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Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2005 - 10:34 am Title: Tattoo it on my heart.

Great chapter. Are Rupert and Joyce prgenant? Is that why they keep actin so weird and giving Buffy the birds and the bees info? And now the family bonding time?

Author's Response: Thanks! =) You never know....

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2005 - 09:10 am Title: Tattoo it on my heart.

It would be SOOO funny and great if they had to share a tent!!! LOL! Anyway, great chapter! What's the tattoo of?

Author's Response: Hehe, well, maybe they will. Thanks! =) You'll see in later chapters...

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2005 - 08:57 am Title: Tattoo it on my heart.

great update but what was the tatoo?

Author's Response: You'll know in later chapters. Thanks, by the way.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2005 - 05:30 am Title: Two Disasters In One.

Love the motto. Heart break sucks, but if I recall, so does being sixteen. it'll get better Buffy. Wonderful chapter.

Author's Response: I wouldn't know if 16 sucks, but apparently, it does... You can only hope. Thanks!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2005 - 05:22 am Title: Surprising Behaviour.

And of course Spike would have a thing for Buffy. And Harmony, just a bitch, but great plot device. Wonderful chapter.

Author's Response: I'm glad that you liked this chapter, too! =) Keep reviewing!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2005 - 05:17 am Title: The Blushing Virgin.

So, Buffy's always fancied Spike. Little girl's sure got a lot to think about. Nice, short chapter. :)

Author's Response: She sure does. Thanks, I'm glad that you didn't go all crazy at me for doing a short one. ;)

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2005 - 05:11 am Title: The Thing.

Wow, that's a lot to think about. Poor kid, I'm sure it will only get more complicated. Fun chapter.

Author's Response: I'm glad that you think so. =)

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2005 - 05:04 am Title: Protecting You.

Poor Buffy, that must be a bit ackward. And Spike may not say the right thing, but I'm sure he cares about her. And Angel, why do I get the feeling he may not be such a nice guy later on... Wonderful chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/03/2005 - 04:56 am Title: Dear Diary.

Oh, what is he gonna make her do?! I so wanna know! Love how much they can't stand each other. Can see this getting really fun. Great start.

Author's Response: Hehe, you'll see in the next chapter. Thanks! =)

Reviewer: laura Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2005 - 10:48 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

i really like reading this story. i like the way the characters are written. keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Good. =) I'm glad that you like them. I will!

Reviewer: Dancing Queen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2005 - 10:30 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

I think that you should put more spuffy in there soon. good chapter though.

Author's Response: I think so too, and I will do that in near future. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2005 - 10:10 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.


Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: spuffylurkerchic Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2005 - 09:43 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

ok update fast! i love love love this fic..............I'm just waiting for them to have a more spuffy moment!!! Keep up the great's so real like. hugs, spuffylurkerchic

Author's Response: I'll try to get one of those in it too, in near future. =) Thanks, I really appreaciate hearing that! Well, actually, I LOVE hearing that. =P

Reviewer: brandi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/01/2005 - 08:25 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

great story really love it hope u write more and soon

Author's Response: Thank you!! =) I'll do so! =)

Reviewer: SpuffyLover Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 11:55 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

Loved the Chaper!!! Keep it ou and update soon!!

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing!! =) I always do, and I'll try to update asap!

Reviewer: Katie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 11:37 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

loved the ch. love any kind of angel bashing...quality. Can't wait for some smoochies w/ spike!! so close..yet so far away...update soon!

Author's Response: Good, I'm glad that you liked it! =) Hehe, so do I. Yep, that will also happen in near future. Thanks, I will do that!

Reviewer: Loxie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 08:22 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

more please great so far!!!!! update soon

Author's Response: Thank you!! =D I will!

Reviewer: bex makes u fly Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 05:54 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

brill chapter! and i want u to review as fast as you can cuz i love this story and cant wait to read what happens next!!

Author's Response: Thank you! =D I'll try to get it finished as soon as possible!

Reviewer: Allison Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 05:48 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

Angel's such a jerk, and the fact he got drunk is just horrible. Poor Buffy! She needs some lovin' of the Spike variety:)

Author's Response: Yep, well he isn't exactly "prince charming". Yes, but everything will work out in later chapters! Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: alexandrea Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 03:55 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

i loved this chapter great job

Author's Response: Thanks!! =D

Reviewer: Scarlet Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 03:29 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

Oh god. That line about how her "kiss virginity had been brutally taken" was so damn funny. This is a great story. Love it.

Author's Response: You really think so? =D I came up with that!! *proud* Thank you so much for reviewing, really appreciate it!!

Reviewer: Panta_Rei Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 01:42 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

Wonderful update, though I'd like to see more of Spike's POV about all that's happening. Great story!!!

Author's Response: Thanks! Okay, I've been thinking about that, and I'll try to get a little Spike POV in the upcoming chapters. But it's kinda hard, since Buffy is the one writing in her diary, and thinking about everything, but we'll see. Thanks yet another time!

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 12:55 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

Ew, icky Angel. I think I would have knocked him upside the head too! *Nods* And poor Buffy... Spike just leaving her like that!! I would be moritfied! Really good chapter! Update soon!

Author's Response: Agree. He's a total jerk. Hehe, me too. Thanks, I'll update as soon as possible! =)

Reviewer: Caitie Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 12:31 pm Title: Two Disasters In One.

Wow! Great chapter! I think that Harmony and Angel deserve one another & they should get together, lol! I loved the way that Buffy totally put Angel in his place, though! Also.,I love Buffy's new moto! ; ) Please post the next chapter soon!

Author's Response: Thank you!!! =D Yeah, they REALLY do. Yeah, well, I didn't want him to step all over her... much. Yeah, it's kinda my own motto, although I haven't gotten dump by a boyfriend, I know how it is to feel depressed... Anyhow, I will, and thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: Seraiza Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2005 - 11:32 am Title: Two Disasters In One.

Hmmmm she almost kissed him..... cant wait for more....

Author's Response: Yep, "almost". I'm glad that you're waiting!! Or something... Thanks, anyway, for reviewing!

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