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Reviewer: samica Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 03:23 am Title: Living for the Moment

Great chapter! The sex or the claim, I can't decide which I enjoyed the most. Looking forward to seeing, if there is a 'true' claim.

Reviewer: Jenn Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2005 - 12:25 am Title: Living for the Moment

how come he didn't feel anything? wait maybe there all ready claimed because buffy felt spike when he was hurt so maybe they all ready are or it's just me with the wishful thinking again. great chapter too can't wait for more to come.

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 10:27 pm Title: Living for the Moment

Ack! Why didn't he feel anything?!??! WHY?!?! Such a good chapter, and have no fear! I don't plan to abandon this story at all! I love it! So keep writing, gimme more!

Reviewer: Mari Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 10:03 pm Title: Living for the Moment

I really hope that the reason the claim didn't seemed to have taken effect is because they're already matted. Thanks for a very sweet and hot chapter.

Reviewer: gattaca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 09:29 pm Title: Living for the Moment

Awwwww po po spike! Wonder what went wrong? Will I find out later tonight maybe? *crosses fingers* Please please please!!!!!! :D I'll give you chocolate and roses for valentine's day! :D

Reviewer: Shawnie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 09:02 pm Title: Living for the Moment

Just what I wanted for Valentine's- hot Spuffy action. Thanks Ashlee! Oh, and I vote that they're all ready mated, too =)

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 08:51 pm Title: Living for the Moment

okay, i hope things don't go downhill. it was just starting to get great between them. post soon.

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 07:45 pm Title: Living for the Moment

I love the claimy thing, especially on Valentines Day, please don't ruin it by throwing anybody else into it. I hope Spike's lack of feeling anything suddenly is because they are already so connected! LOVE THE UPDATE (short but sweet) - More please and HAPPY V DAY to YOU! Thanks for sharing your talent!

Reviewer: Alicia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 06:36 pm Title: Living for the Moment

Awesome chapter! Great :) Looking forward to the next update...

Reviewer: Steph Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 06:24 pm Title: Living for the Moment

OOOH hot! very hot...more please....

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 06:20 pm Title: Living for the Moment

I know what that is. I bet they are ALREADY claimed and that's why she could hear him. Am I right? Did I wreck the story? Or maybe I'm wrong, who knows. But I like that scenario.

Reviewer: Rachel Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 06:19 pm Title: Living for the Moment

Whew! Anyone else hot in here? Awesome chapter, woo hoo! It's about damn time ;) Looking forward to more - I am definitely interested in Buffy's deafness and how they're going to get that fixed. Love this story and I for one am glad it's going to be a long one :)

Reviewer: spuffette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 06:06 pm Title: Living for the Moment

My first thought is....They are already 'mated' and/or connected anyway??? Hope, hope. Great chapter. Luv, spuf (Ps thanks for all of your input!)

Reviewer: pj Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 05:48 pm Title: Living for the Moment

frowning when he didn't feel anything!?! lol. I thought they were already connected! ohhh the agony of your cliffhangers...I'm actually thrilled that there's much more because this fic is working it's way beyond the typical achievement of Spuffy :) Keep up the great work!

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 05:04 pm Title: Living for the Moment

You know I love this story. I don't mind if you write more of it, even is the Story is being Spuffy now ;-)
I'd love to read it. Now I'm wandering what that is about the claim. They had a kind of claim bond without the claim before.... Looking eagerly forward to the next part.

Reviewer: Pari Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 04:45 pm Title: Living for the Moment

Oh I loved it tender, sweet and hot. I think the claim didn't 'work' because it happened awhile back, they've been connected for a bit alreayd in story. I love please continue.

Reviewer: Rana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 04:17 pm Title: Living for the Moment

Um, oops? Why didn't the claim work? Is it because they are already mated somehow? God, I hope it isn't because Angelus already claimed her. Poophead. Damnit, these cliffhangers are killer! Wonderful, sexy, amazing chapter Ashlee. Just perfect for Valentine's Day! Now I just have to bite my fingernails waiting for a resolution to the angst at the end of this chapter. Aaaargh! :P

Reviewer: Pin Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 04:11 pm Title: Living for the Moment

I'm really enjoying this story. Looking forward to seeing how the claim situation sorts itself out. THanks!

Reviewer: Seraiza Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 09:08 am Title: Coming Clean

was kinda hoping for more 'beat up Riley' but oh well at least they got it through their heads that Spike and Buffy are together... cant wait for more!!!

Reviewer: songgal1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 08:05 am Title: Coming Clean

too bad Riley didn't try and kill spike for feeding off Buffy...was looking forward to having him getting beat up by her!

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 06:22 am Title: Coming Clean

Oh, look what I've been missing....great what an awesome job you have done with this story.....Keep up the wonderful work and I hope Riley meets up with someone big and bad and can punch back, LOL!

Reviewer: samica Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 04:12 am Title: Coming Clean

I wonder what they will do at Spike's place? Look forward as always to read more.

Reviewer: Laine Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 03:22 am Title: Coming Clean

finally, some riley bashing... LOL it's really cool how buffy stood up for their relationship and not think about what the others would think... i was kinda looking forward to that but i wasn't expecting her to defend spike this early in the relationship... but, still, it was great... i love this story so much.. i think it's also nominated at bitten's site... hope you win that... but, i'm sure you will...

Reviewer: Steph Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 03:17 am Title: Coming Clean

Another great chapter, you are really good at next chapter spuffy lovin'???*S*

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 12:22 am Title: Coming Clean

I can't believe Riley came back! The idiot! Really good chapter! And it's good to have Buffy happy... now I reallly wanna hear the next chapter!! ^_^

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