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Reviewer: nixiet Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 11:02 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

yes, yes, give us more!

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 09:19 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

loved it. this story is great. i can't wait til the next chapter. keep up the great work.

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 09:06 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

another great update cant wait for more

Reviewer: Amanda Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 08:34 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

Ooo fun, can't wait for more.

Reviewer: pj Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 07:53 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

Oh this is going to fun! She found out his weakness :D Lol, they are misunderstanding each other left and right and flopping back and forth between nice and mean - love it!

Reviewer: lindsay Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 06:50 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

lol what a great update. Awesome!!!!Cant wait for the next!

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 05:36 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

Really good couple of chapters! The Bronze scene should be interesting... maybe he will 'order' her to dance with him! Hehehee! Update soon!

Reviewer: Sevvy_O Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 05:19 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

LOL, absolutely loving this. =)

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 04:28 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

Oh this is getting better and better.....and Buffy is giving it to him in spades......and EWWW Parker......eeek.......and I love how Faith seems to be treating Andy good....

Reviewer: beasleysmom Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 03:58 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

I feel the heat now! I love this stuff! Thanks for updating so much. It gives me somting to look forward to eveyday! Kuddos

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 03:25 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

awww how mean why cant they just learn to get a long. shes just being rude no they diont always have to be cruel to each other. i really hope that they start liking each other soon. ne ways i love this story and cant wiat to read more. please update as soon as u can i cant wiat to read more thanx

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 03:16 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

LOL!!! ROTLMAO...i love this story so much!! and i'm sad cos you've already updated today so that means you won't update til best... :( ;) anyhow, that was an awesome chapter, i love the way you write and how you're developing the story...there's still not enough UST yet that says this story is coming to its end so that's great!!! i think there's a long way here... i love this concept...thanx so much for this excellent job and for updating so often...

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 03:02 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

I LIKE Faith and Andrew. And Faith draping herself all over him. That's great.

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 02:19 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

Great! I love unsure Spike. Oh, nice save for Andrew... Can't wait for more. Luv, Spuf

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 02:14 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

I still love the bantering ... sorry for Buffy: For once she didn't try anything at purpose, mixed the coffee by accident and got scolded at. If she is sorry now for what she did to Spike before? Naw, don't think so. ;-)

Reviewer: Caitie Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 01:58 pm Title: Adding Insult to Injury

AAwww!!! What a great chapter! Can't await for more of this incredible fic, so pleaswe post the next chapter soon! ; )

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 04:48 am Title: Dirty Laundry

fantastic chapter!!! can't wait for spike's payback!!! this is just getting more and more interesting... thanx so much...please...pretty please...update soon!!

Reviewer: Ash Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 02:05 am Title: Dirty Laundry

Lovin' the story!!!

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2005 - 12:26 am Title: Dirty Laundry

great update cant wait to see what he has up his sleeves

Reviewer: lindsay Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2005 - 11:59 pm Title: Dirty Laundry

uh oh trouble lol. Loving it so far. Cant wait for more.

Reviewer: Beasleysmom Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2005 - 08:36 pm Title: Dirty Laundry

I love the way they go back and forth! The sexual tention only can build up so much with out exploding and when it does look out!

Reviewer: Amanda Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2005 - 08:34 pm Title: Dirty Laundry

Lol, shrinking the clothes, that is so great. Can't wait for more.

Reviewer: Elanor Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2005 - 07:23 pm Title: Dirty Laundry

Those two are so much fun togather -- I love reading this story! It's like their fun, bickering marrieds already! : )

Reviewer: pj Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2005 - 06:20 pm Title: Dirty Laundry

LOL, swell bowler! That was funny! I also think that the whole car wash idea is going to be either a riot, or ver hot ;) Can it be tomorrow now?

Reviewer: Seraiza Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2005 - 05:51 pm Title: Dirty Laundry

here come world war 3!!! lol!! sant wait for more!!

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