Oh, girls, you are making me sooo happy, thank you all!

Chapter fourteen: Truth Hurts ( I took something from ‘Lie to me’)

The teacher had been explaining the lesson for a while and no matter how interesting it could have been at first, it had become so boring that Cordelia had done an intervention. Buffy and Willow had other priorities so they really weren’t paying attention. In fact, they were exchanging messages on a folded sheet of paper about what Willow had seen the previous night.
The redhead was opening the umpteenth message from Buffy.
‘Do you know who she was?’

Willow exchanged a look with Buffy, took a look around to be sure no one saw her and she answered, folding the paper again and throwing it on Buffy’s desk.
‘No. Dark hair. Old dress. Pretty.’

Buffy had a doubt, so she instinctively wrote the first thing that popped in her mind.
There wasn’t no more needs to exchange folded papers, because the bell had finally rang signaling the end of the class.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so. They seemed pretty friendly..” Willow answered, when Xander reached them from behind.
“Who’s friendly?” the boy asked curiously
“None!” Willow snapped.
“Angel and a girl..” Buffy explained to annoy Willow for fun.
“Buffy, do we have to be in total share mood?” the redhead snorted.
“Hey, it’s me!” Xander smiled, linking arms with her. “If Angel is doing something wrong, I wanna know, because it gives me the happy!” he exulted, but he stopped when he saw Cordelia passing by with her stupid friends. “Excuse me, now I gotta go. I can’t lose the chance to tell her how stupid her intervention in class was. Bye!” he explained, running towards Cordelia.

“Will, I don’t know who this girl is, but I already know that I don’t like her, we gotta do something!” Buffy stated.
In that exact moment, Giles walked by with Miss Calendar beside him, as they sipped a tea they had bought at the machine. Giles must have told her something funny, because she was laughing a lot.
“Have you already seen the terrace? There’s a beautiful view, come with me, I’ll show you..” he suggested, departing with her.

“Well, at least someone is already doing something!” Buffy giggled as Willow did. “Hey, Giles is away, there’s no one at the library.. are you thinking what I’m thinking?” she suggested.
“Let’s go!” Willow answered, so they both went there.

Due to the unlucky research without any results, the two girls didn’t realize that time had run out.
When they figured that out, it was too late, because Giles had caught them.
“Can I help you?” he asked rhetorically, but with a certain authority in his tone.
“Sorry, Giles, I know we should have waited for you, but we were trying to find out if a girl is a vampire..” Buffy explained, but he beckoned her to shut up, but it was useless, because Jenny was behind him, so she had heard everything and was staring at them curiously.
“She meant to say ‘umpire’, don’t you?” Giles pretended to correct her, smiling at Jenny innocently.
“Yeah, umpire, you know, we need one for the volleyball match...” Willow helped Buffy and her friend nodded nervously.
“There’s no need to invent excuses. You said ‘vampire’ and I’m not surprised. After all, I know a couple of things about this interesting town, Hellmouth, Vampires, demons and also the Slayer... whom I guess is you!” Jenny said, looking at Buffy, as everyone stared back at her dumbfounded.

“So, you know me? Wasn’t it supposed to be kinda secret? So how is it that now everyone knows about me being the Slayer? I mean, you already knew me, Angel already knew me...” Buffy snapped, but Jenny narrowed her eyes when she heard that name.
“Wait. Angel? Do you mean Angelus, the over two hundred years old Irish and terrible cruel vampire?” the woman wondered.
“How do you know about Angel? How did you know about the Slayer? Who are you, Miss Calendar, if * that* is your real name?” Willow accused her, being on the defensive, as soon as she heard her attack her beloved.

“Yes, this is my real name, and I’m really qualified to be both the Principal and a teacher. Let’s say that my family, as my family’s family and so forth, knew and fought vampires. So, I know a lot about them. And after some research I also found out about the Slayer.. Anyway, don’t worry, I’m on your side, and I’ll do all I can to help you!” she explained.
“I’ve always wanted to hear these last words from Snyder, at least once!” Buffy sighed, rolling her eyes.

“Anyway, look, Angel is not Angelus anymore. He changed, he has stopped killing a lots of years ago, and now he’s helping us. He’s on your side, too, and you’d better not to accuse him again!” Willow summoned her.
“When you say that you know about the Slayer.. maybe you also know about her Watcher and the very important role he plays..” Giles asked interested, trying to impress her.
“What’s a Watcher? I’ve never heard about that!” she made him upset, but she chuckled immediately after. “I was just kidding, of course I know, Rupert!” she smiled at him.

(end I)

The truth is gonna upset two certain girls.. are you ready?
I’m so glad you like it so far, and hope you will still do!

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