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Reviewer: gemma Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 06:11 am Title: Chapter Five

LOVED it , it was great please let there be more

Reviewer: Devin Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 05:17 am Title: Chapter Five

YES! Love it! Absolutely loved the chapter! Bad bad Angelus-- he is so going to pay for calling Buffy weak!

Reviewer: apollo Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 03:55 am Title: Chapter Two

i love vampire buffy. it is refreashing to read a great story about a vampire buffy. mmm fangy

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 03:55 am Title: Chapter Five

I knew he wouldn't help, Angels so stupid and now hes going to pay. Loved the chapter.

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 03:23 am Title: Chapter Five

YES IM SO GLAD THAT SHES TURNED ON ANGELUS AND HES SUCH A BASTARD, HE DESERVES TO DIE!! i LOVE this story and am so happy that u updated. PLEASE update as soon as u can, i CANT wait to read more. THANX

Reviewer: BloodStainedSnow Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 03:16 am Title: Chapter Five

Saw the Angelus reaction coming, but it was much harsher than I expected (really enjoyed it though, he is an evil bastard after all). Buffy's revelations are so sad, and Spike's inner turmoil is captured well.

Reviewer: Nika Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 02:46 am Title: Chapter Five

Wonderful chapter. Spike must be a bit shocked at Buffy's change of heart. Can't wait for another.

Reviewer: Ray Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 01:36 am Title: Chapter Five

I love this. It's something that I've never seen done before. I love the regular updates!

Reviewer: nichbuket Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 01:32 am Title: Chapter Five

poor Buffy, but I'm excited to see how Spike will react.

Reviewer: dee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 01:31 am Title: Chapter Five

hehehe angelus should not have pissed buffy off :) please hurry and update again soon, i can't wait to see what spuffy has in store for revenge!

Reviewer: GDO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 01:22 am Title: Chapter Five

I'm surprised Angelus didn't think that scorned-woman Buffy wouldnt' take it personally. Bad move Angelus. Granted, he didn't think Buffy was anything but garbage (probably since he turned her) so no wonder he didn't think she would be dangerous.

Reviewer: Mark Evans Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 12:59 am Title: Chapter Five

I'm usually not a fan of Buffy as a vampire fics, but I really like this one :D . Your writing is wonderful, and I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: kw Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 12:55 am Title: Chapter Five

great set up for the future story

Reviewer: Francine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 12:53 am Title: Chapter Five

You write such a deliciously evil Angelus. I hope they come up with some seriously nasty way for him to die.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 12:46 am Title: Chapter Five

That is just the best ever. They had to find their ways back to each other to make this a Spuffy story, but for her to be so brazen, and strong, and spot on in being the most vengeful scorned lover ever by going back to the creep that tortured her... The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And for Spike to just find her broken down on his couch, waiting for him. I'm sure he's going to argue with her a bit, but I just cannot wait to see where the go from here. That's totally one of my favorite twists ever.

Reviewer: guest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 12:33 am Title: Chapter Five

Poor Buffy. I felt my heart breaking right with her. Angelus is such a bastard.

I'm so glad that Buffy went back to Spike. It probably be a while but I can't wait to see Angelus get what is coming to him by Spike and Buffy.

I love Buffy as a vampire and Spike as a human. I love vampire Spike too but it is good to see it the other way around.

more please

Reviewer: Rogue Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/2008 - 06:34 pm Title: Chapter Four

Excellent chapter. You did such a great job of conveying what Spike was going through. Determined to get justice for his wife, but sickened by his own actions. Truly, great work. God I can't wait for the next chapter. I have a feeling Buffy's not going to get the homecoming she expects...

Reviewer: Nika Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/2008 - 02:53 pm Title: Chapter Four

Is it weird if I almost feel bad for Spike in this chapter? I feel bad for Buffy, but Spike to. I can't wait to see more.

Reviewer: pixiecorn Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/2008 - 08:20 am Title: Chapter Four

oooo i hope angel does something to piss buffy off so she can go back to spike hahaha.... loved the chapter:) hope their's another one soon to come

Reviewer: Wen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/2008 - 02:18 am Title: Chapter Four

This is totally unlike Spike. I hope he makes up for it and apologizes to her over and over.

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/2008 - 01:18 am Title: Chapter Four

Oooo, interesting!!!

Of course, Angelus probably won't have the home coming for Buffy she's hoping for.

Reviewer: annie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/2008 - 12:15 am Title: Chapter Four

i kind of loved the chapter... does that make me sick? hmm... it's very well-written, loved how you portray buffy as a vampire (without a soul), which of likes i haven't read before. One small question though, how old was she when she was turned? just curious :D truly a joy to read your story and i can't wait for your next update!

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 08:35 pm Title: Chapter Four

THATS SO SAD, IM JUST GLAD THAT SPIKE LET HER GO!! i LOVE this story and am so happy that u updated. i REALLY hope that everything works out well and that they get together. PLEASE update as soon as u can, i CANT wait to read more. THANX

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 09:47 am Title: Chapter Four

OH I loved it. I wonder what Angelus will do when he sees her.

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 09:37 am Title: Chapter Three

Oh I wonder what Buffy and Spike will do now and I see Angelus has not noticed her missing.

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