Summary: The series/saga that jumped off from a sweet (and naughty) little story about Spike and Buffy being rabbits for a night. Not as "fluffy" as it seems...
Parent Series: None
Categories: Spuffy Hardcore/Smut
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Stories: 3
Open: Closed [Report This]

Series - L
Summary: Four fics beginning in an AU season 2 where Angelus gets help from Ethan Raine and captures Buffy. She and Spike form a reluctant alliance that, throughout the other stories grows into something much stronger. Very dark first fic, and beginning of the second one. Note warnings ( I can't get them to save more than one) character deaths, rape, sexual situations.
Parent Series: None
Categories: Serial Fics, Spuffy General/Canon
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Rape
Stories: 4
Open: Closed [Report This]
Parent Series: None
Categories: Serial Fics, Spuffy General/Canon
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Rape
Stories: 4
Open: Closed [Report This]