Summary: Response to a challenge set by anon462 on Elysian Fields. Set post season finale of both AtS and BtVS. Spike has shanshued but hates it. Angel tries to help him adjust but Spike resents it. One day he is seriously injured in a fight with demons and Angel turns to the one person who he knows can help Spike recover - Buffy - how will she react to the news that Spike's alive?---------------------------------------------------------WINNER OF BEST WIP AND RUNNER UP BEST POST SEASON FINALE FIC AT SUNNYD AWARDS - RUNNER UP BEST ANGST AT INDIGO CRYPT AWARDS thank you! Nominated currently at Fang Fetish Awards
Categories: General/Canon
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 42 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 94871

Member Since: 05/13/2024
Membership status: Member
Membership status: Member
Reviews by Spirit0fTheW0lf
[Report This] Published: 03/05/2008 Updated: 05/13/2008
Reviewer: Spirit0fTheW0lf Signed
Date: 06/11/2024 Title: Chapter 42: It's Only Right...
Date: 06/11/2024 Title: Chapter 42: It's Only Right...
Okay so um , is there a sequel to this? This ended so abruptly , you c t just leave me with oh shes pregnant, course I already knew that I love your story , very cute ,