?" She asked.

"He's been abusive towards her lately; we found her crying at the Bronze with a big bruise on her face. She said that he has been hurting her for about four months now. I guess she didn't know how to tell anyone about it." He explained and Joyce looked horrified.

"She has been keeping this to herself for four months. She should have told me so they could lock him up for this." The doctor looked at Spike.

"Have you ever seen him lay a hand on her?" Spike shook his head.

"I only know what she told me, but I believe her. Now more than ever." The doctor nodded.

"I'll notify the police about this, but they may need real proof so they could arrest him." He said.

"I think the fact that she's beaten and in a hospital right now is proof enough." Spike said trying to keep his voice in control.

"Yes, but it would help if Ms. Summers was awake and could confirm that he was the one that did this. Also if she wants to press charges." Spike nodded.

"She will, I'll see to that." The doctor nodded also.

"What is the young man's last name?" He asked.

"I don't know his last name." Spike replied.

"It's Parker Abrams." Dawn stated in a quiet voice, finally speaking up after being silent the whole time. The doctor nodded and went to notify the police. He came back a few minutes later.

"They're on their way; I believe they would need to question Ms. Summers when she wakes up. I hope that would be alright." Joyce nodded.

"That's fine doctor, thank you." He nodded also and gave her a sympathetic look.

"Can we see her?" Dawn asked, she really wanted to see what that jerk did to her sister.

"Yes, you all can go in if you like." He told them as he pointed to the direction of her room. He walked in the other direction while they all headed to Buffy's room.

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