Penname: spikes slayer [Contact] Real name: Ebonie-Kate
Member Since: 02/13/2005
Membership status: Member
Hi everyone,
My name is Ebonie, I have been on this site as 'Spike Slayer' since I was fifteen years old, although I stopped wirting (and therefore never finished my stories) since I was around sixteen. Now, I am 19 and (one would hope) slightly wiser and, with any luck slightly better at writing so over the next however long, I am planning on re-posting all my old stories, COMPLETELY revised and re-written, as well as starting some new stuff. So, those of you who knew me before, and have stuck around, and those of you who are new to my stuff, I hope you like what I come out with. If you wanna chat about fanfic, spuffy or ANYTHING, just add me on msn
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MSN IM: MSN IM ebonie_kate [AT] hotmail [DOT] com
Beta-reader: 0
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1. Ashlee
2. hulettwyo
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