Reviews For Baby Love
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Reviewer: spikesbabi Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/23/2005 - 12:03 am Title: She's a little runaway

dont worry the chapter was marvelous!

Reviewer: Opal Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 11:59 pm Title: She's a little runaway

**hail** **bow** Nia that is the most superbly written angst I've ever read! You're writiing continues to be spectacular and amazses me! Awesome job!

Reviewer: Addie Logan Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 11:07 pm Title: She's a little runaway

No! No review when you right angst! I refuse to...oh, wait...I guess I am reviewing. Never mind... So Willow knows now. She took it well. heh Poor Buffy... My heart was aching for her all alone and suffering like that. Hope Will finds her soon. Good thing he's got a psychic on his side.

Reviewer: Adriana Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 11:05 pm Title: She's a little runaway

Still loving this story, poor confused Buffy! Hope he finds her soon!

Reviewer: ace Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 11:02 pm Title: She's a little runaway

what on earth could dru have told him that he'd written down? hmmm. curiouser and curiouser. can't wait for the next chapter. poor buffy. hormones making her act wacky.

Reviewer: Ashlie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 10:54 pm Title: She's a little runaway

hey loved loved loved this chapter! and yay an update on my birthday! I can't wait til the find her. Poor Buffy, I feel so bad for her=( Update soon, please *innocent face*

Reviewer: Elaine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 10:45 pm Title: She's a little runaway

Ack! Such a good chapter although incredibly angsty! Normally I don't use so many exclamation points but I'm feeling the need! Seriously wicked cool thunderstorm going on outside my window right now which was perfect mood setting for this chapter. I love your writing. I swear if you wrote a lord of the rings length tome I'd reach the end and think: wow that's fantastic, I wish it was longer. Your depictions of characters are just so real and alive they draw you in and the writing flows so smoothly.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 10:45 pm Title: She's a little runaway

Angsty, entertaining chapter. The night sleeping outside was well detailed and rough to read. Will's explosion in front of Willow was an excellent way to reveal his depth of emotion. Now Will has another ally in Willow, but it's another person who can spill their secret. This is getting tense.

Reviewer: braat44 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 10:31 pm Title: She's a little runaway

Wow!! That was so intense. Love this story. More soon please.

Reviewer: slinkyPK Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 10:14 pm Title: She's a little runaway

Nuh-uh. Not gonna review. So not tellin' how much I liked the chapter, despite the angst. Certainly won't be mentioning how great the scene between Will and Willow played out. And there is absolutely no way I'm gonna beg for the next chapter to be posted ASAP. So, since I didn't say any of that, I'm gonna go away and finish typing another chapter of BLB.

Reviewer: Christina Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 10:06 pm Title: She's a little runaway

Ahhhhhh so sad but ok, necessary to the story. Thank god they weren't talking about Will and Buffy. I'm glad Willow knows and glad Dru will help!!! Need them to be reunited pretty pleaseeeeee...poor Buffy and poor Will. As usual, amazing story, I love it so much. Can't wait for more.

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 10:06 pm Title: She's a little runaway

i hope they reunite soon

Reviewer: chris Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/22/2005 - 09:58 pm Title: She's a little runaway

Great chapter....s full of so much pain and angst...I hope they find Buffy before something awful happens to her.

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