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Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/21/2006 - 11:25 pm Title: Chapter 12

Silly Willys......she remembered the nightie....but forgot she's fertile, LOL......could i mean there is a spuffy bun in the oven and Emma will have a sibling.......


Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/21/2006 - 09:30 pm Title: Chapter 12

Whoa! That was one unexpected twist at the end of the chapter. Can't wait for Buffy's reaction when she wakes up in the morning. Fantastic update!

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/21/2006 - 08:40 pm Title: Chapter 12

Well, I take it since you mentioned that, that something's going to happen?

Reviewer: annefan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/21/2006 - 08:22 pm Title: Chapter 12

great chapter!! I want Buffy to be pregnant, please!
Cant wait to

Reviewer: trish Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/21/2006 - 06:41 pm Title: Chapter 12

aw, sweet chapter!

Reviewer: rosie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/21/2006 - 06:35 pm Title: Chapter 12

cant wait to see what happens next!!!!!!!!!! :D

Reviewer: jennybean Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/21/2006 - 02:54 pm Title: Chapter 10

Ooh, sneaky. I think you're implying that Buffy was the one to originally catch his eye. Interesting twist.

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/20/2006 - 09:31 pm Title: Chapter 11

Awe :) I like the thought that Spike fell for Buffy first (and only 'accidentally' ended married to the wrong sister).
Then Elizabeth died a year ago when it is Emma's birthday. Good to see Buffy parents (especially her mother) were nice. And what a gift Emma gave Buffy: Calling her Mama :))

Reviewer: willowmouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/20/2006 - 02:00 am Title: Chapter 11

oh, so swet!!

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/2006 - 11:23 pm Title: Chapter 11

Loved the Joyce/Buffy interaction. The ending of the chapter was so sweet. Wonderful update! :D

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/2006 - 10:44 pm Title: Chapter 11

I'm glad she's getting along better with her parents and Spike!

Reviewer: annefan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/2006 - 08:25 pm Title: Chapter 11

aww that was so sweet, I cant wait to read more, please update soon!

Reviewer: rosie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/2006 - 07:39 pm Title: Chapter 11

cant wait to see what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/2006 - 06:33 pm Title: Chapter 11

AWWWWW..........I need some tissue........


Reviewer: MARGARET Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/2006 - 04:59 pm Title: Chapter 11


Reviewer: trish Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/2006 - 04:46 pm Title: Chapter 11

cute chapter, loved it!

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/2006 - 04:07 pm Title: Chapter 11

oh!! now i get the last chapter's flashback!!! loved it. please post soon. great job.

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/19/2006 - 04:02 pm Title: Chapter 11

excellent update

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/18/2006 - 07:52 pm Title: Chapter 10

I hope Buffy is right and Emma is indeed Spike's child. He loves her so much. Elizabeth? I don't know why she chose another man even if she was pregnant. Or why did she marry William? But we'll see what this was all about I guess.

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/18/2006 - 03:10 am Title: Chapter 10

Good chapter. :)

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/18/2006 - 02:37 am Title: Chapter 10

loved it

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/17/2006 - 10:34 pm Title: Chapter 10

Good job.

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/17/2006 - 10:09 pm Title: Chapter 10

Oh my.......he's found out his wife cheated, baby might not be his, and he's kissing the nanny, the cheating wife's twin,....

YOU go William.....could be you married the wrong sister.....


Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/17/2006 - 08:47 pm Title: Chapter 10

So did Elizabeth love William? Or did she just marry him because he would do anything for her? Why did she cheat? Update soon please!

Reviewer: rosie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/17/2006 - 07:59 pm Title: Chapter 10

cant wait to see what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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