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Reviewer: Ellen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/08/2007 - 06:03 am Title: Big Game

Dude. DUDE. I laughed, I cried, I've chewed my fingernails right off. Great story.

Author's Response: Hahah... thanks for the kind compliment Ellen! I hope the grow back soon!

Reviewer: Constance Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/07/2007 - 10:47 pm Title: Big Game

Absolutely brilliant fic. Your Andrew is perfect and the suspense level is going through the roof. Can't wait for the next chapter.
(found this fic through a rec on KCarolJ's journal, btw)

Author's Response: Thanks so much, Constance. I'm glad you're enjoying it. And thanks to Kristen for sending readers my way. You rock, K!

Reviewer: survenante Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/07/2007 - 05:16 pm Title: Big Game

... Not that I have anything against fluffy Spuffy and high-school fics. I enjoy light-hearted stories a lot, but I realise that it's fun too when a story challenges you as a reader...
All good things come to those who wait!

Reviewer: survenante Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/07/2007 - 05:07 pm Title: Big Game

I started reading this story a few days ago and I'm all caught up now. Not exactly easy entertainment, that. It's probably why so few people have left reviews -- you can get a little lazy when all you read is fluffy Spuffy high-school fics and some such...
But for this fic, boy is it worth the trouble... It took me a while to realise that even when I'm totally confused about what's going on, I can just read on and trust you to make things come to light farther down the page. It's pretty ingenious and inventive, and I like it a lot.
And Melvin is absolutely hilarious, as well as Andrew when he isn't unconscious.
As for our two love birds, well things don't look like puppies and rainbows for now, especially since Spike's about to die and Gilles is being his annoying I-know-what's-best self once again, but hey, I'm game for more. Much, much more. And soon, hopefully!!
Great work!

Author's Response: Hi survenante. Thanks for writing such a kind review. It gave me a jolt to hear that you trust me in the plotting. It is kind of a compilcated plot, and I've tried really hard to stay consistent. Luckily, I've drawn all kinds of maps and diagrams and pie charts and such to help me remember the important stuff, so hopefully I can keep everything in one piece until the end. And I'm so *psyched* that you're digging it sans puppies and rainbows. After all, puppies pee on the floor a lot for the first few weeks, and you can't have rainbows without rain. I was never really interested in writing a instantly gratifying story where they get together on the page 2 or something and go see a movie, although I understand that some people really like that stuff, too. But I'm so happy that there some people out there who dig the rough-stuff too.

Reviewer: Nos Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/06/2007 - 02:35 am Title: Big Game


Seriously. I don't generally enjoy post-Chosen fic. But this is pretty bloody amazing. I really can't wait for more. Thanks so much for writing it.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading it, and for letting me know you like it!

Reviewer: kcarolj65 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/05/2007 - 01:27 am Title: Big Game

Oh CHRIST. Pardon my blasphemy, but this is a friggin'. Amazing. Chapter. Exciting adventure, Buffy's disturbing disorientation,, and the still wonderfully-hilarious demon (Melvin Peterson? BWAH!!!) make this a roller coaster I want to ride again and again. *toddles off to pimp!*

In other words, Jarod, you rock the effin' house.

Author's Response: Don't know how I can thank you for that, K. You're so sweet. I think Mel's my new favorite whipping boy (next to Xander, of course) . Thanks for being so patient and wonderful! J

Reviewer: Leon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/24/2007 - 04:23 pm Title: Infernal Rackets

Truely one of the best and most entertaining Buffy stories I have ever read. You manage to have the right feel for the situation how dark and disturbing the chain of events are, and balance that with some humour. The huge shuffling hell demon who just wanders around bemused wantng to get home cracks me up.

Author's Response: Thanks Leon!

Reviewer: kcarolj65 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/22/2007 - 10:56 pm Title: Infernal Rackets

So great! Azazel is so funny, and Buffy's confusion, despair and recognition of her feelings (and Spike's) are poignant and engaging. Keep up the great work, Jarod.

Author's Response: Thanks, Kristen. Wow, I feel so creaky and rusty. So glad you're still sticking it out with me!

Reviewer: Samara Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/2007 - 06:03 pm Title: RE: Spike

Wow. I am totally in love with this story. It is so beautifully written, absolutely lyrical in spots. Please write more soon!

Author's Response: Thanks Samara! I will!

Reviewer: zanthinegirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/10/2007 - 02:06 pm Title: The Bloody Cavalry

So happy to see an update-- this story is wonderful! What a fascinating turn this chapter made. Yikes!

And can I say how much I'm loving Andrew in this story? Perfect Andrew dream; very nicely done!

Though Giles texting "Where R U"? Really? My illusions shatter!

Author's Response: LOL, thanks!

Reviewer: nmcil Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/08/2007 - 05:20 pm Title: The Bloody Cavalry

Nurse Nancy - great character - and I love your other realm Buffy-Scoobs brief tales.

Hope you can give us another update very very soon. Great place to "keep us waiting"

Author's Response: Thanks! I'll try my best. Im sort of debating whether I should just finish the next two chapters and then post them at the same time. They sort of go together.

Reviewer: time of change Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2007 - 01:06 pm Title: The Bloody Cavalry


Great chapter. You write action really, really well.

Author's Response: That's sweet to say, thanks again. Like I said, I hope my naughty bits will be at least as interesting to you guys.

Reviewer: kcarolj65 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2007 - 10:23 am Title: The Bloody Cavalry

Absolutely wonderful. Andrew's fantasy was utterly hilarious (romance novel cover meets Star Wars) and you've managed to make Nurse Nancy far more chilling than I ever expected. Call me bloodthirsty, but I kinda wish that Buffy hadn't woken up for a few more minutes... But oh! Buffy's AWAKE. Hooray!

Author's Response: Thanks! It's been a real challenge to try to develop a new character that could hold her own against Buffy, Spike and the Scoobs. She's going to get even creepier (I hope) in the second half of the story, so hoping other people dig her as well.

Reviewer: PennyDrdful Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2007 - 02:12 am Title: The Bloody Cavalry

Jesus, I can't say enough how much I loved the imagery of the fight scene in this chapter. It is just gorgeous. I cannot stress that enough.

Author's Response: Thanks Penny. I was actually a little worried that readers wouldn't get into all the smash'em'ups in the story. I'm glad some people think handling them well. There's actually a bunch of romance coming up soon, so I'll try my best to give that stuff at least as much attention.

Reviewer: Holly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2007 - 01:14 am Title: The Bloody Cavalry

Great Story. Love how it ties together so many loose ends in an original way and the characters seem true to form. Thanks and please keep going!

Author's Response: Thanks Holly. Yeah there's still a ton of loose ends to knot up. I've been trying to drop a few clues each chapter, but not really explaining a whole lot yet. I hope you stick around for the whole story.

Reviewer: Jean Henderson Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2007 - 01:06 am Title: The Bloody Cavalry

Wonderful idea. Love the change of person chapters. want more!

Author's Response: Thanks Jean. I was re-reading "Dracula" at the beach last summer, and I remembered thinking what a cool story-telling trick it was, to constantly change voices and points-of-view the way Stroker did.

Author's Response: Thanks Jean. I was re-reading "Dracula" at the beach last summer, and I remembered thinking what a cool story-telling trick it was, to constantly change voices and points-of-view the way Stroker did.

Reviewer: zanthinegirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/06/2007 - 03:46 pm Title: A Door in the Walls

Loving this story! Wow, you have quite a tale to tell! The AU Buffy's had me snickering wildly, too funny! I'm not totally following the storyline, but I'm sure all will become clear.

Wonderful Xander bit, and Andrew is a hoot! And now we have Andrew together with Spike...

Looking forward to seeing where you take this next!

Author's Response: Thanks zanthine - so glad you think I nailed the Xander bit. He's such a complex character, and such an important one. I know the AU stuff raised more questions at this point than answers. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm making excuses, but I honestly planned to drop a bunch of confusing stuff in this chapter. The AU in general - and what's going on with Will specifically - is actually going to be an integral part of the story. I'd try to explain more, but I'm afraid of ruining a couple of big surprises.

Reviewer: zanthinegirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2007 - 07:56 pm Title: Touchdowns and Interceptions

Wow, this story is really something special! Giles is fascinating here. Great expansion of his season 7 persona; this makes total sense to me.

And I *so* did not see Riley coming!

Reviewer: zanthinegirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2007 - 07:34 pm Title: Prologue

Someone rec'd this story on Live Journal; wow! This is wonderful! Absolutely gorgeous storytelling. Your Buffy "voice" is perfect; just the right tone and vocabulary. Very nice.

So glad I clicked on the link!

Author's Response: Thanks zanthine! I wish I could thank whoever rec'd me on Live Journal too, but I don't know how to use it.

Reviewer: time of change Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2007 - 02:04 pm Title: A Door in the Walls

Jesus. You have total control over this story, don't you? Amazing writing.

Author's Response: What a great compliment! Thanks, time! I hope so. I've got the bare bones in place, but I'm actually struggling with two big plot decisions right now that will affect the outcome of the story pretty drastically. I'll do my best.

Reviewer: time of change Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2007 - 01:20 pm Title: Trouble, Again

How did you know I longed for a darker, more adult Buffy? Seriously, this is BtVS all grown up and walking on the truly dark side. I love it.

Reviewer: Minerva Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2007 - 03:32 am Title: Prologue

It took me a second read of the prologue to realize the significance of the dust in the caved in hell mouth! I nearly cried!

Beautiful writing!

Reviewer: time of change Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2007 - 12:31 am Title: Prologue

I don't have the words to tell you exactly how brilliant this is. i can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: Barb C Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2007 - 10:15 pm Title: A Door in the Walls

This is an incredibly interesting story - I've been jonesing for a long time for a story where a post-Chosen Buffy is up against a Machiavellian Giles-run New Council, and while this isn't quite that, it's close enough. *g*

I had some qualms about how easily Giles, Xander, and Willow were disposed of early on, but I absolutely love the way you're revealing what's really been going on behind the scenes. Some of the intrigue has been a little confusing (particularly the chapter where Riley captures Giles) and might benefit with a little bit more setup and/or explanation - but only a little. On the whole, it's marvelously twisty.

I love your older, bitterer-but-still-fighting-the-good-fight Xander, and Andrew is a hoot. I'm still trying to figure out whose side Willow is on, but her ruthlessness is spot-on. I'm not quite sold on your characterization of Kennedy - I can buy her as power-hungry, and that being a Fatal Flaw that leads her into villain-hood, but she seems a bit over-the-top and moustache-twirly. Still, that's a comparatively minor quibble.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where you go with the rest of this. Thanks for a great read!

Author's Response: Thanks Barb! I've been jonesing to write this ever since the series ended. Obviously, the sixth season was my favorite. I love plunging all of Joss's great characters into the darkness, and figuring out how they handle it. I totally understand what you mean about Kennedy... maybe I just hate her too much. She'll pop up again here... I'll see if I can give her an extra layer or two.

Reviewer: nmcil Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2007 - 09:47 pm Title: Trouble, Again

Very much like how you picture Willow and Xander and their descent, into what at this point, I am not sure - but you have certainly given us a great place to speculate from - wonder contrast of Willow and Xander on a downward track vs Giles on an upward track, both however seemingly not to an enviable position. Like you voice of Buffy - seems like a real move toward a more mature woman.

Author's Response: Thanks nmcil! Actually, please read on. Xander and Willow may not have been as easily disposed of as you think!

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