A/N: I haven't read any nanny stories yet... so I can't really say that it'll be different... but I have a big feeling it would be... and then again i might be wrong :D BTW, thanks for the reviews!

Chapter 2

“Can you please cut these into cubes dear?” Joyce asked as she went over to the stove and continued mixing the pot of chowder she was making.

Buffy had been part of the Bennedict household for the last couple of weeks. Working here was not as terrible as she had first thought. Taking care of Prue was no problem at all. She was what some would call a quiet baby. She would take her naps at the right time, eat her meals with no agitation and made darling gestures whenever she could. She couldn’t possibly contemplate why William would need to hire a nanny. He could just pick her up once in a while an—

There was something she noticed these last couple of weeks she was in the house. William never once visited Prudence’s room to play with her, bring her new toys or even give her a kiss goodnight when he would arrive home. Actually the only time she ever saw him go near her bedroom was when he was calling for Willow who at that time was helping Buffy fold some of Prue’s clothes. That was something she found really strange, usually for a first time dad, at least she assumed he was a first time dad since there were no other children in the house. Most dads would be ecstatic about going home and playing with their little ones but William seemed to be just the complete opposite of what one would assume a dad would react. And another thing she had been meaning to ask Willow or pretty much anybody in the household… where was Prue’s mom.

“Joyce?” Buffy continued chopping the carrots into cubes, “I sort of have a question.”

Joyce lowered the fire over the pot and then went over and sat across Buffy in the kitchen island. “What is it?”

“I was just wondering…” Buffy fidgeted as she continued her dicing. Joyce offered her an encouraging façade asking her to continue. “I just wanted to ask… where’s Prue’s mother?”

A dreary expression passed the woman’s face before she gave Buffy a small smile. “Well…” she hesitated.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me,” Buffy backtracked, it was really none of her business. “I’m sure it’s nothing I should know about.”

“Nonsense. You want to know I’ll tell you.” Joyce insisted as she herself grabbed a knife and started chopping the other vegetables. “About a couple of months back. William and Drusilla, that’s her name, went out and went to a party. They had left Prudence with us. I think she was still around a couple of weeks old then. They left and I remember that Prue was right there.” She pointed to the nearby counter top. “I was heating her milk and then there was a call from the hospital saying that Dru had been rushed into the emergency room.”

“They said there really was no need to call us since Will was there but he was beginning to become a wreak waiting outside the operating room so they thought it best call for us. Immediately I rushed over with Mr. Giles and left Prue with Willow.” She rose from her seat and placed the vegetables they have finished chopping into the pot and sat back down to continue her story. “When I reached the waiting area I saw him sitting there and staring out into space. He didn’t say a single word. I had to talk with the nurse at the desk to ask what had happened and she just said that Mrs. Bennedict was already dead. I was at a lost I didn’t know what to say. When I tried to ask what happened all they said was that she had lost a lot of blood and that she was already bleeding when Will had brought her in.” Joyce breathed in deep, trying to hold back the tears pricking her eyes from the memory she had just dug up. “When they asked him what really happened he didn’t want to talk, said that it wouldn’t do anything to help. He right down refused to tell anything to them so that’s all that I know.”

“He had been killing himself about it these past months. He hardly ate and was in bed most part of the day, not going to work until last week when Angel practically had to drag him into the shower and down the stairs just to let him get some work done.”

“Angel?” Buffy asked. She had been overwhelmed with the story she had just heard. She couldn’t imagine the things that William must have felt when he learned about his wife dying. They had just had a baby and now she was already dead, just like that.

“That’s his lawyer” Joyce replied. “Don’t ask how he got his name,” she explained her unasked question.


“Yeah… Peaches. I’ll get to it okay!” William half shouted into the receiver as he slammed it down. Angel had been bugging him about this and about that. That they should take action now blah…blah. “Bloody hell!” he exclaimed as he tried to work his way through the mounts of paper on his desk.

“Waahhh… Waahh…” there was a cry from the end of the hall.

William tried to ignore the cries as he ran his hands through his hair. “God damn it! Where’s that nanny!” he cursed as the cries got louder. Finally giving up he rose from his seat and made his way down the hall to the slightly ajar bedroom door of his daughter.

As he entered the cries decreased into whimpers. He walked over to the crib and looked down on the little bundle below. Prue was staring right at him big brown eyes watering with tears. Immediately William’s heart melted at that as he gave his little girl a small smile he let his hands touch her sides which she complied with by placing her small hand around his finger.

“Dada…” she said or at least that’s what William thought she had uttered with her tongue.

For the first time since…well a long time a genuine smile had form in his face. All William could do was stare back into those chocolate brown eyes in astonishment. His little girl could talk she just said ‘dada’ his mind was screaming. ‘DADA’ you git. She just said ‘dada’.


“I think this will be ready in just a bit.” Joyce announced as she returned the cover of the pot back on. “Can you get me a couple of bowls my dear.” She asked Buffy.

“Waahh…Waahh” they heard from the monitor on the kitchen counter.

“Oh, that must be Prue” Buffy said as she handed the bowls to Joyce as the cries got louder. “Better hurry before Sir Will’s head explodes,” she joked as she ran out the kitchen and up the stairs.

As she was walking down the hall, she heard the cries lower both on the monitor in her hand and the sounds coming from the room. Her feet moved faster fearing the worst for Prudence never stopped crying until somebody came to her aid. As she neared the door. She heard a voice from inside.

“That’s right princess, it’s daddy. And it’s all going to be alright…” she heard… was it William? She peeked her head through the door and her assumption was right. It was indeed William beside the bassinet running his hands beside Prue as if afraid that if she held her he would hurt her.

“You know, she likes it better when somebody holds her,” Buffy said as she passed under the threshold and walked over to the bassinet. “Don’t you want to carry her?” she offered.

William faced him with that similar expression of blankness, “what I want, is to be able to get my work finished. And the only way I’ll be getting that is by not being disturbed. Meaning… I want peace and quiet.” He told Buffy as he backed away from her ready to go out that door. “Do you understand Ms. Summers? I hope this does not happen again.” He said lastly as he vanished from Buffy’s sight.

Buffy was in utter shock as William exited the door. How numb and crude can a person be. Did he just change his attitude in a flick of a finger? Buffy couldn’t believe how pretentious he was being. It was obvious that he was having a good time staying with his daughter and then… and then… ‘gaah’ she cried. And why does he keep calling her Ms. Summers?

She was momentarily distracted by the cries a certain baby was making below her. As she picked her up and swayed her from side to side to get her back to sleep. She had one goal in mind, to make William realize what he’s missing, someway somehow she’d be able to make him see that being with his daughter isn’t as terrifying as he had seemed to have perceived it to be. ‘Somehow…’

to be continued...

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