Penname: fyreburned [Contact] Real name: Kara
Member Since: 03/29/2008
Membership status: Member

50-something y/o f. that fell totally head over heels for Spuffy. A late-bloomer to BtVS, the show, & the fandom; it wasn't til laid up on bedrest with a shattered foot in a cast up in the air until I fell under the spell of the series, not too long before it ended. A couple of years later I found the fandom, & rediscovered fan-fic (yep, I'm old enough to remember when Trek fic was mimeographed or when fic actually got bound & sold @ conventions. I'm a BA candidate for History education, minors in ancient history/studies & Early Colonial America, contextual (minor cross-college) in Social Studies educ'n. In college I TA'd in the English/Communications Dept, often helping writers for whom English was not their native language. I am also an LPN, or Licensed Practical Nurse, for which I seperately went to technical college. I scored the highest in my school on FL state board nursing exams! I maintain the license tho' don't work in it today due to disabilities. I'm fairly good @ technical writing but don't write fiction on my own. I'm great @ proofing tho', often doing it outta habit as I go along reading a fic. I read a LOT of fic, mostly Spuffy, with a tad of other including the occasional S-B-A, *-F, -W, or -T, occasional slash, and lately have hankerin's for post-Chosen/BtVS s8 & post-NFA/AtS ATF/AtS s6 & near future fic. I've recently been turned on to LJ (with a remake by our wonderful lovely Sotia!) but don't EVEN have the hang of it yet. As said above, I'm into history, like historical & time travel fics 'cos of it. Sometimes (less these days) I do various kinds of historical re-enactment from medieval & renn SCA to WWII (Waac combat nurse, ANC). I'm a bang up costumer, pretty near museum quality ability actually. I'm into various earth-based spiritualities and magickal systems, and can assist on those fronts for fic if wanted. I've been in a long-term relationship of 16+ years with my fiance & S.O. "Mr. F." aka "Mr. Fyreburned" aka Ed or ShakkaEd, who is a now disabled police & probation officer in FL. I'm a big-time animal-lover, keep & have raised parrots & birds from finches to large macaws & cockatoos, many conures, keets, cockatiels, & in between, plus farm & fancy fowl such as chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail, doves, guineas and more. I own an acre of farm property and lived there til a bit over five yrs past when our house caught fire while we were gone and burned down, most of our then pets inside, & belongings. I learned about the innate goodness of folks during that time. We're hoping to get finished w/our DWMH restoration & get moved back out to the country and away from this in-city 'hood SOON this year. I'm anxious to get back to farming life, and to raise our sheep & goats again. I know my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Chaz, will adore it! I'm happy to talk & communicate with you re: beta-ing for your fics. ~~K.~~

Yahoo IM: fyreburned
Beta-reader: Yes
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