Trust (II)

”Spike!” Buffy exclaimed, seeing him getting closer to the vampiress.
“…But I need this stuff, so... hands off!” he summoned her, with a little growl.

“Good work!” he congratulated the vampiress, who gave him the cross and the book.
“What kind of joke is this, Spike?” Buffy snapped, putting her hands on her hips and narrowing her eyes at him.
“No joke, honey, and it’s not your sodding business! You know, Buffy, I love you and everything, but I’m gonna bring the cross and the book with me, so don’t even dare to try and prevent me from doing it. I don’t wanna hurt you badly, pet, so don’t force me to!” he growled at her, and she understood he wasn’t joking at all.

But another thing he said had shocked her more.

< He loves me? He really loves me! * He* *loves* *me*!> she repeated in her mind, unable to think of any other thing.

But she wasn’t the only one who had overheard that sentence.
“Wait, what does that mean, you love her? Sure, now it’s all clear... the odd orders... the siege without killing, the way you were looking at her when she arrived... you are cheating on us...” the vampiress stated, backing away. “...Just wait until the others find out!” she threatened him, starting to run towards the exit.

Buffy and Spike exchanged an understanding gaze.
“Can I?” she smiled at him.
“Sure, kitten, she’s all yours!” he smiled back at her.

Buffy didn’t waste time and she chased her, throwing the stake from afar.
“Just tell me, since when does dust can talk?” the Slayer exclaimed, as the stake hit her chest and turned her into a pile of... dust, indeed.
She came back to Spike, but she wasn’t smiling at him anymore.

“You know, you got here too early, you weren’t supposed to see that...” he justified.
“But I saw it, so now tell me, Spike, what the hell are you planning to do? Why that book?” she interrogated him.
“You know, books have pictures, pictures have captions... and captions * explain*!” he answered.
“What do you need it for and why that odd cross? I’m sure it’s not a matter of interior decoration!” she struck back, as he put the articles into a sack.
“If I swear to you that it’s for nothing bad, that I’m not planning to destroy the world, which by the way, I bloody like too much to destroy, will you promise me that you won’t interfere?” he asked, approaching her to look into her eyes, very seriously.
“Just tell me what you’re gonna do!” she said, inflexible.

Spike realized that right at that moment she was the Slayer more than she was just Buffy.
“Ok, I’ll tell you. I need to do a ritual. I don’t know exactly how yet... but the cross and the book are somehow involved. Anyway, it’s nothing bad or dangerous for people’s safety... it’s just that I gotta help someone who is very ill, and this is the only way to save ... this someone. Slayer, haven’t you ever had someone you care who needed help, your help? You should know how it feels, I can’t and I won’t let you or anyone else stop me!” he explained, looking at her with a seriousness that almost seemed coldness.

She sighed, rolling her eyes in resignation.
“Deal. I guess I know the feeling, and since you swore it’s nothing dangerous... ok, I’ll let you keep that stuff without telling anyone, but if I found out this is just a lie...” she said with a threatening tone in the last part, but he cut her off with a sweet kiss.
“Just trust me...” he whispered, his lips on hers.
“You know I always do...” she struck back, deepening their kiss. “So, now can we have our date?” she wondered, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I guess we can!” he smiled, nibbling gently at her lobe.
“Mm... by the way... the idea of sending that burning vampire to my house to invite me here was so cute. Who needs candies, chocolate and flowers? This is what I call romanticism!” she chuckled, ruffling his hair.


Eh, eh very mushy sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet spuffy moment coming soon, I just tell you the new chapter will be ‘Fool for love’, but no, it has nothing to do with that episode! ;)
Thank you all, as always! ;)

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