
Author: Tygerlily
Summary: In the year 1801 William the Bloody had already walked the earth well over a hundred years. His sire Drusilla the Mad and his grandsire Angelus the Scourge had already began to bore him. A master in his own right the passionate love for his sire had fizzled out long ago. He was restless and was in search for something he could truly call his own. Elizabeth Anne Summers was the daughter of Hank Aaron Summers, a very wealth land owner. Jocelyn Theresa Summers passed away when her daughter was only five years of age leaving her husband to care for the child. At the age of 16 Elizabeth meets William in the most peculiar of places…
Disclaimer: Borrowed them all. Don’t own a damn thing!
Rating: Nc-17 ~ Eventually

Warning: In this particular fiction we really get into the sire/childe relationship since its all William knows. Though nothing too vicious there is a lot of blood play, dominance and submission and even some sprinklings of what one would consider torture… I don’t want anyone to freak out over this but there will be some portions of this story that are bit darker and perhaps bloodier than the rest.

Author’s Note: This is my first period piece so please be patient with me. Ummm I will be taking some liberties with certain things since William, Angelus and Drusilla are vampires and are a bit more… liberated for the times but I will be doing my absolute best to be as proper as possible.

The song Drusilla sings are portions from China Roses by Enya

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Chapter One ~ Shadows in a Graveyard

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January 1801

Inhaling deeply he slowly let loose a breath of air and wasn’t surprised to not see a small puff appear. Though it was late January and the air was crisp and cold he had no breath so there really was nothing to see. Cerulean eyes flashed underneath the starlit night sky as he casually exited the tavern. The evening was still quite young and though he wasn’t very hungry anymore he still was on the hunt… for what though, he wasn’t exactly sure.

Earlier just before the sun had set both his sire and grandsire had invited him out on the hunt. And though it wasn’t mandatory to hunt with family it was preferred for safety’s sake. Though tonight his heart just wasn’t in it, he’d been feeling lost… trapped almost for the past half century. The love and passion he’d once felt for his sire had burnt out long ago. Oh yes there was no doubt that he was still loyal to her and there was a love there though it was almost a sisterly love more than anything else. He also carried a love for his grandsire, his teacher and guide. He cared for his family deeply and loved being with them but there was just something missing… almost as if were incomplete in some way.

His grandsire; Angelus the Scourge had no desire for long term female companionship. He loved his play things and his family and nothing more. And it was never the kill that enticed his grandsire, oh no… it was the hunt itself. It was the thrill of tracking his prey, the intoxicating scent of fear that surrounded them just before he took them for his own. As for his sire, well she was dark, sinfully beautiful and absolutely insane. Her hair fell around her shoulders as if it was silk and her eyes were as dark as the night itself. She was absolutely breathtaking and for awhile his entire world. That was until he grew up… so to speak and began to explore this new world on his own.

Finally deciding that he’d had enough of the smoky tavern and all its inhabitants he headed back out into the night in search of something… again what that something was he wasn’t sure. The dirt and gravel continued to crack and crunch beneath his booted foot as he walked down the dirt roads. Coming upon a small cemetery he heard soft footsteps fall softly on the earth, instantly he knew they belonged to a woman but what would a lady be doing out so late at night especially unescorted.

His curiosity getting the better of him he silently slipped into the cemetery and trailed the young woman at a safe distance. Her steps slowed as she came upon a rather large stone where an Angel kneeled praying its wings extended out behind them. She gracefully sank down onto the earth and laid the single yellow rose she had with her at the base of the stone. Truly intrigued by this young thing he circled around to get a better look.

Cerulean eyes widened at the sight before him. He was sure he’d never seen anything more beautiful in all his 127 years on this earth. The girl before him was absolutely breathtaking… she couldn’t have been anymore than 16, 17 perhaps even 18 years old. Her long honey blonde hair fell just passed her shoulders accenting her pale milky skin but what really stood out were her blazing green eyes. They weren’t a pale dried out green like so many with that particular eye color they were a beautiful deep green almost a hazel color. He could hear the vision before him murmuring softly into the night air. She stayed for quite sometime just whispering softly into the night when she suddenly rose and gracefully made the sign of the trinity before turning to exit the cemetery.

As he watched her figure fade into the night a strange feeling spread throughout his body and it was then he knew that he just couldn’t let her walk away. Making an instant decision he quickly made his way around the cemetery and back to the entrance before she even made it two feet from the grave. When the golden haired girl finally reached the gates to her great surprise and slight embarrassment she bumped into a man with the deepest blue eyes she’d ever seen; sighing softly she silently cursed herself and her clumsiness when she realized that she’d dropped her book into the dirt.

“Oh please forgive me miss, I was not watching as to where I was going” the kind stranger implored

“No, it is I that should be apologizing. I fear sometimes my mind can wander off and I tend to forget as to where I actually am” she replied

“You dropped this” he said softly while producing the book she’d dropped a few moments ago.

“Oh thank you, you are very kind… but I fear I must be going” she said quickly

“Please wait…” he said, William knew that he had to think fast if he was going to have any chance at keeping the girl with him for at least a little while longer.

“I really must be going, it’s very late and I shouldn’t even be out” she explained

Thinking quickly he realized that she indeed did not have an escort and she of course could use one the rest of the way home. It’d be the gentlemanly thing to do after all.

“Well, I was going to inquire as to what you were doing out so late, and alone I might add… but since you seem to be in such a hurry, why not allow me to escort you the rest of the way home. Perhaps you might even feel inclined as to tell me why you’re out this late unattended.” He said softly.

Emerald colored eyes studied for him for a few moments before brightening slightly and a small smile began to materialize on her lips. Stepping past the gates she clutched her book to her chest and gracefully took the arm that was offer to her and the pair made their way back out into the night. Neither noticed the pair of dark eyes that took in the entire scene with sadistic glee.

+ + + + +




The night sky was momentarily flooded with light before it was submerged into darkness once more. Sharp eyes gazed out into the night watching the rain water splash up against the glass of the windows and then slowly trickle down where it would pool right on the window sill outside. It had been three days since he’d laid eyes on the vision that was Elizabeth Summers. It didn’t take him very long to find out as much as he could about the young Summers girl.

She was the first and only child of Hank Aaron and Jocelyn Theresa Summers. When the poor girl was only about five years old her mother died because of the fever leaving Hank to care for the girl all on his own. Even with the servants he kept on the grounds his darling daughter was known to be quite a handful. Even though his business and his land kept him fairly busy he always did try to make time for his little girl. She really was the only and last piece he had of his wife and he intended to cherish their time together. He was no fool; Hank knew that his daughter was an adorable little girl and would grow up to be a stunningly beautiful young woman… he’d one day have to let her go to start a family of her own. Sighing heavily William continued to watch the rain and think about the mere slip of a girl that had more than likely captured his cold dead heart only a few days before.

A new moon leads me to
woods of dreams and I follow.
A new world waits for me;
my dream, my way.

The soft and melodic voice of his sire filtered thorough his thoughts. Sighing heavily he let his eyes flutter closed as he sunk deeper into the chair and listened to the soft click of her heels as she moved gracefully about the room. As she danced about the room the soft rustling of her gown, it was an Empire style; pure colored cotton which only enhanced her already pale almost translucent skin. There was a center front opening which then extended into the skirt section; scoop neck revealing her full breast, her dark raven colored hair fell around her face softly like spun silk. As she raised her arms up while enjoying her dance the light sleeves slipped back exposing her strong yet slender arms. She was a dark and decadent sight and yet except for the acknowledgement of his sire’s eternal beauty he wasn’t interested in the pleasures he knew her body could offer him.

I see the sun
I see the stars

It was her soft voice that again pulled him from his musings. William sat transfixed as his sire practically all but glided toward him. Smiling softly she placed herself gently in his lap as she began to gently stroke the nape of his neck.

“I know why you sit here in the dark all alone, sweet Will. I promise you, your lost little lamb will be yours soon enough, but you must be patient… there will be shadows that will block her path to you. You must beat them back… she is to be family one day…” she trailed of with a whisper

“Drusilla…” the question clear in his voice as confusion marred his features

Eyes the color of onyx glazed over and soft purr rumbled forth from her throat. She gracefully slid to her feet; she hummed to herself as she danced out of the room but not before whispering one last word of advice to her childe.

“Your angel is now on hallowed ground… find her before they do”

+ + + + +


That’s all he could feel as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him to the small town just outside of Cambridge. In reality he ran faster than any horse or carriage could carry him but he still couldn’t help but feel the slight strain in his legs as he made his way through the night. His steps slowed as he came upon the cemetery where he first met the girl who had occupied his mind since those few nights ago. Instantly he could sense her and again found her near the statue of a weeping angel. And again she gently laid down the flowers she had clutched in her hands. With a few last whispered words she rose gracefully to her feet and began to make her way out of the graveyard.

It was then William took notice as to what the young girl was wearing. It was actually a simple white gown that flowed gracefully over her body into a short train at the back. It was embroidered all over with white beads to give a subtly shimmering effect. A heavy cotton/wool almost floor length cloak adorned her shoulders, it was a deep forest green a stark contrast to the stark white dress and her pale skin but what it did do was bring out the green in her deep emerald eyes. Her perfectly manicured hands clutched the dress in her hands so as to keep as much dirt off of her dress as possible.

He stupidly wasn’t watching where he was going as he made his way to the gate hoping to bump into her once more and found himself face flat in the ground, turned out he tripped over an exposed root. Looking down to inspect the damage he had twisted his ankle and probably pulled a muscle but other than that he was fine and with his healing he’d be good as new in a few hours. What he didn’t see was the young blonde exit the cemetery and notices his shadow lying on the ground.

When she finally got close enough he made a move to see how much weight he could put on his leg startling her causing her to cry out, which in turned caused him to let out a yelp of his own. Gaining control first he sighed heavily when he realized that not only did he have to explain to her as to what he was doing lurking around outside a cemetery in the dark on the cold hard ground, he had no way of actually making it back to the manor that night; he’d have to find shelter elsewhere.

“I beg your pardon sir, but are you alright?” she asked softly

Her softly spoken question pulled him from his musings. Looking up into her soft and warm green eyes he instantly felt a sort of calm come over him.

“Uh no, I don’t believe so, I was on my way home and well I seemed to have stumbled and fallen… I fear that I might have sprained my ankle if not worse” he muttered hoping that his lie wasn’t as obvious as he believed it to be.

“Oh dear, well the doctor is not here unless it’s planned, his office his in Cambridge yet he comes out every Friday not a day earlier unless we call upon him specifically” she said softly

“Bloody hell” he cursed

She gasped softly at his language especially in front of a lady. Elizabeth was beginning to wonder if it was such a good idea to stop and help this stranger, though he seemed to not pose any sort of threat. As she stepped closer to him she realized that this was no stranger and yet the man who had escorted her home a few nights ago.

“Mister Abington? Is that you?” she asked softly

William looked up slightly startled for a moment it really had to have been over a hundred years since someone referred to him as “Mister Abington”. It was then he recalled giving her his name the other night.

“Ah yes, Miss Summers. I fear we cannot keep meeting like this” he said with a chuckle as he once again struggled to his feet.

“Oh here let me help you… we must get you to someplace you can sit down. I know my father is going to probably have my head for this but I suggest going to my home. It is closest” she said scurrying over to give him her shoulder to lean on

“I couldn’t impose—“

“Nonsense, you can barely walk and since I find that once again because of my day dreaming I am now out after sunset without an escort we both can benefit in some way from this situation. I’ll just explain to my father what happened.” She said reasonably

+ + + + +

Groaning softly her footsteps faltered before stopping altogether. Dark eyes fluttered shut as visions of what might come filled the seemingly frail creatures head. Drusilla fell weakly back against the cool stoned wall and slowly slipped to the floor as the visions continue to assault her mind.

Dark eyes fluttered open weakly as they glittered with a sanity that was rarely seen. They were coming and there was no way she could stop it. That night would be the death of the day and the sun would cross over into the night. She giggled madly at this revelation; it seemed that the addition to their happy family would be arriving much sooner than anticipated.

After lying against the cool stone for some time the dark vampiress climbed to her feet with a regal grace and swept from the dark hall in a swirl of skirts, her joyful mad laughter trailing behind her.

+ + + + +

Elizabeth and William quietly made their way up the stoned path to the house. Just before reaching the door it flew open and there stood an elderly looking woman who peered out into the darkness nervously. She called out into the night, her voice trembling with fear.

“Oh Eva thank goodness, please come and help us” Elizabeth called out quietly

At the sound of her mistress somewhat strained voice she scurried away from the door and down the path to her side. Her breath caught in her throat and she stopped short at the sight before her. There was her young mistress out past sunset without an escort her skirts somewhat tattered and dirty with a broken looking young man hanging onto her.

“Oh my goodness child what have you gotten yourself into? And who heaven’s name is this? If you’re father were to have seen you—“she exclaimed

“Eva please calm yourself! …now if you’d help me get Mister Abington inside—“

“Certainly not! Your father would have my head if I were to allow you to bring this… this person into our home, and at such a late hour. This is highly inappro—“

“Eva! He’s been injured, now come down and her help me” Elizabeth said sternly

Rolling her lower lip into her mouth Eva gnawed on it nervously before muttering to herself while moving forward to help the unlikely pair into the house. Keeping her eyes cast downward and intent on her task, Eva never noticed the amused smiles Elizabeth and William exchanged though it all. Moving swiftly through the foyer she quickly ushered them into one of the rooms on the main floor near the back of the house.

Eva bustled about the room lighting a few paraphin lamps, soon a gentle glow filled the space casting various shadows on the walls and floor. She watched in quiet resignation as Elizabeth led the badly limping man up to the bed. He fell back against the pillows with a low groan which caused her head to snap up. Taking in his pinched face and pained expression she quickly removed herself from the room muttering softly about getting something for the pain.

Elizabeth merely chuckled softly at the woman’s actions and soon turned her attention back to the man lying on the bed. Looking down at him it was clear he was in a considerable amount of pain, though he was doing his absolute best to conceal it. Settling herself on the side of the bed she quietly rolled up her sleeves and looked down at him with gentle eyes. Licking her lips nervously she reached with a shaky hand and brushed back a few locks from his forehead. Unconsciously he moved into the gentle touch and nuzzled he hand softly with the side of his cheek.

Smiling in response she then moved to take one of the thick cloths on the bedside table. Sighing softly to herself she dipped the cloth into a basin of cool water and rung it out. She then gently ran the cloth over his furrowed brow and down his cheeks and the slender column of his neck. Silently she continued about her task of cleaning him which also seemed to calm him down some.

Not too long after Eva returned with a tumbler of warmed whiskey and a bit of honey. Elizabeth’s lips quirked at the home remedy. Eva had been swearing by it for as long as she could remember. Whenever her father had one of his headache’s and absolutely refused to go the doctor, Eva would be there with warmed whiskey and honey in hand.

“Can you get him to sit up some; I think if we get this down his throat it’ll ease some of the pain. Once morning comes of course we’ll call for the doctor to come in. I doubt he’ll mind coming in a day or two early… his ankle looks quite the fright” she murmured softly

Nodding in agreement Elizabeth gently shook William awake and together they were able to get him in a semi-sitting position. Moving the tumbler to his lips Eva gently tipped it back and soon the warm liquid made its way past his lips and sent a pleasant burn down his throat. Once the amber liquid was gone Elizabeth handed the tumbler back to Eva and gently settled William back down on the bed. Stepping away from the bed Elizabeth spoke with Eva in hushed tones and after a few moments Eva slipped from the room.

Sighing softly to herself Elizabeth turned back around and quietly made her way over to a large over stuffed chair near his bed side. Slipping over her shoes she curled her feet up underneath her and pulled down the knitted throw from the back of the chair and pulled it over her huddled form. With a quiet yawn she then settled down and was soon fast asleep the only sounds that could be heard was her gentle steady breathing and the crackling of the fire.

It was only a few hours later when a loud crash sounded throughout the house and the sounds of angry shouts and the sickening sounds of flesh hitting violently against flesh could be heard. William snapped awake instantly and was out of the bed his body dropped into a defensive stance. His eyes quickly scanned the room and stopped abruptly on the small form curled up on the chair. Her eyes were wide and glittered with unmasked fear.

Looking down he was pleased to see that all that had been removed was his over coat and the buttons to his shirt had been undone. Dropping to his knees he quickly rooted around for his boots and pulled them on. His head snapped up and he barked out an order for her to grab her shoes as well. When she stayed rooted to her spot it was clear she was too frightened to move. Moving swiftly over to her he helped her into her shoes and grabbed her arm as he dragged her from the room.

There was one too many scents within the house which hadn’t been there mere hours before. When he made his way out into the hallway the sight that greeted him caused him to pause. There on the floor lay Eva her eyes wide open in fear, her slack mouth opened in a silent scream. A dark liquid almost the color of molasses was slowly pooling around the older woman’s head.

An agonizing scream pulled him from his stunned state. Turning around he saw that Elizabeth was beyond hysterical. Tears streamed violently down her flushed cheeks as she began to reach blindly for the now dead woman. Taking matters into his own hands he forcibly picked up the crazed young woman and began to make his way through the house. Just as he was about to get them through the front door a gun shot went off causing another crazed scream to be ripped from Elizabeth’s throat. The glass vase near them shattered into a million pieces which then caused the water encased within also to go tumbling to the floor.

Slowly settling Elizabeth on the floor he then turned around to face their attackers, effectively shielding the young woman from view. William’s lips curled up in disgust at the sight of the man before him. It was apparent from the stench rolling off the man that he was intoxicated and not in his right mind. A wheezed laugh escaped the man’s parched and chapped lips causing Elizabeth and William’s skin to crawl. Suppressing a shudder of revolution William widened his stance waiting for the man to move.

Without another word the drunk lunged forward and clumsily balled his hands into a fist. Growling softly William lunged forward and grabbed the man’s fist in his own. Applying little pressure he grinned in sadistic satisfaction as he felt the man’s feeble bones crack and splinter. Shoving the man backward he tumbled to the floor gracelessly, he stupidly began to climb back up to his feet. Growling in frustration William’s human visage quickly melted away and with a savage roar he lunged forward and snapped the man’s neck.

Panting heavily he licked the corner of his upper lip where the bastard had nicked the skin. Not thinking he turned to face Elizabeth concerned for her welfare. Though in the end it was too late a terrified scream escaped Elizabeth’s lips as she turned and began to blindly reach for the door in an attempt to flee. Cursing himself William made his way over to her in a few quick strides. Gripping her upper arms he spun her around hoping that he could calm her in some way, his demon visage had long ago slipped away.

Shrieking madly Elizabeth pushed back against him with all her strength, surprised he stumbled back giving her enough time to wrench the door open and stumble out into the yard. It was then she noticed the vibrant orange glow coming from the back of the house.

A good portion of the house was on fire.

William stumbled out in the yard and found a crazed Elizabeth trying to make her way to the back of the house. He knew that if she made her way back there she’d probably end up dead. It was clear that Eva was dead and her father had probably been killed as well. And with sunset only a few hours away he had to get them out of there. He’d deal with her accusations and the police later.

All he knew was that he had to get to his sire and fast, he would know what to do. He always knew what to do. Running up Elizabeth he grabbed her and began to drag her from the house. Though Elizabeth was putting up one hell of fight, he knew that if she continued to scream she’d eventually draw them some seriously unwanted attention. Rolling his eyes heavenward he muttered softly to himself and then with a well placed hit to her temple he effectively knocked her out.

With a soft sigh she collapsed easily into his embrace. Sighing softly he wrapped his arms around her. Looking around the land his eyes soon found he stables. With quick steps he made his way inside and soon had an animal ready to mount. With a bit of maneuvering he settled himself in the saddle and his precious cargo in his arms in front of him. He quickly guided the animal out of the stables and soon took off at a gallop. Not once looking back, only looking forward to the quickly lightening horizon in front of him.

And as the Summer’s estate continued to burn to the ground dark eyes glittered madly…

End of Chapter One

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