Reviews For Murphy’s Law
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Reviewer: Dusty273 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/06/2008 - 12:54 am Title: Conversations

Loved the extra-long chapter! And especially that last paragraph. I just love how resolved Spike is about it all.

Adored that Spike was so thoughtful to send Buffy to the spa, his enlightening conversation with Cordy, his detail with the pic of Buffy and him, her reaction to the pic, the 'conversation' and of course his response to her, even if she, in true fashion, evaded to respond to him. I can't wait to find out what he is going to do about it now and the ball, I can hardly wait for that. Should be good. Fantastic chapter. *huggles* Love you, cariño!

Author's Response: Hee hee, yup, Spike is all resolvo-guy, and we know how when he has his mind set on something, it's gonna happen, *winks*. So glad you enjoyed every aspect of the chapter, but of course it wouldn't be what is is without your help boo - thank you for that. Luv you mi hermana.

Reviewer: smlcspike Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/04/2008 - 03:46 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

OH but they both seem to enjoy sharing a bed, can't wait for more.

Author's Response: LOL - indeed they do, it's become quite the addicition, giggles. Thanks for the review boo - kisses.

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/03/2008 - 06:37 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Smooshed Xander? Interesting, not a Fuedian slip or anything was it. I loved Xander in the first few seasons, but then he just got odd (er) and I didn't like him much. I like him and Anya together though, Nifty funeral idea. I especially liked the individual boxes of his ashes for his family and friends to scatter and say their good-byes. I may borrow that for my funeral (think I could get JM to take one and scatter it close to him? LOL - he'd probably do it for the right amount of cash!).

I love how you keep putting them in these "almost there" scenarios and then yanking them into another direction than what we thought you were going to do. You and muse must sit around laughing at us all, haning on to the edge of our seats, just waiting for that "first time" and then, bam! (Emerils got nothing on you two!) you just toss us in the corner and tell us to be patient, all good things take time to build and appreciate.

Can't wait to see what's you've got up your sleeve next for our cute couple.

Hugs sweetie and hope you have a lovely, safe and relaxing 4th of July.

Author's Response: Giggles - I hated to kill him off like that, but that's what the muse chose. YAY - glad you liked the boxes of ashes idea, I felt it fitting b/c of the fact they were all life-life friends. Yeah, I must admit, I do keep putting them in 'almost there' situations, but I supose it's all with the timing and timing is important to me - for the pacing of a story, *blushes*. BUt of course I'm glad you liked the chapter and you always have a review for me that has me rolling with laughter - thanks my friend - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/02/2008 - 01:26 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Lovely chapter. Love and death do indeed change everything. Hopefully they reach that point of a little positive to go along with their negative right now. Stunning chapter, with all the emotions and that aching need for a connection. Loved it. Thanks for sharing.

Author's Response: Oh yes, despite the sadness of the situation, it did bring something more positive about. THere's a connection they formed here that only tradgedy brought about - sad as that is, but love and death have the power to bring out the truth in people and changes them in ways nothing else can. Thank you so much for the wonderfuly reiew boo - huggles.

Reviewer: Vanilla Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/2008 - 10:41 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Aw. He's really proving himself to be such a good person and the right man for her, and I'm glad she's starting to realize that. Loved his breakdown, I can imagine how hard it would be for someone as young as he is to confront death for the first time. Excellent writing, just absolutely love it! *hugs*

Author's Response: Squeee, so glad you liked the update darling. It did provide for some serious insight into the real SPike and Buffy which will go a long way in getting them together. Thanks for the review my darling - hugs and kisses.

Reviewer: quirks Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/2008 - 06:49 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

this was sweet and sad and very very moving. i love watching spike doing so much growing up. and poor buffy is afraid to live. fabulously compelling story you got here. thank you!

Author's Response: WOW - you really have good perception... Spike growing up and Bufy afraid to live... you'll see that become more evident in the chapters that are coming up, *winks*. THank you so much for the great review darling - hugs.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/30/2008 - 02:46 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Never thought Buffy and Spike would get to the point where they couldn't stand to be apart from each other. Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: HAHAHAHAHAAH - ya know, that really is kinda funny, but I'm glad I did get it to this point, *winks*. THanks for the reiew boo - huglles.

Reviewer: sanityfair Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 08:49 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Oh how I loved this chapter-was getting ready for a dinner party at my house last night when you posted and couldn't read! *cries* Glad I finally found a moment to read and savour. They're both being so wonderfully attentive to each other, it's just the best! Can't wait for next week! *hugs*

Author's Response: LOL - bad timing on my part for posting huh? But I'm happy when you got to read it that you truly enjoyed it hon. Thanks for the awesome review - kisses.

Reviewer: lori Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 07:41 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Thank you for writing this chapter. It brought back memories of when I lost my grandparents at an early age, trying to figure out the whys behind it all. The message you shared about living life is especially important to help us remember those who are no longer with us. Your chapter helped remind me to smile and live life in remembrance of others. This incarnation of Buffy and Spike seems the most meaningful of all your characterizations in your stories. While I’ve always loved your work, I feel the most invested in this spuffy pairing. Thanks again

Author's Response: Awwwww, I'm sorry it brought back a bad memory, but yes, the lesson we all learn when we go through it is a profound one, the most important lesson as humans we have to learn. And wow - I'm very flattered you enjoy this pairing in this story the most - it means I'm doing my job right, thank you boo and for the entire beautiful review - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 02:39 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

This was an emotional chapter, and you beautifully conveyed the exhaustion of mourning. Spike's response to the loss was intriguing. As an outsider, one wouldn't think he would be so moved, but you made it believable. His honesty and need for comfort make him even more appealing. How can Buffy resist?

Author's Response: Oh wow - thank you so much for the compliment darling. I did try hard to put the 'feel' into it, the emotions. And how can Buffy resist indeed, gigles. Thanks again for such a lovely review - I'm smiling from ear to ear. Snuggles.

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 02:08 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

I loved the profound Spuffy interaction in this chapter, those two kids are definitely moving in the right direction. :D Fantastic update!

Author's Response: YAY - so glad you see their progress as good for them - they needed to connect in this way despite the sad circumstances. Thanks for the review sweets - hugs.

Reviewer: flibble Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 11:34 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

A lovely chapter. Spike really has turned himself around. Now if only Buffy would catch up we could get us some good old Spuffy action. All this introspection is making me itchy. *wink*

Author's Response: Yup - he;s a different man now, a better man, Giggles - sorry about the hesitating Buffy - but she' just being cautious. THanks for the review boo - smoochies.

Reviewer: Darkrivertempest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 11:18 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

YAY! The infamous chapter 23 - or was that the infamous chapter 22? LOL, I keep getting them confused!

WOW! It all came together so beautifully hun, it really did! I didn't tear up this time, cause I was prepared, but when I first read it...bah, I needed several hankies to get through it.

And they're both becoming addicted to each other, but in a good way, thank god. Yes, they're both moving along the 'relationship' path - at a pace both can respect - and I think that's what makes this fic so true to cannon. Your Buffy is much as she was in the series - one step forward, five steps back ...but eventually she gets there.

Awesome job dearest, you deserve all the awards you won and are nominated for! Go you! *wuggles and love*

Author's Response: LOL, you're too funny girl. Sorry about the tears, but of course that means I did a good job - wel, hopefully anyways, hee. Oh yeah, the addicition of Spike arms, arms of SPike in bed, GAH - what woman couold resist? Thanks for ALL your help my darling twisted sister - it woudn't be the same without you. Snuggles you tight.

Reviewer: luxferi Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 07:52 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Gah. *sniffles* You got me crying. And my husband was giving me weird looks while I tried to wipe away tears, hiding behind my notebook screen. That's how powerful this chapter is - I feel like I'm there, grieving along with them and in the midst of it all, took comfort in the sweet Spuffiness. I feel elated and teary all at the same time. Double gah!

In the same context as Buffy and Spike becoming addicted to sleeping with each other, I'm addicted to this story. Please keep 'em coming. It's just too wonderful for words. :)

Author's Response: Eeeep, sorry for the tears, I didn't mean it, honest. I'm glad to have 'moved' you on an emotiona level though and very happy you enjoyed the closeness of spuffy as they leaned on one another for support. THank you so uch for the lovely, lovely review darling - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: Heidi Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 07:49 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Very moving. Thank you.

Author's Response: You're most welcome sweety and thank you for the review - hugs.

Reviewer: jeanieofoz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 06:10 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

LOVE YOU! thank you for the pick-me up. That may seem strange being as the chapter was about death and a funeral- but you did it beautifullly and in such a fitting way. I am sorry that your mother-in--law passed recently, but i hope that her funeral was as beautiful as this one.

Author's Response: Awwwwwww, thank you so much boo - glad I was able to get a sad scene written with something positive for you to feel from it. And yes, my m-i-l's funeral was in fact very lovely, thank you so much. Hugs you tight.

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 05:27 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Very good chapter but sad, the ending made up for the sadness.

Author's Response: Thank you darling - i hated to write such a sad atmosphere, but glad you found the positivve in the ending. Smooches to you.

Reviewer: burnkitty Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 05:08 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

This chapter was so sad but so GOOD!! I could totally feel the funeral vibe, made me want to cry it was written that well. Good thing I got tough skin. *laughs*

Know the feeling of not being able to sleep alone too. You get so addicted to having the other person sleeping with you that you feel lost without them. Again felt that very stong too. I love this story to bits and I can't wait to read more. Congrats on all the awards won too, you totally deserve them all! *hugs*

Author's Response: YAY - I'm thrilled I was able to convey the chapter in a way that moved you - but sory for any tears, I don't like making peole cry, sorry. Oh yes, Buffy is getting super addicted to sleeping next to Spike - as would any woman, lol. Thanks for the congrats hon and for the fab review - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 02:40 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Jeesh tina can you arrange for her not to think to much if at all, she's always mulling somethng over. Loved this chapter by the way and the fact that she can't sleep without him is precious.

Author's Response: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA - I coud, perhaps, but then that's almost canon Buffy - always over-thinky gal. Glad you liked Buffy's new addicition - as if she could resist? giggles - thanks for the review hon - smooches.

Reviewer: IT Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 02:14 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

That was beautiful! I love the Kahlil Gibran quote and Spike's interpretation of it. I haven't been to a funeral where the ashes are divided, but I like that idea. You're right, it gives each person a way to say good-bye in their own way.

I am looking forward to next week's update with Cordy. You write her so well, I can't wait to see what she has to say! :)

Author's Response: Thanks boo - that was Darkrivertempest's idea to include the qoute and I'm so glad she did, it was very fitting, made ense to me and certainly helped the chapter along. Glad you liked the seperate boxes ideas, because it does give people a chance to say goodbye in their own way without anyone else watching. Hope you like Cordy in next chapter - she's a hoot to write. Thanks for the review boo - huggles.

Reviewer: pixiecorn Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2008 - 01:13 am Title: When Love and Death Embrace

i loved this chapter... it was so sweet how Spike is so supportive of Buffy

i hope you update again soon:) Can't wait to read mroe

Author's Response: Thank you so much hon - I'm uber glad you enjoyed the update - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: jamies_lady Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 11:10 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

wonderful as always...looking forward to more, such a sweet way of doing the funeral, and i love the way they couldn't sleep without the other one near

Author's Response: YAY - so glad you enjoyed it hon. It was a sad chappy but there was some good to come out of it in the end. Thanks so much for the review - huggles.

Reviewer: dampersanspoons Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 10:31 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Phew! You're really taking us through every emotion in the book with this fic, and I'm so grateful for it. It was nice to see Spike in this scenario, reevaluating his past and how hollow his choices were, and for him to realize how much Buffy truly meant to him. Sure, he'd known he had feelings for her but this experience certainly sealed the deal. I hope Buffy realizes that she's just prolonging the inevitable! Fabulous chapter, Tina! Can't wait for the next installment.

Author's Response: HAHahahahahah, I just hope you find that to be a good thing. I like a full range of emotions because it's somehow more true to life. Yup - Spike certainly opened up and grew up that much more in this chappy. As for Buffy - she saw it, trust me, *winks*. Not long now before it becomes spuffy, double *wink-wink*. As always, thanks for the review my sista - luv ya babes.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 10:07 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

Yeah never having lost somebody near to him Spike can't know how that feels.
*sniff* A very emotional chapter / moving chapter, emotional wise. Sad but good. Made me cry a bit.
But I enjoyed it even if it was sad. The experience of it was good for both, making them closer.

Author's Response: Sorry to make you cry boo, but I'm glad you understood SPike and how affected he really was. And of course Buffy was there for him as much as he was for her - it al brought them that much closer. Thanks for the awesome review my friend - snuggles.

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/28/2008 - 10:02 pm Title: When Love and Death Embrace

You know I feel about this chapter, I thin it's one of the most beautiful things ever written, but I still didn't expect to cry AGAIN while reading it. I should have known better.

“Those moments and that special someone? For me that’s you, Buffy, and I… I jus’ wanna pretend that you... A-at least for a li’l while.” He sucked in an anxious breath, afraid how she’d react over what he was about to ask of her. “Make me forget. Please? Pretend that you care `bout me… if only for tonight?” --- I was sniffling with Spike having to face mortality and loss for the first time.

She pressed her lips against his softly, willing and able to give him more than what he’d asked for. “I don’t need to pretend.” --- I was crying my eyes out.

The realizations they both came to were of immense significance and the fact that they managed to get closer through this ordeal says a lot about the depth of their feelings.

Can't wait for more boo, love you, your writing and your brilliant mind! *hugs tight* (and still crying, so you know)

Author's Response: Oh boo, I hate to make people cry - so sorry my darling sister. Offers you a box of cyber tissue. I'm so glad though that you saw the significant impact the whole situation brought out for our fav couple. And thank you so much for being there to help me and for being such a good friend - luv you boo.

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