Summary: This is a continuation of Origins, and picks up shortly after the end of the first book. What happens to everyone now that Willow is gone from Revello Drive and Angel knows? Winner, Best Spike Hero, Lost in Spike Awards, Round 5; Judge's Choice Winner, Lost in Spike Awards, Round 5; Runner-up, Best WIP, Blood Ties Awards, Round 1; Runner-up, Best Claiming, Lost in Spike Awards, Round 7, Winner, Best Written, Lost In Spike Awards, Round 7, Judge's Choice Award, Lost in Spike Awards, Round 7; Runner-up, Best Spike Characterization, Spuffy Awards, Round 8; Winner, Best Crossover, Love's Last Glimpse Award, Round 11. And one for me -- Runner-up, Best Author, Love's Last Glimpse Awards, Round 11. Winner: Best Original Use of a supporting character for Dawn, Round One, Fang Fetish Awards. Judge's Choice Winner for Round One, Fang Fetish Awards
Rated: NC-17
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 78 Completed: Yes
Word count: 322050 Read: 275875
Published: 03/12/2005 Updated: 05/30/2007

1. A day in the life by Niamh [Reviews - 46] Liked (3223 words)

2. Clutching stardust by Niamh [Reviews - 12] (3440 words)

3. Indiscreet questions and answers by Niamh [Reviews - 12] (3235 words)

4. Farewell, fair day and fading light by Niamh [Reviews - 11] (3675 words)

5. Last remaining light by Niamh [Reviews - 28] (4223 words)

6. A charm of powerful trouble by Niamh [Reviews - 22] (3093 words)

7. Fear itself by Niamh [Reviews - 21] (3878 words)

8. Tomorrow's questions by Niamh [Reviews - 62] (3489 words)

9. Don't cry little sister by Niamh [Reviews - 32] (4628 words)

10. A light shines in you by Niamh [Reviews - 41] (4791 words)

11. The real stuff of life by Niamh [Reviews - 33] (3798 words)

12. A man trustworthy by Niamh [Reviews - 46] (3707 words)

13. Half a dozen reasonable hours by Niamh [Reviews - 40] (4353 words)

14. True colors by Niamh [Reviews - 29] (3708 words)

15. A hard day's night by Niamh [Reviews - 26] (3180 words)
[A/N: I spent so much time agonizing over that last chapter, and I kept taking out and adding stuff, then finally I just wrote and dammit, I realized that I had more than enough for a chapter and had pretty much started on the next one. So I guess the frustration levels are abating all around. The title is from those four English guys again (oh c’mon there’s so much there to pick from) and the quotes are as attributed. Disclaimers in full force and effect.]

16. Coming in the air tonight by Niamh [Reviews - 32] (3815 words)
I hope everyone enjoys this. Please let me know what you think. Any and all reviews are much appreciated.

17. The ragged edges of truth by Niamh [Reviews - 57] (3996 words)
This one is special and important, so I really, really, truly need the feedback of what you think about this one. Good, bad or otherwise, please let me know.

18. Communication got me down by Niamh [Reviews - 34] (4325 words)
I never expected the response I got to that last chapter. But each of the 47 people on SR that took the time to review got a personal note of thanks tied to that review, so go look and see what I wrote. Thank you all so very much.

19. Knowledge is power by Niamh [Reviews - 25] (3520 words)
I'm sorry this has taken so long for me to update. I hope you are all still reading. Thank you so much for your patience.

20. Wisdom lingers by Niamh [Reviews - 40] (3244 words)
I'm sorry its been so long between updates. I recently re-injured my shoulder and its been really hard to get any work done. Hopefully this will make up for it.

21. An unhurried sense of time by Niamh [Reviews - 30] (5873 words)
I hope this one makes up for the shortness of the last one. Thanks to all of the wonderful 38 people who reviewed last time *kiss kiss* and please, the rest of you, drop a line and let me know what you think

22. Tender looks becoming habit by Niamh [Reviews - 38] Liked (5026 words)
I apologize for this taking so long, some real life issues got in the way, and hopefully they've been resolved. I'd like to thank everyone that's reviewed so far, and Dee and Kristen, I answered your questions in the reviews, so please check the last chapter.

23. An ever fixed mark by Niamh [Reviews - 43] Liked (3787 words)
The title has been in my head for this chapter for months -- probably since I decided to write this story. I knew -- I knew that this quote should be a chapter title. To really, truly understand the sonnet that this comes from, you have to read the sonnet outloud -- with emotion. Read it until you get it, because it is quite possibly one of the truest affirmations of love ever written Enloy. Nia

24. Hope is a waking dream by Niamh [Reviews - 28] Liked (4768 words)
I'm going to take a minute here to do a favor for a friend. Addie Logan, another author here, just recently had a death in the family and she's not up to writing or even thinking about writing at the moment. Please take a moment to spare her a kind thought and bear with her as she gets through the grief. On another note, my thanks to everyone who has been patient with me on the updates. Hopefully this one will make up for it. My thanks also to every single one of you that takes a moment to review. You have no idea what it means to the writer. Slainte, Nia.

25. Eye of the Hurricane by Niamh [Reviews - 24] Liked (4176 words)
I hope you all enjoy this, well, like this chapter. My thanks to everyone who reviewed that last chapter (and all along). You are the best. Slainte, Nia.

26. A soundless calm descends by Niamh [Reviews - 48] Liked (4878 words)
My thanks to everyone who is still following this epic and my thanks to the judges over at the Spuffy Awards, coz I just got two new awards for this, Best Angst for Origins and Runner up for Best Saga.

27. Planning lies with men by Niamh [Reviews - 29] Liked (4609 words)
Okay, I wasn't real thrilled with this chapter title, but what the hell.

28. Rescue me by Niamh [Reviews - 29] Liked (4856 words)
I never expected this kind of a response. You guys are truly the best. My thanks to every single one of you that has read and reviewed and my personal prayers that each of you gets a little bit of happiness like the ones you've given me.

29. Relying on hope by Niamh [Reviews - 34] Liked (4985 words)
To every one of the 27 wonderful people who reviewed that last chapter, you have my thanks and this is for you -- for those of you that read all the time and every time you let me know what you are thinking. Without the feedback from you, I would have given up a long time ago. So my thanks. I know it doesn't mean much, but you have them. Niamh

30. Ache of heaven by Niamh [Reviews - 5] Liked (3933 words)
I know I'm not going to get those lost reviews back, which is so utterly depressing. But my thanks to everyone that did review the first time around and thanks to everyone who might take the time and do it again.

31. Things of bestial shape by Niamh [Reviews - 18] Liked (4308 words)
This is just a repost, but yeah, I'ld love to get back some of the reviews I lost. I'm going to start posting new stuff on Monday. Thanks to everyone who's been really patient.

32. The promise of daylight by Niamh [Reviews - 36] Liked (4641 words)
I will love you all forever if you make me happy and review. . . I lost alot of reviews during the crash. But even better, please spare a thought for family and friends and everyone affected by the hurricane.

33. Unending lightning by Niamh [Reviews - 48] Liked (4952 words)
My thanks to everyone who is kind enough to leave a review -- but 3 people get special mention this time -- for my baby princess, because our miracle girl is gonna be two this weekend -- to my own baby girl, who is considerably older -- and to Slinky, who's absolutely wonderful gift of the soundtrack she made helped me thru the pain and block . . . thank you ladies (even the one who can't read yet)

34. Two hearts beat as one by Niamh [Reviews - 26] Liked (5605 words)
I'm posting this just a little ahead of schedule, only because Baby Love is way more angsty. . . . Enjoy.

35. Patient for a moment by Niamh [Reviews - 26] Liked (4285 words)
I don't know when the next update is coming after this one, because I can barely type right now -- you are all lucky I had this in reserve. . . . Schmoop warning ahead

36. Missing by Niamh [Reviews - 55] Liked (3965 words)
New nominations. . . Fang Fetish ( beautiful site go see now) nominations; Best use of supporting characters (Giles in Origins and Dawn in Revelations); Best Angst for Origins; Best Dark Fic for Revelations; Best Long for Origins; Best WIP for Revelations; And me, for best Author. . . . squee!!!

37. What love can do by Niamh [Reviews - 66] Liked (4188 words)
Hope you are all still with me, because there's more to come. . thanks to everyone that takes the time to leave a review -- reading them over the past couple of weeks lifted my spirits. You are all the best

38. The monsters of our childhood by Niamh [Reviews - 45] Liked (3431 words)
I am truly, deeply astounded by the number of reviews for the last chapter. Every single one of you, all sixty-four of you are the best. Thank you so much

39. Lambs for the slaughter by Niamh [Reviews - 40] Liked (4078 words)
Sorry for the delays, but the arm is still giving me fits. I do however, have a small request. I'm looking for someone to make banners for this story and Origins, so if someone has the talent snd is so inclined I'd love to see some samples.

40. Grief fades in and out by Niamh [Reviews - 45] Liked (3946 words)
Thanks fo everyone for reviewing and sticking with me for so long. you reviews mean a lot to me. Thanks.

41. Savage and serene in one hour by Niamh [Reviews - 44] Liked (3970 words)
I wanted to thank all of you, that have taken a moment and left me a review, over the course of this story. You have no idea what it means, when I post a chapter, worried about how it reads to you, and your reviews let me know -- its quite overwhelming, the number of you that think this little story is worth the time to read. Thanks so much. Nia

42. Our memory is our coherence by Niamh [Reviews - 48] Liked (3835 words)
Two relatively pain-free days -- and this is the result. Enjoy the chapter. . . . can't promise when you'll get another one.

43. Persistence of memory by Niamh [Reviews - 73] Liked (4512 words)
Enjoy. And my thanks to every single one of you that consistently, every time, leaves a review. . . you're the ones that keep me going

44. Shadows of the world appear by Niamh [Reviews - 46] Liked (4035 words)
Thanks to all of you who've left reveiws. . . . you brightened a dark time for me. Go here to see all the pretty banners. Slainte

45. Mingled yarn by Niamh [Reviews - 45] Liked (4061 words)
Sorry -- but I recently got into a car accident *sighs* (when it rains it pours) and this is likely to be it at least until the holidays are over.

46. An untimely frost by Niamh [Reviews - 39] Liked (3906 words)

47. Grief's best music by Niamh [Reviews - 36] Liked (5217 words)
I shouldn't be doing this, because I feel like shit and I can barely move. But I need the boost. Be kind.

48. Golden sunsets and black storms by Niamh [Reviews - 53] Liked (5041 words)
Oh my goodness. I am soooo thrilled. This past week, I got some new awards. Go check out my awards page -- but the one I'm most chuffed about is Best Original Use of a Supporting Character for Dawn (Yippeeeee!!!!!!!!!!)

49. Cutting the heart asunder by Niamh [Reviews - 54] Liked (4330 words)

50. Evil gains work their punishment. by Niamh [Reviews - 61] Liked (3381 words)
I wish I could respond to every single review that I've gotten for this story. . . . because I don't think any of you understand how much the notes, encouragement and well wishes mean to me. I'm humbled by the concern and caring and outrageiously wonderful response. Its wonderful and so very welcome. Please, please keep the good words coming. And you all have to give a nod of thanks to Addie Logan, because she's been looking over these last couple of chapters for me, because I'm too out of it to catch my own mistakes. Nor would I have made it this far without her help with the plot bunnies.

51. False face must hide by Niamh [Reviews - 61] Liked (4275 words)

52. End of happiness by Niamh [Reviews - 45] Liked (3418 words)

53. A siege of waiting by Niamh [Reviews - 25] Liked (5151 words)

54. Reveal not every secret by Niamh [Reviews - 48] Liked (3769 words)
My thanks to everyone that has been following this epic loyally, and those of you who review all the time (Cordykitten, Nina, Slinky, my girls, and the others who know you are and don't think I'm not paying attention, either) and to the newcomers, (fee_kh thank you so much) and I hope you'll stick with me until the end. . . . . which is looming.

55. The shadow of power by Niamh [Reviews - 19] Liked (3383 words)

56. The enemy of my enemy by Niamh [Reviews - 33] Liked (4250 words)
I've really been disheartened by the reviews and the number of hits on this site. If I've lost you all, please let me know, and I'll stop fretting about the updates and slow down the posting.

57. Hymn Before Action by Niamh [Reviews - 29] Liked (4161 words)

58. Planning is indispensible by Niamh [Reviews - 20] Liked (3994 words)

59. More dangerous to lose by Niamh [Reviews - 20] Liked (4207 words)

60. Unto the breach by Niamh [Reviews - 20] Liked (4233 words)

61. Comes a rattle and hum by Niamh [Reviews - 37] Liked (3478 words)

62. Now’s the day, now’s the hour by Niamh [Reviews - 25] Liked (3706 words)

63. Never hit softly by Niamh [Reviews - 28] Liked (3159 words)

64. Let slip the dogs of war by Niamh [Reviews - 23] Liked (3421 words)

65. Wild Justice by Niamh [Reviews - 33] Liked (3898 words)

66. No one mourns the wicked by Niamh [Reviews - 22] Liked (4185 words)

67. A brief respite from fear by Niamh [Reviews - 27] Liked (3433 words)

68. Wither into Truth by Niamh [Reviews - 32] Liked (3568 words)

69. A doubtful choice by Niamh [Reviews - 36] Liked (3318 words)

70. Into the Mystic by Niamh [Reviews - 20] Liked (4448 words)

71. The pierless bridge by Niamh [Reviews - 27] Liked (4504 words)

72. No Oceans between us by Niamh [Reviews - 19] Liked (3367 words)

73. Justice turns the scale by Niamh [Reviews - 14] Liked (3854 words)

74. A courteous yet harrowing grace by Niamh [Reviews - 16] Liked (4270 words)

75. To protect someone precious by Niamh [Reviews - 36] Liked (5046 words)

76. First step home by Niamh [Reviews - 34] Liked (5994 words)

77. Rarest Vintage by Niamh [Reviews - 17] Liked (4592 words)

78. Just like heaven by Niamh [Reviews - 54] Liked (5069 words)