Reviews For Twice Upon A Time
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Reviewer: hollowtear Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/05/2005 - 03:03 pm Title: Love Is Forever

"love is forever" thats so cute. great update!!

Reviewer: Jamie C Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/05/2005 - 02:42 am Title: Love Is Forever

I love ur story! like love love love love love love!!!! it is so great! plz update soon!

Reviewer: pj Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/05/2005 - 01:23 am Title: Love Is Forever

Ok I'm very glad that they're still having issues about this because it makes it all the better and justified in the end. I am not glad that it seems like Spike still has feelings for Dru, even if they are weaker than his ones for Buffy - just reinforces the fact the he did dump Buffy for Dru and it was because he liked Dru. To that I say, I go back on my decision to let Spike off the hook, lol. I wonder how they'll finally get together...Good job guys!

Reviewer: B Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 10:29 pm Title: Love Is Forever

Please Update Soon OMG It is so good

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 10:20 pm Title: Love Is Forever

loved the updates please keep up the good work

Reviewer: Caitie Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 09:22 pm Title: Love Is Forever

Aww! "Love is forever"! how sweet! Great fic - I totally and completly love it! I can hardly wait for the next chapter, so please update soon!

Reviewer: Alicia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 08:28 pm Title: Love Is Forever

Loved this chapter!! Well done :)

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 07:49 pm Title: Love Is Forever

THAT is something I wonder if Spike will ever come to realize. If he ever really loved Buffy, his change would not have come in the form of Dru and leaving Buffy the way he did. It was never always her....or he'd realized it at the time she ran out of the Christmas dance instead of taking up dancing with Dru.......he took their 3 year relationship and through in away in a matter of not even a few weeks to a month. It's not that he broke up with Buffy to find who he really was, it was the uncaring about her feelings or how he humiliated her that makes him almost unredeemable. Everyone can be redeemed, they just have to really do something selfless and loving.....and he is just not there yet. But I see the potential.........

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 06:52 pm Title: Love Is Forever

I actually really believe in this idea. Most people I know who met young broke up at least once before they ended up married. You're suppose to change in high school and it's hard enough to do it alone much less tied to someone else. So, even tough I still think Spike should suffer a tad more (maybe a fake pregnancy scare for Buffy... yes I'm evil), I think they can definitely make it.

Reviewer: Jessica Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 06:28 pm Title: Love Is Forever

Love the update. Their interaction was very sweet. I don't think Spike should be completely let off the hook just yet though. He says he made a mistake and he's sorry, but I'm waiting for some big gesture on his part to prove his devotion to her and show how sorry he is. I mean he did break the poor girl's heart after all. Anyway, you're great writer(s) and this so far is an excellent story, so I know everything will work out for the best. Can't wait for the next update! :)

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 06:22 pm Title: Love Is Forever

Awwww. Very lovely chapter. Psst!!! *whispers* when are they gonna get together??

Reviewer: Laine Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 06:14 pm Title: Love Is Forever

love this update... but i'm still wanting for them to get back together in the real getting back together sense... you guys know what i mean... but i do agree that their relationship did grow when they broke up, they both turned into different persons...matured, might be the word... anyway, i'm not going to bore you guys with something you already know... hope you update... thanks for sharing...

Reviewer: Sevvy_O Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 05:12 pm Title: Love Is Forever

I can think of a whole bunch of people who would swear that popcorn is the key to *my* heart, haha. That was a really bittersweet chapter. I wonder if there will be any future Spike/Dru or Buffy/Dru confrontations.

Reviewer: Tahmoe Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 04:38 pm Title: Love Is Forever

Thankds for the update. It was cute seeing them together and playing around.

Reviewer: Laine Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 08:27 am Title: Love’s Bitch

love the update... still looking forward to them getting back together... thanks for sharing, guys...

Reviewer: pj Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 02:12 am Title: Love’s Bitch

lol, I pondered forgiving Spike, and then I remembered that it HAS been a year, so maybe it is ok to forgive him, lol. More ass kissing is still cute to read though ;) I'm glad that Angelus got what he deserved, and I'm wondering if he'll cause more trouble...what a jerk for saying Dru was better! Good work guys!

Reviewer: B Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 12:54 am Title: Love’s Bitch

It's sooo great. Please i'm begging you please update soon.

Reviewer: blondiebear Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 12:51 am Title: Love’s Bitch

i'm glad angelous is gone but something tells me that he's goona make another apparence soon. hope buffy finds out who she is soon. i know spike will wait until she doeos.

Reviewer: Bint Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/04/2005 - 12:06 am Title: Love’s Bitch

more please!!!!!!

Reviewer: Caitie Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/03/2005 - 10:25 pm Title: Love’s Bitch

I loved this chapter, especially the part with the quotes from BtVS, great use of them! So, things are moving along- I love that they're sort of back together now! I can hardly wait for what'sto come next, now that the Spuffy goodness is starting! I knew that Dru and Angel were cheating on Bufffy & Spike! Keep it up, and please, please, please update soon!

Reviewer: Sevvy_O Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/03/2005 - 09:19 pm Title: Love’s Bitch

I'm so glad the truth about Dru and Angelus came out...if only it wasn't in such an abrasive way, but I guess it had to be. And that talk between Buffy and Spike was so heartbreaking but in a good way. Really looking forward to what comes next.

Reviewer: Alicia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/03/2005 - 09:15 pm Title: Love’s Bitch

Byeeeeeeeeeeee Angelus!! Buffy is right...she's doing the right thing!! Eh now Spike realised that he did a big mistake...well it's a bit late after a year....but after all anyone can make a mistake! Awesome chapter!! Well done :)

Reviewer: Tahmoe Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/03/2005 - 08:58 pm Title: Love’s Bitch

Glad Angelus is out the picture or is he? Really good chapter Thanks for the update

Reviewer: hollowtear Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/03/2005 - 08:10 pm Title: Love’s Bitch

Bye Angelus!! Dont come Back!!!

Reviewer: Brat Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/03/2005 - 05:33 pm Title: Love’s Bitch

I am so proud of Buffy! She is so right. She does need to be herself for a while and just let things fall where they may. I'd say 'go girl' ,but that's outdated now in 2005, but you get my drift :)

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