Author's Chapter Notes:
Hope I haven't lost you guys.....
Buffy lay on the table as magic fingers worked their skill. She would most definitely thank William for this wonderful gift. She knew that Willow was dying to ask about the return of her mother's ring, and the significance of the other. Willow never could hide her thought or feelings very well.

But, she and William had discussed the issue and had decided they wanted to announce their intentions privately, where those that could leak things to the press would not take the information and run with it.

The massage was going well until it came to her feet. Then she found there was a slight problem, she was ticklish in the worst way. Buffy laughed as the masseuse who was trying to rub her feet and said, "I think we might have to skip the feet part."

Ingrid shook her head with an understanding smile as she replied, her Swedish accent sounding very appropriate to Buffy, "Ya, I agree, much too sensitive there."

"You don't know what you're missing by being so ticklish." Jenny sighed, as Michelle, her masseuse, worked on her feet.

"Yep, don't know what you're missing," Willow agreed, her voice barely audible.

"You both will have to come out to Arizona and visit, maybe Labor Day weekend?" Jenny offered, hoping they both would become regular visitors to the ranch.

"I always wanted to see what a real ranch looked like," Willow replied, trying to stay awake, having not slept much the night before. "I would have a 3 days weekend due to the holiday."

"Oh, me too, no work for me either that Monday," Buffy voiced her agreement and then returned the offer. "You and the girls will have to come to Sunnydale, too, I have plenty of room at my house. Not much to see, but we have a nice museum and the zoo is very cute.

"Well, except for that hyena problem," Willow said, while trying to hold back her laughter.

Buffy giggled as she remembered the look on Principle Flutie's face, when someone reported one of the kids had tried to smuggle a hyena out during a school field trip. "Yeah, who would've figured Luke would've wanted a pet hyena."

The three women continued to share stories while being pampered. Jenny feeling totally relaxed, since the girls had went with their father to the convention events. Buffy was enjoying the pampering, especially having her muscles ache in places she never thought they would. Willow kept dozing on and off, as she tried to listen to the conversation going on around her.


Giles noticed the difference in both his friends as they smiled and joked around with each other and the fans. Spike was even more excitable then usual. The fans he heard used Crawford's bouncy energy to anoint him the nickname of Tigger. Never had he seen either men this happy, and he was sure it had everything to do with Buffy and Willow.

Currently the writers of the show were on the stage taking questions about past and future scripts as they auctioned them off. He noticed the twinkle in Warren's eyes earlier when someone had asked him about any shake-ups for the next season. The man's answer had intrigued him, since his answer was, "You never know what might happen, and only we the writers know."

He noticed Darla was staying close to Xander and Anya, or with Wesley. Something he thought was smart and practical since Angel's demeanor made his skin crawl and his brain say, 'danger, danger'. It didn't help that his wife was worried that something bad was going to happen. In fact, it was her feelings that put his protective instinct in high gear.

Giles noticed his daughters were talking with a few of the fans, while Spike stayed close by them. He, himself, made sure neither of the three were ever close to Angel without a chaperone. His gut told him that soon a confrontation with Angel was on the horizon.


Spike continued to meet and greet the fans, while secretly keeping an eye on the clock. The only thing he wanted was to get back to Buffy, wanting to spend as much time with her as he could. He knew once they got back to the states and filming began their time together would be less. Just the thought of the distance and time apart made his heart hurt.

"You look like a man in love," Beatrice said, as she noticed how he'd sneak a look at the clock. Having seen the attention he'd been paying the young blonde woman during the trip, it wasn't hard to put two and two together.

Spike's eyes sparkled as he confirmed her statement, "Yeah, I am."

"Good!" she said while at the same time giving him a knowing wink as she gently patted his arm.

"I think it's wonderful," Yolanda agreed. "She is very pretty."

Spike smiled and leaned down to say, "She's a beauty that no other can compare, for she is my light leading me out of the darkness."

"She is a very lucky young woman," Yolanda replied, in awe over his words.

"No, I'm the lucky one," Spike replied, then turned the conversation back toward the show. "So, ladies which episode was your favorite and why?"


Wesley stood talking with a few fans, while staying alert to everything going on around him. He noticed his best friend's excitability and knew it was because of Buffy and his need to get back to her. He understood, for he wanted nothing more then to be back in Willow's arms. He couldn't wait to ask Spike to be his best man.

He also noticed how alert Giles was and that the man was watching Angel like a hawk. Jenny's demeanor at breakfast still worried him, and he was sure whatever was bothering her Rupert knew about it.

The way Angel was acting was rather spooky and creepy. Never had the man been so fan oriented in all the years they've worked together. Something was off about the usually brooding man, when it came to promoting the show. Wes was sure something devious was behind O'Conner's display of being this overly fan friendly.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Is that all they're worth now, I must be slipping in value." Wesley snorted as turned to greet his best friend.

"Oh, Luv, you know you mean more to me than that," Spike purred.

"Cheeky bastard is what you are," Wesley replied.

"Trouble in Wes and Spike paradise?" Anya teased as she came to stand between the two men.

"I see you've given Xander some leg room. Do you think it's safe with barracuda running around here trying to seduce everyone including Andrew?" Wes asked, and grinned at the look of disgust on the woman's face.

"She has been taken care of," Anya said, with an evil smile on her face to add credence to her words.

"Oh, pray tell, spill the beans." Spike chuckled, upset he'd missed Anya taking the tramp.

"Let's just say, Faith has seen the light," Anya said with a smirk on her face and a sparkle in her eyes. "She will not be joining us tonight."

"I'm relieved, you just don't know how much so," Wes answered with an exaggerated sigh.

"I knew Willow would bring you many orgasms," she said in her usual loving blunt way.

"Really, Anya, do you have to be so blunt?" he asked while rolling his eyes and feeling his face grow warmer.

"That's our Anya, direct and to the point," Spike said, as he gave the woman a wink.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. I like her and I think she will make you all warm and happy and stray free," Anya replied with a shrug and a knowing wink. "I know Spike and Buffy did it, too."

"Honestly, do you have to say what's on your mind every time?" Wesley asked, more for curiosity, having already made sure no one overheard her.

"I want to know how she knows these things," Spike said as he chuckled, not worried who had overheard them.

"It's who I am. I don't believe in pulling punches. I just wanted you to know I'm happy for you both," Anya answered as she leaned up to kiss his cheek and then Spike's. "You guys will always be special to me."

"Hey, no kissing my wife," Xander playfully teased.

"She kissed me, because I'm prettier,” Spike responded, with a devilish grin and a wink directed at Anya.

"I was just telling them I'm happy about their orgasmic bliss," she said while watching to see how her husband would react, smiling when she noticed him blush.

"Honey…never mind." Xander sighed, while shaking his head, knowing there was nothing he could do to change her ways. Wondering if he really wanted to, for then she wouldn't be the woman he fell in love with.

Wesley laughed as he patted Harris on the back saying, "Don't worry, why change what isn't broken? She is a wonderful woman, and a good friend. Both of you are."

"Second that," Spike agreed.

"You're still coming to the night before filming barbeque?" Xander asked, since everyone but Angel came every year. It was the party to end the summer, the night before they'd have to be on set.

"I will be there, as always," Wesley answered.

"Me, too," Spike replied.

"Great, and you know Willow and Buffy must come, too," Anya made a point to say.

"I'm sure she will come. I just have to see how her schedule is first," Spike replied as Wesley agreed by nodding.

"Man, is Angel on drugs, or did someone hit him over the head and cause his brains to become scramble?" Xander asked.

"I don't know what's up his sleeve, but I'm sure it's not pretty," Spike said as he started to notice Angel's odd behavior.

"Maybe he's found fan religion and has seen the light," Anya offered.

All four looked at each other and then at the same time said, "Nah!"

"I'm with Harris, drugs, or brain trauma," Wesley shared his opinion.

Spike sarcastically replied with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes, "I think the hair gel has finally soaked into his brain and caused a personality transformation. Or he's wearing those lifts again and breathing fresh air."

"Either way, I think we should keep a closer watch on Mr. Personality, not," Xander told them, not feeling comfortable with how O'Conner was acting.

With that said, everyone moved away from each other, back to mix and mingle. All four more aware of Angel's whereabouts, since they all agreed Angel needed further watching.


Lorne watched as everyone enjoyed themselves during the auction. It was something Lindsey had come up with to benefit the Pediatric Aides Foundation and St. Jude's Children's Hospital. He continued to keep an eye on his newest special friend up on stage talking about the shows scripts and doing his share of trying to get people to spend their money on such a great cause. So much joy, he owed to Cordy, for it she had not stepped in, he'd made a fool of himself. Andrew, as she'd said, was perfect for him.

It also made him very happy as well to watch his two favorite people come together at last. Lindsey and Cordelia were like family to him, and to seem then finally as a couple made him smile. He just hoped one day he'd see Angel O'Conner get what he deserved, and he wanted it served cold.


Jenny, Buffy, Willow, and Anya, found themselves alone in the con staff lounge. The women were waiting for their men to return from their meeting with the promoters of the convention concerning the auction. The auction had gone wonderfully well, and now all that was left was the last cocktail party and dinner.

Anya in her frustration sighed and said to no one in particular. "I hope they hurry, me and Xander have naughty plans for our last night on board ship."

"Oh!" Willow squeaked, while Buffy tried to ignore the bluntness of the other woman's statement.

Jenny laughed and playfully said, "Leave it to you to bring up the subject of sex."

Anya snorted as she replied, "Well, it's nothing to be ashamed of, it's a natural need between a man and a woman…or others preferences."

"Yes, I agree," Jenny replied, as she gauged the younger women's responses before she added, "But some might feel uneasy talking about it."

"Oh pish posh, sex is great and everyone should be having it. Maybe then the world might get along," Anya said as she rolled her yes and continued not caring. "Sex, especially with someone you love and trust is nothing you should be embarrassed to talk about. You should rejoice in it, get the books and learn the positions. Don't be afraid to experiment, it keeps the relationship fresh and new. Great bed time discussions, if you can talk about sex, you can talk about anything."

Buffy blushed as she asked, "What books would you recommend?"

Anya tilted her head as she appraised the woman who stole Spike's heart. "I will give you a list of some great resources. In fact, I have a few with me I can give you to look over if you'd like. You can give them back when you come to L.A."

Buffy felt her heart start to beat faster and knew her face was now very red, as she looked Anya in the eyes and say, "Okay."

Willow couldn't believe her ears; her best friend was going to read about how to have sex. Never did she even consider reading one of those books when she and Oz first had sex. But, then again, like Xander's wife said, it is the most natural thing a couple does. Silently she promised herself she'd ask Buffy if she could take a peek at the resource materials too.

"I mean, men love it when a woman performs the act of fellatio for him," Anya continued on, figuring she now had their attention.

"Fellatio," Willow whispered, as she looked up at the ceiling.

"You know, head, blowjob, suck his-" Anya's explanation was cut off when Jenny couldn't help but step in and try and save the two other women.

"Anya, I think they know what it means," Jenny said with a wink. "I think they are just not used to frank talk on sex."

"Well, it's not hard to do once you get the hang of it," Anya said as she shrugged her shoulders, not feeling offended or put off.

"Men like it a lot?" Buffy asked, again feeling shy but determined to work on her nervousness concerning sex.

"Yes, they do," Anya said and looked at Jenny for confirmation.

"I have to agree," Jenny said, giving a reassuring smile to Buffy. "Just let things happen. Make Spike aware you would be interested in being more sexually expressive. I'm sure he would be a patient teacher."

Anya silently watched how gentle Jenny was talking to Spike's new girlfriend. Suddenly it came to her- the young woman was either a virgin or a very inexperienced female to the world of men and sex. She would make a point to get her those books and make sure Buffy realized she'd be there to talk too anytime she needed to.

"The first few times you will gag." Willow surprised herself by joining the conversation as she added. "But it's really not that bad, even of the good, once you learn the things not to do."

"Willow Rosenberg, you've done it and never told me about it." Buffy giggled, feeling more at ease now that Willow was involved.

"A girl can't give away all her secrets." Willow snickered, blushing as she started to laugh.

The women started to open up and relax as they continued to talk about sexual positions and other topics that dealt with sex. The more Anya told them the more they laughed and asked questions. By the time, the men returned they found their ladies laughing so hard, tears were running down their faces.

"Care to share the joke?" Wesley asked.

Xander, knowing his wife held back his smile as he said, "I don't think we really want to know."

"Oh, yeah, I do," Spike said with a grin on his face.

"I'm not sure." Giles chuckled as he noticed his wife's wink, giving him the idea it had to do with Anya and sex.

"We were talking about sex," Anya turned and bluntly told them, only making the other women to react differently.

Buffy's eyes grew large as she looked at William with concern, wondering if he'd be worried that she was talking about their time together. His eyes held an intense heat as he tilted his head and raked her body with his eyes, making her feel funny all over.

"Were you now? Care to share?" Spike asked, loving how his girl blushed and the innocence he could still see in her eyes.

"No, no sharing," Buffy was quick to point out. "Just talking about…you know…sex."

"Just sex?" Spike teased as he advanced toward her with only one goal in mind.

"Well, Anya was just telling us about what she's read about, is all," Willow tried to explain without getting too deep about what exactly they had been talking about before they came into the room.

"Really, my dear?" Wesley said as he watched her blush, making him want to show her ways he could make her talk.

"Honest, nothing of the funny business." Willow squeaked, hoping he didn't think she was talking about their encounter.

"Boys, enough with the teasing." Jenny turned motherly, feeling a need to slow it down, they still had dinner to make it to.

"Oh, no teasing, momma bear," Spike replied as he stood before his girl and reached down his hand. "Come, lovely creature, I have a sweet surprise for you."

"I bet you do." Anya giggled as she nudged Spike's leg with her foot. "Don't forget we have our last dinner in…" Anya looked at her watch and then continued with an evil smile, "Less than an hour."

"I will give her the surprise and make it to dinner on time," Spike implied as he took his girl's hand and pulled her up flush against him. "Missed you, Kitten."

Buffy wrapped her arms around his waist and sighed, "I missed you, too."

Spike leaned down and lightly kissed her nose before he let her go, only to take her hand and lead her from the room. Buffy looked back and waved goodbye, wondering if he was taking her back to their special room.

Willow turned away from waving back at Buffy, smiling when she felt the couch give as Wesley sat down beside her. She would always know when he was near. It was like her body some how developed Wes radar.

"Hello, my love!" Wesley sighed as he leaned in to kiss her cheek, knowing if he touched her lips there would be no turning back.

Willow felt disappointment when she turned to kiss him and he'd moved away. Hoping he wasn’t immune to her pout, she did, only to again be disappointed. A small voice inside her started her wondering if he was having second thoughts about them.

Wesley knew she didn't understand how much he wanted her and decided he'd show her when they were alone. "I, too, have a surprise to show you."

"You do?" Willow asked, her throat feeling tight, wondering what he had for her.

"Come with me."

Quietly she let him assist her up and firmly hold her hand, as he led her to the door. He hoped she wouldn't be mad with what he and Spike had done. He would show her to the room that now was their room. Tonight they'd spend together and he'd show her just how much he'd come to love and care about her.

Jenny looked at Giles and knew by his expression something big was about to happen. She gave him her patent, 'Tell me now' look as she waited for him to spill what he knew.

"Talk!" Was all Anya had to say, and her husband was singing like a canary.

"Spike and Wesley changed rooms with Willow and Buffy," Xander answered, knowing the torture waiting for him if he didn't tell. "You know, Spike and Buffy in one room, and Wes and Willow in the other, that kind of changes of the rooms."

"Do Buffy and Willow know?" Jenny asked, having overheard Harris.

"Seems they had talked about it so Spike lifted Buffy's room key, somehow, and we helped move things around," Xander explained. "They moved what they knew belonged to Buffy to Spike's room. He said she could get the rest of it, since he wasn't sure if it was hers or Red's."

"Boys will be boys," Anya said before taking her husband's hand and leading him out of the room.

"I can see dinner is going to be interesting,” Jenny said as she rolled her eyes, trying not to laugh. "Spike does have a talent on lifting things I didn't realize about him."

"I asked about that," Giles said with a sigh, feeling even more protective toward the young man.

"And?" Jenny asked.

"He didn't answer, just looked toward Wesley who then changed the subject," Giles answered, while all he could think of was the things William must have done to survive growing up in an orphanage.

"I so wish I could find his father and castrate the bastard," Jenny fumed.

"I know, I feel the same way. I just hope he realizes there is nothing he could have done that would make him less in my eyes." Rupert sighed, as he pulled his wife close.

"If not, he will by the time I'm done with him," Jenny said with a determined tone to her voice. "I think we need to start planning who'd take care of the girls if something happened to us. I really don't want my uncle to get a hold of them."

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" Giles asked as he turned to look her in the face.

"I want Spike to be their guardian."

"What about Wesley?" Giles asked, not wanting to make him feel put aside.

"He knows we trust him with our girls no questions asked."

"But, Spike still needs the reassurance we trust him so deeply," Giles said, seeing what his wife was saying. "Wes would know it would be us reaching out to truly bring Spike into the family he now belongs to."

"Exactly, and we will talk to Wesley first to make sure he understands it's not that he's second choice," Jenny agreed.

"Maybe add that in case Spike is unable to take on the role, then we'd want Wesley to do it."

"Great plan, Rupes. I knew there was a reason I married you," Jenny said.

"And, here I thought it was my sexy good looks and my performance in bed," Giles said with a dramatic sigh.

"Come on Stud Muffin with a brain, we need to get ready for dinner and make sure the girls are ready, too."

"Oh, the trial and tribulation of being a parent, I can't wait for those two to get a taste of what it all entails," Giles grumbled lovingly, allowing his wife to take him back to their room.

"You love it and you know it." Jenny playfully chastised him as his smile grew.

"Wouldn't trade it for all the tea in China."

"Me neither."


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