Member Since: 02/26/2008
Membership status: Member
Dorian’s Kitten lives a few miles outside Washington D.C. with one adorable husband and two rather demanding cats. She loves Indian food, Ikea, reading and watching too much television while hating telemarketers that call while she is already juggling too many pots on the stove and restaurants that claim a dish is vegetarian but still use chicken fat to flavor it. She is addicted to Diet Coke and will not be going to rehab (no, no, no). She occasionally regrets choosing a username that includes the word kitten; she had just watched Life Serial and had enjoyed a couple of adult beverages that evening. She is a sentience-centered egalitarian, a practicing Whedonist and dedicated member of Team Spike.
If you would like to get to know DK better, read more of her fanfiction or maybe even some original fiction (gasp), please check out her LiveJournal.
Membership status: Member
If you would like to get to know DK better, read more of her fanfiction or maybe even some original fiction (gasp), please check out her LiveJournal.