Author's Chapter Notes:
Still trying to find out who they are and what's causing their memory loss, Buffy and Spike get...closer.
Title: Forget Me Not

Authors: The Kings of Mercia, Hotliped Jen, Pattyanne

Rating: NC-17

A round robin spuffy fic we cooked up, just for the
hell of it.

Feedback: We adore it


Chapter 5 : By HotLiped Jen

“A little thing like you, a slayer!? Agreed, I don’t really know what that entails, but you don’t look..." The bleach blonde rambled, thinking aloud as his mind swirled over the life altering information he’d just received. He was a monster and the cute little chit was some sort of super-power.

“Hush, Vampire!” she yelled, interrupting his chatter. “I can thrash you, just like I did him!” She pointed to the unconscious captive to make her point.

“Listen here Slay-er,” he annunciated slowly, just to annoy her, because it just felt so... right. “I’m not gonna take…”

She interrupted him again, “Don’t call me that!” Truth be told, having him call her that just felt wrong. “I have a name, you know!”

“Ya, I expect you do! But I don’t know it, do I? Hell! I don’t even know my own name!” The man didn’t know really why he was taking it out on her. He supposed it was because there was no one else to take it out on…yet. When they got more information out of their remaining conscious ‘napper, he was going to take a little aggression out on him. He had a feeling the little girl wouldn’t be opposed to a spot of violence. She seemed more than happy to threaten HIM with some.

Her face dawned the realization of his statement, then quickly returned to a scowl. She didn’t know why she was yelling at him. She hated the situation, but was really glad he was here. The little blond hoped her companion in forgetfulness felt the same. It felt natural to be here, fighting together.

Both turned a synchronized, angry glare on their captives and questioned, “What’s my name?”


“So what do you want to do now?” the honey blond girl questioned. She really couldn’t understand why Mr. Starship Enterprise thought they were brother and sister. They looked nothing alike and really how many brothers and sisters wake up together half naked and not remembering anything? It sounded highly unlikely.

The brunette gave her a wary glance from his seat on the other side of the boat. When she had come onto him he had fled and took up his childlike posture, sitting with his knees drawn up to his chest and his arms wrapped protectively around his legs. That was almost an hour ago. What was with him?

“What do I want to do now?” he repeated, completely exasperated. What a question! “What I want to do now is remember my name and who I am! I want to remember where I live and go there! I want to know who YOU are and why on earth we’re stuck on a boat in our underwear!!” His voice got louder and louder as his rant continued, until he just deflated before her eyes and his words took on the soft quality they had earlier when they’d first woken up. “We can't remember a thing! I don’t have a headache and we don’t smell like liquor, so I don’t think alcohol was involved. We have to find a way out of this.”

The pretty girl to which he had voiced all his fears was about to respond when an angry man jumped down into the cabin of the boat shouting, “Who are you? And what are you doing on my friend’s boat?” He pointed a long wooden pole at them menacingly.

In the melee, the girl had crossed to join her half-dressed acquaintance. He protectively moved her to stand behind him as he raised his arms, trying to calm the boater down.

“Look man, I have no idea how we got on this boat,” he stated in as calm a voice as he could pull off. “We just woke up here.”

“Yeah, well get out!”

The brunette tried to reason with him, “Sir, we don’t know who we are! We don’t know where to go!”

“I don’t believe you and I don’t care! I said get out! You’ve got exactly one minute to get off this vessel or I’m gonna call the cops! You’re lucky I don’t see where you’ve damaged anything.”

“But sir, we haven’t got any clothes…” He wanted to fully explain the situation to the angry man.

“We’ll go!” The girl chimed up from behind him and started tugging him to the exit. “We’ll go now!”

**Standing on the side of the road next to the entrance to the marina a half an hour later**

“What are you doing?”

“I’m workin’ what the good lord gave me!” The blond replied with her thumb out, trying to hitch a ride.

“Are you insane!? One, that’s dangerous, two, why did you practically drag me off the boat? I was trying to reason with the man….”

She had kept her cool throughout this mess, but was tired of being questioned and treated like she didn’t know anything. Geez, you try and get a little action and suddenly you don’t have a brain! Men! “First,” she said in a raised voice, “yes, this is dangerous, but what exactly are our options? When you come up with a better idea, just let me know. Second! I dragged you off that boat because that guy thought we were crazy! We are two mostly naked people saying we don’t know who we are! Would YOU trust people who were saying that? He would have called the cops…..I could hold my own in jail, but lets face it…you’d end up being some guy’s bitch!”

“What!!!!!!” He gaped. “I so would NOT have....”

“Hey Anya! Baby! What the hell are you doing all the way out here?”

During his almost aneurism the dark haired man failed to notice that an old truck had pulled over.

Using her quick wit, the blond responded in kind, “Hi! What have you been up to? What are you doing out here?”

“I just needed some time out of the city, came fishing. What’s your story? Did your car break down? Where is it? Maybe, I can help.”

“Oh no, it didn’t break down. It’s a long story. Look, would you mind giving us a ride back?” She didn’t know exactly where ‘back’ was, but anything was better than here.

The man behind the steering wheel nodded, “Sure, get in.”

The couple crawled in the cab. The men exchanged a greeting as the truck was put into gear.

“Hey, An. Am I dropping you off at your place?”

“Oh, um….yes. My place is fine.” She was excited. Not only did she now know her name, Anya, but apparently she even had a ‘place’ and they were headed there!

The brunette looked at the driver before directing his attention to the road. Why did he not like the fact that this man knew where his companion’s ‘place’ was? And what was going on under his hat? If he hadn’t known better he’d say the guy had….horns!


“Where to Buff-y?” His deep voice took on a slightly higher pitch at his teasing.

This damn vampire was insufferable! Well, kinda insufferable. It didn’t help that his eyes twinkled the brightest blue she had ever seen. They hadn’t stopped twinkling since the stupid kidnapper told them their names. She almost gave their captive a rap on the head for lying to them, but deciding that she'd already got to knock out one, she'd let Spike have the honours of knocking the other one cold.

“Spike and Buffy,” she said under her breath, shaking her head slightly. She still couldn’t quite believe it, but as Spike pointed out, Roy didn’t look all that bright and probably didn’t have the ability to make up a story that wild. So they'd ended up making sure the two captives were tied tightly and gagged, then made their way to the van hoping they could find information that would allow them to piece together something about where they came from.

“Well, SPIKE! Since you have a sun allergy and there’s only an hour or so till the sun starts coming up, I think we need to get as far away from here as possible and get you inside. I also, need to get something to eat.” She didn’t know whether or not to mention the fact that he too probably needed to eat – not to mention what his source of ‘food’ was!

Spike tried to ignore the slight strain in her voice when she said she needed to eat. His tummy was getting a bit rumbly too. He hoped that it wouldn’t become an issue.

Buffy couldn’t believe that it didn’t make her the slightest bit nervous. Something instinctively told her to take care of him and that she shouldn’t be worried. Considering all she had going for her at this point was her gut instinct and him, what choice did she really have? But first things first….they needed a place to stay.


Spike and Buffy shut the door of the cottage rental, letting go of a breath they didn’t know they were holding. Spike doubly so because sunrise was just a few minutes away and his skin was starting to tingle - and not in a good way! It felt good for them to know that they weren’t where their abductors could come and get them….not as easily anyway. They’d almost missed the small sign and drive that twisted and turned to reveal a village of small getaway cottages tucked back in a wooded area.

After a quiet moment, Buffy’s stomach made its displeasure known. She decided to take charge of the situation. “Look we’re both tired, and hungry. I’m gonna go to the office and ask where we can get some food……and… blood, if that’s possible. We’ll take today to shower, get some rest, and decide what to do next. When the sun sets, we can go through the van to see if there’s anything informative in there; based on that we can decide if we’ll stay here or go on our merry way.” Green eyes looked directly into sky blue ones. “Sound like a plan?”

“As good a one as any.” Spike replied.

“Okay, see you in a few,” she stated as she slipped out the door, making sure not to bathe the room in sunlight.

Spike decided to get a shower so that it would be free for Buffy upon her return. It wasn’t long before he emerged clean and refreshed with a cheap, thin towel slung around his hips, but still a little anxious for the arrival of the only person he could remember knowing.

He knew Buffy could handle herself. She had more than proved that dealing with Roy and Julius, but he still didn’t like her being gone. He groaned in protest, thinking about getting back into the black jeans he’d had on since who knew when. Spike decided to lie down and watch some TV till his little blond returned. He could slip under the covers or back into his jeans when he heard her drive up.


“So this vampire, Angel, he’s good?” the ash blond asked with hesitancy.

“Yep! That’s what Giles said,” replied Willow as the two women continued to search the house room by room, hoping to spark their memories.

They were currently in the dining room. The perky red head had her nose buried in an old book she'd found in the sideboard, while the girl who had been told her name was Tara not an hour ago was looking at the items littering the top.

“Look,” Tara said as she held up a card for her cohort to read. “It’s from Angel.” Both turned to look at the plant which the card came from and grimaced.

Willow, trying to be diplomatic, gave a nervous chuckle. “It’s the thought that counts, right?”


It was wonderful!

The feel of soft warm skin; moist, supple lips tangled together, hands caressing his back, as satiny smooth thighs encased his hips, legs curled around his. She writhed underneath him moaning…..


The moaning had gotten louder and more shrill……………and was that a door slamming?

With a gasp he woke up, looking around quickly and seeing Buffy by the door just staring at him with wide eyes. He blinked a couple times then realized what exactly she was staring at…………………his towel…………didn’t…………….hide very much.


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