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Reviewer: S.P. HUDSON Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/16/2005 - 12:41 am Title: ...Reckless


Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/16/2005 - 12:38 am Title: ...Reckless

ACK!! Thank you so much for two in one day!! But I want EVEN MORE!! ACK! It's Riley isn't it?? The idiot. Poor Spike, I cringed when I read the part about thte blood pouring out of his nose because of the chip firing... sad!! And ow. Please update ASAP!

Reviewer: pj Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/16/2005 - 12:32 am Title: ...Reckless

ok i take back my vote of another update, lol. this one was a mean cliffhanger cuz im super curious as to who the heck they are! you're good ;) I do appreciate you not ending with Spike passing out :)

Reviewer: Ebontier Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/16/2005 - 12:29 am Title: ...Reckless

Nice plot twist there. Has my curiosity piqued...

Reviewer: Tasha Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 11:41 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Uh oh .... what is going ot happen next. When even Spike gets a bad feeling about things, there is trouble. I'll review at Buffy and Spike Central too. Don't want you to miss it. Plus I've read the updates from there usually. I just happened to find it here first, and I couldn't resist reading the next part.

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 11:18 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Sweet sweet chapter with a nervous feeling at the end... you mean girl you!! =P I love the song, that was a good one! But please please please, gimme the next chapter, like now maybe?

Reviewer: pj Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 11:08 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

maybe if you post tonight I'll be inspired and get out of my slight writer's, me and my tactics...anyway, the chapter was cute and I love how Spike sang to her because it makes sense since she would want to hear music and it could only come from him! I'm not sure I follow on why patrolling is a bad idea, unless it's just because she's not in top form? RIley? Gah! I'll have to wait and see....very interested to see how you solve Buffy's problem :)

Reviewer: spikes eternal lover Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 10:41 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

wh00t! this is one of the best non-AU fics ive ever read! yes, you SHOULD post again tonight.... --xXx--

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 09:49 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Ok - I'll try to persuade you - If Spike were mine, I'd share him with you (well, at least a bit - but his lips are MINE!) R U persuaded yet? Really - I LOVE this tale SOOOOO MUUUCCCHHHH - Please update tonight or as soon as you can. THIS STORY IS ADDICTING - JUST LIKE SPIKE! Thank you, thank you, thank you! (and yes, I remembered she was deaf).

Reviewer: Alicia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 08:55 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Awesome chapter! Loved it :) Keep up the good work :)

Reviewer: Jenn Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 08:02 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

oh please don't let anything bad happend to buffy. i love seeing her so happy with spike and i love xander having to suck up and deal with it. this was a great chappy can't wait for more.

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 06:17 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Loved the chapter! I wonder what Spike has with the bad feeling - I didn't knew that he can see in the future.... but it's sometimes like you feel somebody stumbling over your grave .. only a feeling...

Reviewer: Mari Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 05:53 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Great chapter! Loved the interaction between Spike and Buffy and that Xander seemed to finally grow up. Hope you update soon, although I'm not sure I should considering Spike's reluctance to go patrolling. ;)

Reviewer: Steph Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 04:54 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Wahoo xander isn't acting like a pain in the a**!

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 04:42 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

That was very sweet. It's nice to see a nicer Buffy.

Reviewer: Karbear57 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 04:25 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

great chapters! Sorry, haven't been reviewer girl lately... lots of updates make me happy, but also make me have to read and run. Thanks! Kar

Reviewer: spuffette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 04:11 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Oh do! So sweet and so close to Valentine's Day! Great! Luv, Spuf

Reviewer: Rachel Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 04:08 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Uh oh - creepy, scary foreshadowing! what's going to happy tonight on their patrol. I'm worried. I love their dance scene @ the Bronze - very sweet with Spike singing to her since he is the only person she can hear. But definitely hooked, can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Rana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 04:05 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Oh sweetie, that was just precious. I'm glad Xander is over being a total bigot. Now he's just a pain in the butt. That dance was just beautiful. That cliffhanger though was evil! I hope something isn't going to happen to Buffy on patrol. Great chapter, can't wait to see what happens!

Reviewer: shannaya Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 04:03 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

oh now its coming, spike has a bad feeling means, major bad is coming? but i believe in you and that in the end it will be a wonderful ending. i so love this story, and am curious to what comes next....!!! liebe grüße shannaya

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 03:46 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Another great two chapters. Is the claim working? I know there can't be Spuffy without some type of turmoil but I hope it will not be too horrid. I like Spuffy without too much angst.

Reviewer: Bernardette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 03:36 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Another heart felt chapter. Please update soon and often. This is a fantastic story.

Reviewer: Pari Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 03:33 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

Oh that was another great one, but why do I get the feeling something bad is about to happen, besides you basically saying it I mean :) I know you'll make it spuferrific... right? Please?

Reviewer: Blazing Fire Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 03:26 pm Title: Helplessly, Hopelessly...

I would really love to see more. I've been reading this since the beginnning. I'm just not good at reveiwing. Please keep going. I want more.

Reviewer: songgal1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 05:53 am Title: Living for the Moment

would be neat if one of the effects of the claim would be that she can hear again!

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