Darla sat in the corner of the bar watching the entrance to see if Buffy accepted her invitation. It also gave her the advantage to see who else entered the lounge. She could not help but think she was working on a movie set instead of sitting in one of the ships bar, waiting to see if her life was about to blow up in her face.

She had decided to let fate decide- If Buffy shows up, she will tell the woman everything she knows and suspects about Angel's plans for her and Spike. If she doesn't show, then the lady is on her own, and she will just refuse to help her co-worker with his scheme to bring Spike down.

Giles had taken the stairs, which he had found to be quicker and more private when they had first boarded the ship. It was easy since it was only a few decks up, with the Explorer's lounge being on the Pomenade deck. He hurried so he could grab a few minutes hopefully with Darla before Buffy and Willow arrived.

Darla groaned when she noticed Giles enter the bar. The last thing she needed was a positive Spike supporter to overhear what she had to say. Her heart began to race when she noticed the determined look on Giles' face when he started walking quickly toward her.

"Darla, I have but a few minutes before we are joined by Buffy and Willow," Giles began. "So I will make this as quick and painless as I can."

She nodded, not wanting to say anything since she didn't know why he was here. "Okay, Rupert, make it quick please."

They worked well with each other, having a few scenes together, plus mingling during the show and network parties. "I need to know what you plan to discuss with Buffy, especially if it involves Spike and Angel."

She tried to keep her anxiety level down, but she knew he caught her surprise when the look of triumph came over his face.

"I think you need to tell me if this meeting is something planned by Angel to cause more trouble."

Darla shook her head, "No, I want to come clean and tell Buffy what happened today and how Angel is going to use her to hurt Spike."

Giles looked down at the woman and could see the fear in her eyes. "How did he get you to do this?"

Darla started to bite on her lower lip debating how much she should divulge when she noticed Buffy and her friend walk into the bar. "They're here, can't talk about it right now."

"I will help you any way I can," Giles said, smiling softly. "I will stay if you want me to, or you can call me tomorrow."

Darla felt the tears start to build up. "Stay."

Giles said nothing, just offered a reassuring smile as he turned to meet the two young women as they arrived at the table. "Ladies, if you don't mind, I'm going to join you for a moment."

Buffy looked from the blonde woman that was sitting down to Jenny's husband and debated if she wanted to join them or just walk away. Her head was telling her she needed to stay, where her heart was telling her to run.

"Fine with me, if Buffy is okay with it," Darla said as she met the other woman's gaze, hoping she wouldn't turn away, run and not hear her out.

Buffy surprised herself as she took the chair directly across from the other blonde woman and sat back with her arms across her chest. "I have a feeling this is about Angel and Spike and what really was behind what happened today."

Willow took the seat on Buffy's left and Giles took the seat on the right, both of them were surprised to hear Buffy confront Darla so quickly. Giles secretly was proud how the young woman had figured out the main reason for Darla asking to meet her.

Darla's eyes kept darting to the entrance of the bar, and the other three people at the table could not help but notice. The last thing she needed was for Angel to come in and catch her talking not just to Buffy and her friend, but Rupert as well. To Angel, that would be unforgivable.

"He is not going to come here tonight," Giles tried to reassure her. "His attention was with a certain brunette when I last saw him down below."

Darla relaxed. "The little ho-bag that had Wesley looking like the deer caught in the headlights the other night?"

Giles fought back a smile, as he looked over at Willow as he spoke. "Yes, she made him rather uncomfortable- not his type at all."

Willow smiled to herself as she relaxed hearing Giles confirm nothing had happened between Wes and the tramp they were talking about.

Buffy sat back and let the other woman collect herself, having noticed how anxious she had been, before hearing that Angel was otherwise engaged. The first thing she was going to do, when she saw him tomorrow, was give him a piece of her mind and set him straight on a few things.

Darla sighed softly, praying for the courage to say what she was about to say. "Buffy, the little scene in the elevator was fixed. He had me wait with him until you were ready to leave the pool. It was all rehearsed and most of it not true, that is except Harmony."

"What about Harmony?" Buffy asked, seeing Giles tense up and become agitated.

"Spike is dating Harmony," Darla shrugged.

Giles cleared his throat as he gave Darla a not-so-friendly look and then his gaze softened when he looked over at Buffy. "I can honestly say that Spike is no longer dating Harmony, he broke it off right before the cruise."

Buffy's eyes quickly turned to Giles and met his stare. "So, he isn't seeing anyone right now?"

"No, he realized she was not for him, was not his future," Giles smiled softly. "I can say this, and you can quote me if you'd like, his plans after the cruise included a trip to Sunnydale. Something about meeting a girl from there and wanting to get to know her better."

"He was coming to see me," Buffy whispered, turning to look at Willow. "He was going to come to Sunnydale and see me."

Willow was happy for Buffy and the news that Spike had not been a low life, cheating bum. The redhead turned her focus on the woman who'd helped cause her best friend the unnecessary pain. "So, why are you telling us this now?" Willow asked, bringing Buffy back to why they were gathered here.

Darla leaned her head back trying to think of a way to say enough for them to understand her plight, without having to tell them all of it. She could not look them in the eyes as she whispered. "I did something I'm ashamed of and he has it all on tape."

"The bastard seems to be in love with act of taping," Giles growled, causing the three girls to jump and stare at him with a look of weary. "Sorry, just I'm finding out more than I care to about Angel."

"Yes, our Angel does not live up to his name, that's for sure," Darla snorted, as she reached over and picked up her drink. "Buffy, make sure you never find yourself alone with him."

"Why? Would he really be stupid enough to try and force me to do something I don't want to do?" Buffy rolled her eyes. "I think I can handle the likes of him."

"Well, sometimes, where there is a will there is a way," Darla stared at her, hoping the young woman got her meaning. "Believe me, I know."

Giles wondered what Angel could have on Darla that could be so awful he would use it as blackmail. He knew the young woman had a hard time of it when her husband had asked for a separation last year. The last dinner at Robert's house, the couple had come together. They appeared to be back in a loving relationship.

"I promise to be careful," Buffy nodded, wondering what Angel could have on this woman to make her do what she had done today.

"Is there anything we can help you with?" Willow asked, knowing the woman must be hurting and Angel might seek revenge against her, telling everyone what he had on her.

"No, I’ll just have to be prepared to have the carpet pulled out from under me." Darla smiled sadly. "Please don't worry, after thinking it all over I'd rather live with it coming out than to live with doing what I had done last night and today."

"Thank you for coming to me and telling me the truth," Buffy reached over, took Darla's hand, and gently squeezed it. "If you ever need to talk, I think you know where to find me."

Darla returned the gesture and smiled back. "Thank you for not holding it against me."

"I'm sure you didn't have time to really think things out," Buffy let go of her hand and leaned back into her chair. "I'm sure this Angel freak, hit you with it and demanded you help on the spot."

Darla nodded. "I think I will be going now."

"Again, thanks for telling me all of this. I know this had to been very hard for you." Buffy felt bad that this woman had been made to do something she didn't want to do, because some dickhead had something he could hold over her head. "I mean it. I would be more then happy to help you in anyway I can."

Giles stood up as Darla did and walked over and pulled her into a tight hug and whispered, "We will talk, and he will pay. You have my word as a gentleman."

Darla hugged him back. "Thank you Rupert,” she whispered. “But I'm not sure you can help me out of this one."

"Oh, you might be surprised, my dear, you just might be surprised," he whispered with a chuckle, before stepping back and letting her leave.

Willow watched as the forlorn woman walked out of the bar with her shoulders drooped and her head down. Her eyes met Buffy's and saw her own feeling reflected in her best friend's gaze. They both felt sorry for the young woman and her troubles.

"Giles do you know where Spike is?" Buffy asked, feeling the need to make amends.

Giles looked down at his hands that found themselves folded in front of him on the table. He thought for a moment about how he was going to answer her question. He took a few seconds, then looked up at her and decided that he would tell her what he thought she should know, and then it would be up to Spike to tell her the rest.

"Buffy, Spike had a very bad night tonight and is in his room." Giles started to explain and raised his hand up to stop her from speaking. "Now would not be a good time to see him."

"He's okay, right?" she asked, feeling a sudden wave of anxiety come over her.

"Yes, he just needs some time," Giles replied, his hand coming over and grasping hers. "Buffy, do you believe in fate?"

Looking at the older man, Buffy realized it was a serious question, so she took a few moments to think about it before she replied. "I'm not sure, I haven't ever thought about it, why?"

"I believe in it with all my heart." Giles squeezed her hand as he continued, "One day, ask Jenny about fate and how it brought her to me. For if it was not for the fates that day I would be a very unhappy man today. She is my soulmate…my life."

Buffy smiled as the tears came to her eyes when she understood his meaning. "So you think the fates may have brought about me and Spike together?"

"I guess only time will tell," Giles winked right before he let her hand go. "Come ladies, if you are ready I would be more than honored to escort you to your cabin."

"Why, Mr. Giles, how knightly of you," Willow giggled as she and Buffy stood up and allowed Jenny's husband to walk them home.

"Please, be sure not to tell my wife. She will expect me to wear my armor, and it's such a bother to polish, let alone try and put on." Rupert winked as he bowed and swung his arm out to the side as the ladies walked out of the bar.


Jenny opened her eyes and realized she had fallen asleep in Allyson's bed. She tried to squint and see what time it was, but the clock was turned toward Sara, so she couldn't see the time. She eased herself up and away from her sleeping daughter and quickly stood up off the bed, preparing to go and join her husband, who should be home by now.

She again looked and made sure her pride and joys were all snuggled and breathing before she turned to go to her room. The first thing she was going to do was make her husband tell her everything that went on in the boys’ room.

The first thing she noticed was the bedside lamp's light was on. The next thing she noticed was the still-made bed and her missing husband. All she could think, was something terrible had happened. She opened the door and moved quickly over to the boys’ door and knocked.

"Who is it?" Wesley whispered, wondering who'd be knocking on their door this late at night.

"Jenny, now open this door."

Wesley opened the door quickly and looked to see if her husband was around. "Jenny, what, my dear, are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for my husband for one, and answers for the second." Jenny placed her hands on her hips and put her 'I'm the boss' face on, which was hard to ignore or forget.

"Giles did not come back to the room?" Wesley asked.

"Not there, that's why I’m here," she glared at the younger man. "Are you going to ask me in or is something going on I shouldn't know about?"

Wesley ran his hand through his hair and contemplated on how best to handle this new problem. "Jenny, Spike is sleeping it off and I would rather not wake him at the moment."

"What happened?" Jenny asked, her voice full of concern and worry.

"It's a long and complicated tale to tell," Wesley tried to explain. "Something I'd rather tell you in the morning if you don't mind. Just know he is alright, for now that is, he will be feeling the effects come morning."

"So, where is my husband?" Jenny asked, feeling like something major was going on and she was out of the loop.

"I don't know, Jenny, he left here, going back to your cabin," Wesley said with a sigh, thinking he was going to have to have a long talk with Rupert, if he'd gone to confront Angel without him.

"Jenny?" Giles asked, having noticed his wife standing out side of Wes and Spike's cabin door. He was sure she would still be sleeping when he got back.

"Well, one missing husband found," Wesley glared at the man in question.

"Where were you? And what the hell is going on?" Jenny turned toward the husband with her hands firmly on her hips, and a determined look on her face that told him he would not get any sleep tonight until he told her everything.

"Yes, Rupert where were you?" Wesley leaned against the door with a look of 'you had better not have gone and done what I think you have' look on his face.

"Get some rest my friend, you will need it," Giles smiled. "What I have to say will keep until then. No bodily damage done."

Jenny looked on and became more confused and angry. "Well, maybe he can sleep, Mister, but you won't, until you tell me what is going on."

"You my dear will have my undivided attention once we get back to our room," Giles leaned down and kissed her lips gently. "I love you. I just had to say it."

Jenny knew by the look on his face, his love was not said to placate her. "I love you, too."

"Then goodnight and we will talk in the morning then," Wes reaffirmed before closing the door.

"Come my dear sweet wife, for I have a tale of woe and suspense that only the likes of Shakespeare himself could have weaved." Giles pulled her close as they walked together to their cabin.

"It involves Spike doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does," Giles nodded. "It involves lies, betrayal, treachery, and jealousy."

Jenny looked up at her husband as he unlocked the door. "I'm going to want to kick someone's ass, aren’t I?"

"Yes, I do believe you will want to do just that," Giles chuckled as he pictured Angel getting the shit beat out of him by the beautiful woman he called his wife. "I'm thinking I just might let you."

"Good," Jenny replied as she entered the cabin.


Buffy walked out onto the balcony and looked up at the stars and moon. "Willow, do you believe in fate?"

Willow walked to the door and watched as Buffy started up at the night sky. "Yes, sometimes I do?"

"Do you thinks it's fate that I met William and we ended up on the same ship?" Buffy turned around and looked at her best friend.

"Has anyone made you feel like he makes you feel?" Willow asked.

"No. No one," Buffy smiled. "I mean he did knock me off my feet. Would that count as a fairytale beginning?"

Willow laughed as she nodded. "I think he just might be your prince."

Buffy started to laugh as well when she thought again how Giles had told her that William had planned to come and find her in Sunnydale. "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Willow thought of how she felt when she first saw Wesley in person for the first time and their eyes met. "Yeah, I think I do."

Buffy looked over and noticed her friend's flushed face and knew whom the redhead was thinking about. "So, do you think the fates are working to bring you and pretty boy Wes together?"

Willow sputtered as she looked over at Buffy. "He’s not a pretty boy."

"I think he is." Buffy bit her lip to keep from laughing at the indignation on her friend's face.

"He is not pretty, he is handsome," Willow stated firmly as she glared at her friend, missing the mischief in her eyes.

"Yep, pretty handsome," Buffy snickered. "I think you have it bad Wills. I think you really like Wesley a lot, and you should go for it."

"But I’m just me," Willow said as she turned and walked back into the cabin, with Buffy following right behind her.

"Well I like ‘just you’ just fine," Buffy replied. "And I think he likes you, too."

Willow's eyes grew large as she turned around and asked, "You think he likes me?"

"Sure do," Buffy nodded. "I think you should get to know him better."

"Maybe the fates are with both of us this trip." Buffy giggled. "It would be funny if we both ended up dating these guys after the cruise.

"Only time will tell," Willow smiled as she nudged her friend. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm tired."

Buffy was going to deny her tiredness, but she couldn't hold back the yawn. "Yeah, a day at sea. I wonder how long we can stay at the pool."

"I say we have breakfast, plan our day for the next port of call, and see what tours we want to take." Willow smiled and then looked pointedly at Buffy. "That is, after you go and talk to Spike."

"You got that right. Me making things right," Buffy's smile grew. "I have never felt like this about someone Wills, and it scares me as much as it excites me."

"Take it one day and one step at a time," Willow said before giving her friend a stern look. "Do not back away from this Buffy. You have to stop being your own worst enemy."

"I promise to give this a chance. Don't ask me why, but I'm going to see how it goes after I talk to Spike." Buffy gave her friend a determined look.

"Just remember I’ll be here for you," Willow winked.

"Okay here's the deal," Buffy said, giving her best friend a big smile and putting her hand out. "You will be there for me about Spike, and I will there for you about Wesley."

Willow laughed as she took Buffy's hand and agreed. "Deal!"

"Great, now to bed and we will see what tomorrow brings," Buffy said, returning the handshake.

The two women then broke all contact as they stood and prepared themselves for bed. Each of them thinking of their man and wondering when they'd get to see them, since they didn't now what either man had scheduled with the con during the day.


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