Buffy walked down one of the school’s corridors, chatting to Willow and Xander. Just over a week had gone by since Buffy told her mom about the baby. Buffy thought she took it pretty well. She should, she was twenty-one when Buffy was born.

Buffy said goodbye to Xander as he headed towards math. Buffy and Willow walked into English and sat down next to each other in the back. Buffy had asked to move seats from next to Cordy to next to Willow when she got pregnant. Cordy was giving her grief and her English teacher knew that. The English teacher started babbling on about something or other whilst Willow and Buffy started passing each other notes. Mostly about insulting Cordelia. Cordy kept shooting them glances from her place two rows in front. Buffy saw Cordy scribbling something on a piece of paper then passing it behind her. Buffy was passed the note and opened it. Cordy wrote:

Don’t think I don’t know what you are writing. I’m not stupid. You will pay for this and with your flesh and blood’s life. I am not bluffing.

Buffy went white. Would she really do such a terrible thing? Cordy smirked and carried on writing. Buffy showed Willow the note and Willow bit her lip. Buffy paid attention to her work for the rest of the lesson.


Buffy, Willow and Xander walked to Buffy’s house after school to do their homework together. Buffy sent Willow and Xander upstairs whilst she went to talk to Spike. Spike was in the kitchen stuffing his face with French fries. He realised Buffy was in the room and swallowed.

“Hey gorgeous!” He said and grabbed Buffy and kissed her.

“Hey.” Buffy replied. Spike’s face dropped from a happy look and turned into a look of concern.

“What’s wrong kitten? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Buffy started to sob. She handed Spike the note for him to read.

“She won’t do that Buffy. She’ll have to go through me first. Also it is clear she is bluffing. She won’t be able to live with herself if she did that.”

“Clearly you don’t know Cordelia. She’ll do anything to get what she wants. She doesn’t care who she hurts in the process.” Buffy started to weep again and Spike put his arms around her.

“I’d better go upstairs. Willow and Xander are waiting for me. Come help us.” Buffy walked upstairs and Spike followed her.

“Hey guys.” Buffy said as she walked into her bedroom.

“Hey. We’re stuck. Help.” Xander said.

“No you’re stuck and won’t believe me. Buffy is George Washington dead?”


“Then who’s president?” Xander asked.

“George Bush you dumbass.” Willow replied and rolled her eyes. Buffy laughed and Spike put his arm around her. He squeezed gently and then sat down in a spare chair. Buffy sat on his lap and pulled out her history book. She flipped through the pages and lifted her eyebrows.

“Right that’s enough studying let’s go watch T.V.”

“I’m with you.” Xander said and rushed downstairs.

“Fine.” Willow said and ran after him. Buffy and Spike were left alone for a second.

“I’m scared.” Buffy said. “I don’t want to lose my baby. I love it.”

“I said don’t worry. Billy will be fine now get off so I can go watch T.V with your study buddies.” Buffy laughed and got up. She took his hand and led him downstairs. They both sat down and Buffy sat back on Spike’s lap and snuggled to him. They ended up watching re-runs of Beverly Hills 90210.


Willow and Xander went home and left Buffy and Spike alone.

“Right. We are gonna sort this out now. Give me Cordy’s number and I’ll call her.” Spike said.


“No buts. Gimme her number.” Buffy wrote it down and Spike dialled. Cordy picked up the phone after two rings.

“Hello. This is Buffy’s boyfriend. If you hurt Buffy or the baby I will personally see to it that you will not live to see seventeen. And this is the part where I’m not bluffing. It’s not just a thing that you will be killing it is also a human being and you will also be destroying a lot of lives along with it. Got it? Good. Bye.” Spike hung up and gestured for Buffy to come into his embrace. They hugged for a while before Buffy broke the silence.

“You are the greatest boyfriend ever. I love you.”

“Say that again.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too my little kitten.” Spike kissed Buffy before they went upstairs to bed.


Buffy woke up the next morning feeling like shit so Spike called the school and told them that she wouldn’t be coming in today. Spike brought Buffy some ginger ale and crackers to settle her stomach. Buffy felt a bit better after that and decided to come downstairs.

“Something just occurred to me. Why haven’t we told your parents about the baby?” Buffy asked, lying on the couch with Spike cooling her down with water.

“Well, I don’t have any parents. They died when I was born, in a car crash. I was born at home and on the way to the hospital, the car hit a truck. I was the only survivor. I was in foster care for my whole life.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring it up I just… I’m sorry.”

“That’s okay. I have a brother somewhere though. He was put up for adoption. His name was Liam I think. My parents didn’t have a chance to name me so the foster home named me after my dad. My brother was also. Liam and William. I found it quite funny.” He giggled and so did Buffy. Buffy touched his cheek and stroked it with her finger. Spike kissed her on the head and carried on bathing her with water. Buffy fell asleep so Spike went into the kitchen to make himself lunch. The doorbell rang and Spike went to answer it.

“Joyce. Hello.”

“Hello Spike. Is Buffy home? School said she was off sick today.”

“She’s in the living room asleep. Would you like to come in?” Joyce stepped in and Spike closed the door.

“She’s so cute when she sleeps isn’t she?”

“Yeah. She talks in her sleep as well. She seems to have a lot of nightmares. Mostly about someone taking her baby away.”

“Yeah, she would. She was taken off me for a while because I didn’t have her father there to help and had no job so yeah. She was only gone for a month though, until I found a job.”

“Well I’m here and I have four jobs so she has nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah.” Buffy chose that time to walk into the kitchen.

“Hey Mom. What brings you here?”

“Just checking on you and to let you know that I made an appointment for you at the hospital for a scan next week so I was thinking the three of us could go and hear some good news.”

“Yeah. That’d be great. What would I do without you?” Buffy said and hugged her mom.

“Good. I’ll leave you to rest now. Bye Buffy. Bye Spike.” Joyce said and let herself out.

“First scan. Help.”

“You’ll be fine Buffy. So will the baby. You’ll see.” Spike hugged her again. Buffy smiled. If Spike wasn’t scared why should she be?

“I love you.”

“I love you more.”

“That’s not possible. You’re the most caring guy that walked on God’s green earth. I love you.” Spike was speechless. At that moment, he loved her more than ever.

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