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Reviewer: Alicia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 07:05 pm Title: Déjà vu

Awesome chapter! Well done :) Looking forward to the next chapter

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 05:18 pm Title: Déjà vu

OK, NOW can we KILL Riley - He's in sooooo much trouble now! I hope the next chapter has Buffy so pissed that she lets some skanky vamp drain Riley dry, applauding the whole time (then she'll have to stake the skank of course). Please update soon - I LOVE it and need Spuffiness like I need air!

Reviewer: jane Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 04:08 pm Title: Déjà vu

Great to see an update. Really sweet chappie.

Reviewer: Rana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 02:52 pm Title: Déjà vu

Ashlee this chapter was so full of angsty and bitey goodness! Spike's revelation that he saw Buffy as his mate was incredible. I also loved that Buffy accepted all of him. I cannot wait to see what Buffy decides to do with Riley. An ass whooping, I hope. Great chapter sweetie! I hope life calms down some for you, and that you're able to get some rest.

Reviewer: Revello_1620 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 02:32 pm Title: Déjà vu

This chapter was beautiful. I love that they can sense each other's distress but more than that I love the fact that Buffy has accepted all of him...even the demon... Another amazing chapter :)

Reviewer: Pin Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 02:27 pm Title: Déjà vu

Still liking this story a lot. I'm looking forward to Buffy's confrontation with Riley! Thanks

Reviewer: Revello_1620 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 02:27 pm Title: Death Wish

This is rapidly becoming one of my all time favorite Spuffy stories. Brilliant bit of work:)

Reviewer: Kate Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 02:26 pm Title: Déjà vu

That ending was so sweet and simple. I love Buffy's answer of, "I'm not." Can't wait for Buffy to give it good to Riley!!

Reviewer: Tara Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 02:25 pm Title: Déjà vu

Ok-Riley must die and soon. I really want Buffy to kick the %#@% out of him! Great chapter!

Reviewer: darla Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 02:19 pm Title: Déjà vu

great chappy

Reviewer: spuffette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 02:19 pm Title: Déjà vu

Mmmmm, yummy! Luv, Spuf

Reviewer: Kar Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 02:06 pm Title: Déjà vu

Wow! Oh.... wow doesn't even describe that scene. GREAT, Wonderful, doesn't even begin That was so touching.

Reviewer: Pari Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 01:59 pm Title: Déjà vu

Yeah and then what happened? lol Another great chapter you just keep put out the hits.

Reviewer: SEraiza Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 01:55 pm Title: Déjà vu

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow......... now i hope Buffy give Riley what he deserves.......

Reviewer: Laine Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2005 - 01:43 am Title: Denial & Acceptance

bad cliffy... hmm i just realized that this is the first fic that i read from you that isn't completed... yay... well, i'm just saying that it's very very wonderful and i love it... thank you so much for sharing and i do hope that buffy becomes immortal... i'm kinda a sucker for happily-ever-afters... but, of course it's your story and it's your decision and i'm sure you'll do greatly with it either way... i love reading your fics... very satisfying... definitely worth people's time...

Reviewer: karmabluez Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/08/2005 - 07:11 am Title: Denial & Acceptance

awesome story....can't wait for the next chapter....really well done with the whole buffy and spike relationship....keep up the great work....this story rocks :)

Reviewer: songgal Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/08/2005 - 06:14 am Title: Denial & Acceptance

I knew it was too good to be true!

Reviewer: Jenn Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/08/2005 - 02:13 am Title: Denial & Acceptance

sorry i took so long to review alot of things going on that were not good. i just finshed reading chapters 17-20 and i have to say that they were great. i loved all of them and i love how spike and buffy are finally getting togther. i'm a little worried though about what riely is going to do i hope he doesn't try and hurt spike. can't wait for more and your doing a great job.

Reviewer: Jessica Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/08/2005 - 12:00 am Title: Denial & Acceptance

uh oh, cliffhanger. Any chance Spike could kill Riley in the next chapter? Lol - just a thought :) But I really love the story though - great work!

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2005 - 11:44 pm Title: Denial & Acceptance

Yuck,,, Riley again?

Reviewer: blondiebear Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2005 - 11:27 pm Title: Denial & Acceptance


Reviewer: Steph Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2005 - 11:01 pm Title: Denial & Acceptance

"we need to talk" can never end good.....uh oh!

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2005 - 08:37 pm Title: Denial & Acceptance

Wow - that was a chapter. Loved how it went.
And than the end: What might Riley want this time? Hopefully he won't hurt Spike ...

Reviewer: gattaca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2005 - 08:14 pm Title: Denial & Acceptance

Le siiiiiiiiiigh..........thanks for the speedy update! :D Awesome chappie chicka! Now....Let's see what the hell Riley wants eh? :D

Reviewer: Brunettepet Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2005 - 08:03 pm Title: Denial & Acceptance

Good job making Spike and Buffy talk through their emotions rather than jumping right in. They're both wary, and it's a lot of fun to read. Buffy's confrontation with Riley was well written, I hope it left him feeling guilty and contrite. I don't think Riley is following Spike to apologize, though...

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