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Reviewer: aniz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2005 - 11:12 pm Title: No Bloody Way

In your author's note you said that this is more of an L.A. pre-slayer Buffy and that she's also Harmony-like...the problem is that for all we know, the obnoxious valley girl in this chapter could be anyone! And yes, you say there will be a change in her, but the characters in fanfics should retain some of their trademark characteristics and Buffy acting like an air-headed bimbo isn't one of hers.

Author's Response: "Call me! Call me! Call me!" (Becoming pt 1) From what I've been able to gather, in LA, Buffy was just a bit of a bimbo. I mean, she did do the whole May Queen thing and all that, not to mention basically running away to Sunnydale. The few flashbacks we were given in the series show us a very different Buffy from the one who lived in Sunnydale. I get what you're saying about fanfics staying true to the characters. In fact, I generally agree with you. Fanfics where the characters are completely different from how they were in the show generally bug me. But I'm taking LA Buffy, or my interpretation of LA Buffy, and turning her into the Buffy we all know and love. In my opinion that's OK. If I kept the character constantly true to the Sunnydale Buffy, then unless I completely imitated Joss Whedon's story arcs, I could never have any character development--and for me, character development is a must. I'm sorry if you didn't like Buffy in this chapter, to be honest she seriously bugs me, too--which is why she's going to change, VERY SOON. Please keep reading if you even remotely like the story. I promise things are going to change. Buffy will become who she was in the show--that's part of the story. It just may take a few chapters. If you keep reading, thanks for your patience and please review again to tell me how I'm doing. If not, sorry, I guess this fic wasn't for you.

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2005 - 10:15 pm Title: Dense Skulls and Short Skirts

great update cant wait for the spuffyness

Author's Response: which is definitely coming! =) thanks for the review!

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2005 - 02:46 am Title: No Bloody Way

absolutely loving it so far

Author's Response: awesome. thanks!

Reviewer: lindsay Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/08/2005 - 11:54 pm Title: No Bloody Way

well you did manage to make me hate her lol, she really is a pain in the ass so far. But its obvious to anyone that there is a reason and that she'll change, grow up. I enjoyed this chap and cant wait till i read the next. Great job!

Author's Response: thanks! this next chap kinda shows you what Buffy's life is like at'll be posted within the hour, if my lazy ass'll finish writing it... =)

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/08/2005 - 01:30 pm Title: No Bloody Way

Cute story. Love those HS nemiseseseses!!! Luv, Spuf

Author's Response: yeah, I do too. High school's fun to write because you can put the characters in SO many ridiculous, dramatic situations. Nemiseseseses... LOL! thanks for reviewing!

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