Chapter 13: ‘Calls For Help’

“Buffy!” Spike roared again as he stalked up and down in front of the Watcher’s house. He had smoked almost a full pack of cigarettes, as he paced back and forth, waiting for the wolfboy to come out with some news.

How many times had he howled his stolen mate’s name? Spike could not remember. It didn’t matter anyway, she was still gone from him and he felt like he was dying inside.

It was not much better for his Buffy, that Spike knew for certain. He could feel his mate’s life blood call out to him, but to no avail. The ‘protection’ barrier around the Watcher’s house was just too fucking strong and powerful. If Spike could not get into the house, then it was for sure that Buffy could not get out. Especially since the idiots inside had ‘tethered’ his wife with ropes and chains of magic.

“Can’t we call a cop or something?” Xander whined at Giles, as he glanced over to the window. “That howling of Spike’s is getting on my freaking nerves!” Buffy shot her ex-best male friend another murderous glare.

“Go ahead,” Buffy purred in a low, lulling tone, “call a cop and report the ‘man’ outside. The one who’s pining away for his wife. I think that even the Sunnydale Police Department might find this whole scenario a little bit disturbing. Don’t you?”

Buffy chuckled, her sarcastic tone was grating on everyone present and she was relishing this moment.

“I mean, heck, a guy like Spike, running around outside a reserved, private pillar of the community’s house? Giles,” Buffy grinned at her Watcher, “how do you think the cops are going to view you after this? Spike howls and growls all night, cops come and oh, gosh, there’s a young, nubile woman tied up in your guest room bed? I think the Police Chief is going to be pretty ‘unhappy’ with you and the rest of you pathetic asses.” Buffy grinned at the crew of misfits that kept her from her mate.

“She’s right,” Willow opined, nervously, “either we just let Spike howl and grrr arrgh all night, or we call a cop. Then, we’ll all have a lot to explain if the fuzz come here.” The red head glanced about the room at the faces there. She looked as if she was going to be ill.

“The fuzz?” Oz smirked as he took his girl’s slim hand in his calloused one. “Talk about a 70’s flashback.”

“I just meant,” Willow blushed, “that Buffy is right. About this anyway. All of us are going to have a lot of explaining to do about this situation. If the police are involved I mean.” She leaned into Oz’s embrace and sighed heavily.

“Listen to Oz, Wills,” Buffy murmered from the bed, “he knows what’s right. He knows, don’t you Oz, that these demon claims, even with humans are permenant?”

Oz nodded and whispered something in Willow’s ear. Whatever he had told her, the witch reared back and glanced at Buffy, anxiously.

“I never thought I’d say this,” Xander was mumbling something under his breath. Anya, his girlfriend had arrived earlier and was handing out some sandwiches she’d thrown together in Giles’ kitchen.

“Say what?” Anya asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

“I think we should call Angel, in LA,” Xander choked out, reluctantly. “If anyone would know how to break this claim, it’s him.”

Five faces glared at Xander Harris, in unison, “What!” they all screamed at once.

“We should call Angel and see if he can offer any advice about this claim. If anyone would want Buffy tied to Spike less then me? It’s Dead Boy Sr.” Xander looked away from Buffy, who was now squirming on the bed, looking pissed beyond words.

“You are a fucking coward, Xand,” Buffy hissed from her place on the bed. “Leave it to you, you little worm, to involve Angel in this. Especially knowing how much he and my mate hate each other.”

Giles seemed to think this over, for a minute or two, then nodded silently.

“I do think Xander is right on this one,” Giles said evenly. “Angel might be able to give some insight onto how to break this claim. He detests Spike and visa versa. I’ll go call him, right now.”

“That’s right, Giles,” Buffy growled loudly at her Watcher’s retreating back, “you go call brood boy and have him stick his nose into this. I guarantee this much, this little move will backfire on all of you.”

Buffy glared about the room, her expression was menacing and deadly. “Be careful, friends,” she hissed at the remaining room occupants, “if Angel gets involved in this. There will be hell to pay. From all factions.”

Spike continued to pace about outside on the Watcher’s lawn, pausing from time to time to gaze at the upstairs window, longingly, where his mate was being held captive. He tried not to cry, really, but the human aspects of his personality that remained from before his turning cried out to him.

“Buffy,” he whispered in his mind, hoping that she could still ‘feel’ his words and respond.

‘Spike,’ Buffy answered with her own loving thoughts. ‘They are contacting Angel, your Grandsire, darling. I’m afraid, my William. He is so strong and so vengeful. I’m afraid he will try and destroy us.’

Now, normally, Spike would have been enraged to even have Buffy think of Angel, in any capacity. That and to have his Buffy’s so called friends call the great pouf and have him offer advice? However, Spike was also well aware of the bond between his Grandsire and himself, the one that no human law, or any amount of hatred between them could break.

Truth was? If anything, Angel, Spike was sure, would back him and Buffy in this. Angel understood the vampire claiming ritual more then anyone involved in this, maybe even more then Oz.

Even if his Grandsire might hate him, Spike, or disapprove of this match between him and Buffy? He, as a Master Vampire, would respect and abide by the mutual claim. Angel had to. He was a vampire after all. Spike smiled, smugly and whispered back to his beloved mate.

“It’s all right, baby,” he cooed in comfort, “Angel won’t hurt us, he’ll help us. Promise.”

Giles slowly came back into the bedroom and looked nervously at the faces in there. He carried his cordless phone and if one didn’t know better, they would think that someone had called ‘him’ with bad news.

“Angel is demanding to speak with Buffy,” Giles explained in a hushed voice. The Watcher brought the phone over to Buffy and held it to her ear. She would have taken the damn thing herself, but the morons had her hands magically tied, so that was out.

“Yes Angel,” Buffy greeted her ex throught gritted teeth.

“Buffy, honey,” came Angel’s deep voice, “are you okay?”

“That would be a big NO!” Buffy yelled loudly into the phone, causing Giles to flinch. She was rewarded with a shocked, very anxious look from her ex-Watcher.

“Listen, honey,” Angel continued, seemingly blowing off her outburst, “I need to ask you something, and I need an honest answer. Did Spike ‘make’ you take the claim? Or did you return it, willingly?”

Buffy did not hesitate, she answered, “I love Spike, desperately. I took the claim willingly.” Her tone of conviction drew exasperated sighs from everyone in the room, except Oz that is.

“I figured as much,” Angel responded softly. His voice did betray his disappointment and sorrow, just a little, anyway.

“Tell Giles to take the phone back, honey,” Angel continued, “I want to finish our little conversation together. And Buffy,” he added, “take heart, be strong and know that I will help you and my Grandchilde.”

Giles placed his phone back up to his ear, reluctantly, and listened to the rest of Angel’s conversation. By the look on the old man’s face, and the fact that Buffy could hear Angel’s ranting, even from where she was at? The ‘advice’ that Giles was getting from Angel was not what he had hoped for.

Buffy could not help it, when Giles clicked off the cordless phone and sighed heavily, she chuckled loudly.

“ Old Grandaddy a litte pissed at you Rupert?” Buffy grinned widely and laughed again, wickedly.

Rupert Giles did not even glance at Buffy, but he did look at the group of young people in the guest room of his house. Especially at the frowning Xander and Riley Finn.

“Angel is not going to help us,” Giles announced the already obvious. In fact,” Giles continued anxiously, “he stated to me that if we do not let Buffy go, immediately and allow Spike to take her? He, Angel will be in Sunnydale by tomorrow night and help,” the Watcher paused and scowled here.

“I want to quote Angelus, word for word on this,” Giles said out loud, almost to himself. “Oh yes, that was it,” he stammered.

“Angelus says that if we do not do this, allow Buffy to go to her mate? He reminded me that he does not have a chip in his brain and can rip us a new one. He said, and I quote, “He will be here by tomorrow night and help his Grandchilde kick our asses all the way out of Sunnydale. That was it, word for word.” Giles hung his head, sheepishly and sighed in frustration.

“Who gives a fuck!” Riley hissed, finally, ignoring the dirty look Xander gave him. “We’ve got the barrier and they can only come out at night, right? I’m not afraid of Angel or Spike, fuck em’ both!”

Buffy shot her ex a murderous look then spoke up, “do you really want to face off with two Master Vampires, Riley? I mean, even if you would shockingly make it a fair fight?”

She noticed that old Riley’s skin color had paled, greatly, when she asked him this. This brought a saucy little smile to her face.

“You’re not particularly strong, anyway, Rile,” Buffy continued with a wicked little laugh. “You think Angel and Spike are going to what? Go easy on you? Let you stake them and ride off with William the Bloody’s mate. Into the sunset? Hardly,” she snorted and shook her head.

“Angel and Spike, together on the same side? Oh, Sunnydale’s in for a real treat now,” Buffy actually giggled at this. The vision of that seemed to make her happy for some reason.

“She’s right,” Willow stuttered, finally putting her two cents in, “None of you, even combined will ever beat those two vampires together. It’s useless. Let her go, Giles, Xander, Riley.” Willow looked from one incredulous male face to another. “We have to let her go,” she said quietly and took Oz’s hand in hers.

‘Princess,’ came Spike’s strong loving voice into Buffy’s weary head. She had barely slept and was beginning to feel the affects of that.

‘Spike,’ she responded, lovingly, ‘Angel, he’s coming to help us, baby.’ She hoped that her mate could completely hear her thoughts as she could his.

‘I know,’ Spike answered her. By the sound of his thoughts, Buffy felt her mate was almost relieved. This made her feel much better and much more hopeful.

‘I love you, my darling wife,’ Spike assured her. ‘I will get you out of there, no matter what. Then, we can leave this place and go away, just you and me.’

‘Please, do, darling,’ Buffy responded with longing. ‘I love you, my husband.’

A/N: Somehow, I almost hope that the gang comes to their senses before Angel shows up in Sunnydale. Mainly, because I don’t really want to see the whole town torn apart by Spike and his Grandsire, do you? Thanks for reading, please review. Luv, Spuf

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