Penname: jnharrow [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: 06/28/2007
Membership status: Member
I started reading Spuffy when I was on bed rest last year, pregnant with my first baby. I was on bed rest for what seemed like forever, so I read ALOT of spuffy.

Imagine my surprise to find that I was completely hooked, even when I could leave my bedroom again.

My two favorite stories are "My Life Closed Twice" by Anaross and "The Last Summer" by Annie Sewell-Jennings. If you haven't read them yet, go! Read! Ana's is at the Just Rewards archive and The Last Summer is at All About Spike.

Those two are amazing writers. Their characters are fleshed out and believable and their stories are moving and I just couldn't stop reading. (I don't know either of them, btw :)

My email is my username at

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