Penname: ScarlettDuck [Contact] Real name: Lani
Member Since: 03/02/2012
Membership status: Member
Air Force brat but lived most my life in/near Portland, Oregon.

Came to Buffy late -- had seen a few eps over the years but didn't start watching in earnest until early 2012. Before the 2012 fandom, I had already preferred Spike over all other characters, I just didn't know him that well yet. A Doctor Who/Torchwood fan, I had seen JM's turn on Torchwood and loved him there (God, I love an id character!), then solidified that love when I got hooked on BtVS.

I'm married to a man (since 1999) who has so many qualities in common with JM & Spike, it's no wonder I got hooked. (I mean it... I understand if some of you are jealous. My guy actually even has some facial/physical similarities... but not the abs, unfortunately. But then again, James himself doesn't have the abs anymore, either.) Luckily, he's not quite as jealous as James, so he's been amenable to going with me to meet James a number of times.

And now we're a part of a great group of friends from around the world who are fans of James and his band Ghost of the Robot; we mostly meet on Facebook, but sometimes get to meet in person, and they are ALL glorious people (some of whom I see lurking and contributing here). Most recently, I got to hang with a bunch of these fine fans, as well as James and the Ghosties (well, Sullivan and Charlie), for a whole week on the Comic Con at Sea cruise.

Have been thinking about getting started writing, but concerned my plot/dialogue skills won't be sufficient. Those elements aren't important, are they? ;-) I am an excellent editor, however: I can tighten up someone else's writing, and am especially strong on mechanics, so if spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, or vocabulary/word use are not your strong suits, I may be the beta for you!
Yahoo IM: scarlettduck
Beta-reader: Yes
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