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Reviewer: gaillee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 11:08 pm Title: VAMPS

Yeah, I think it was a good sized chapter. Well done.

Author's Response: Thanks! As long as you're still interested :)

Reviewer: mjspuff Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 10:58 pm Title: VAMPS

great chapter. thanks for making it nice and long. l'm begining to wonder when spike will fall in love with buffy. he still seems to look at her as property for the most part although l can see some feelings starting to develop. anyway keep up the great work and update again soon.

Author's Response: He 'says' she's property ;) How else can he justify his actions? Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Whitelighter354 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 10:55 pm Title: VAMPS

WOW! Really liked the chapter! I think that Angleus is kinda nice! LOL!... J/K! I cant wait to see what you make him out to be! I cant wait to see what happens between Spike and Buffy when they get back! This is such a good fic! Please post soon! :) Lighter

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad the chapter was entertaining!

Reviewer: Whitelighter354 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 10:53 pm Title: VAMPS

WOW! Really liked the chapter! I think that Angleus is kinda nice! LOL!... J/K! I cant wait to see what you make him out to be! This is such a good fic! :) Please post soon! :) Lighter

Author's Response: LOL! What a sweetie he is, huh? I always find it creepy Angelus has the Angel-facade! Thanks for reviewing :)

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 10:45 pm Title: VAMPS

YAY u updated. i love this story so much ancd really enjoyed reading these chapters. i really hope that buffy starts to love spike and that spike starts to be nicer to her. also i really hope that angelus doesnt do anything to her and that she doesnt start to like him. i hope that spike doesnt get hurt and that his gang doesnt turn on him. please update as soon as u can, im dying to read the next chapter and see wat happens next with everything. thanx

Author's Response: Thanks for the review, as always :)

Reviewer: anon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 10:41 pm Title: VAMPS

you have no problem keeping my attention. this is a great story. i always want more!

Author's Response: Good to hear! That's all I wanted to know, lol. Thanks!

Reviewer: xyz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 10:41 pm Title: VAMPS

Liked the big update, ive really been looking forward to it and was pleased with the new chappy. Was very intense as usual and were still fuzzy on Buffys feelings about stuff which keeps the story interesting, what will she do next? cant wait to see. everything about this story is so original so please update soon and often

Author's Response: Yea, I always try to keep Buffy a little bit of a mystery, since Spike seems to be the one changing his feelings the fastest. Don't worry - by the end of everything, I'll have to have her feelings laid out plainly for the fic to work. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Dee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 10:16 pm Title: VAMPS

great chapter. please hurry and update again soon. i can't wait to see what happens next :)

Author's Response: I'll try :) Finals first, writing second. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 09:40 pm Title: VAMPS

I'm glad to see an update :) Is Buffy at a changing point - getting hostile against Spike? I don' know... Well the visit of VAMPS didn't go well - first Buffy had to have her own way and then she got in trouble. Who had thought she would get drugged? And Angelus there to help? But not out of selfless reasons... Looking forward to find out what damage this little excursion will make - or not. And I'm glad you posted the chapter in one piece *smile*

Author's Response: Buffy is always changing, but this is working towards her one big change, I can tell you that. I think the Angelus thing was supposed to be creepy, because you know who he is, and he is never that nice, so there has to be another motive ;) Thanks for reviewing as usual!

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 09:28 pm Title: VAMPS

So glad to see you back! This is still on of my favorite stories..
Poor Buffy..she just can't seem to buy a break..of course if she hadn't took off to the bar none of that would have happened. Oh well..

Looks like Angel is going to use Buffy..can't wait to see what happens next..Don't be a stranger. ; -)

Author's Response: Thanks, DaniD! Yea, I don't want to blame Buffy for everything, because that's just blaming the victim, but I do want to show that part of this is because of her actions - acting before thinking, like running away to LA in the first place. And you're right, Angelus will certainly try... Thanks!

Reviewer: katakata Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 09:14 pm Title: VAMPS

Hey great update...and Parker bled to death huh? I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's justice of a form I think but takes something of the edge off of Buffy beating the crap out of him though allowing him to live so as not to become everything that she hates about her captors. Then again it does reiterate the nature of the world Buffy's been forced into, a world where the less empowered control nothing and people like Spike can command even life and death, despite your best efforts or most reasoned pleas for clemency. The tension between Buffy and Spike was beautifully played in this chapter too and adding Angelus in there at the end was a good move - he can always bring Spike's deepest insecurities screaming to the surface. Just like Illyria you don't pull any of your punches and the gritty realism of the bar (as exemplified by Buffy getting sick but still managing to throw a few snarky comments out there) was cool. Something else has got me thinking too. As much as the group is split into two factions I still don't know that they really feel like a solid unit, not Angel's people nor Spike's. Just look at how Cordy and Faith acted this chapter with having to watch over the least experienced member of their group. See I wonder if you'll explore that theme more(?) as it was what made season 7 of BtVS interesting to me - the thought that the truly powerful share their power and empower others, they don't simply maintain their position by virtue of being 'the only one' strong enough to do so. Anyway it's a sign of a good fic when it makes you ask more questions than it answers so well done and more soon please!

Author's Response: I can totally see how it would be anti-climatic if you got yourself ready for some gruesome Parker-torture, but at the same time, it's a logical conclusion, delivered in such a natural way, that it does show the nature of their world, like you said. Yes! I'm glad you noticed the snarky comments, lol. She's got to get some of her edge back, even if she's been drugged...:/ The power plays are definitely going to be explored more. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Allison Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 09:13 pm Title: VAMPS

You ask, I'll review;) As if I wouldn't anyways, sweetie. I'm glad you threw in that extra Parker bit at the end to give that whole scenario closure. Poor Buffy, nearly being sexually assaulted by Scott before Angelus put his dirty mitts on her. Thankfully Spike stepped in before anything could happen. Excellent use of characters in this chapter (Cecily, Rack, etc)- I love how you wrote everyone (as always). Great update!

Author's Response: Oh you always do :) I don't mind not getting reviews every time, but once and I while I like to be reminded who actually reads, lol. Anyway, I know Spike keeps "saving" her, and I can't say Angelus would've done anything this time, because he knew exactly what he was doing by just helping her, but I think eventually Buffy's "change" (the one I told you about and the one thats hinted) will relieve all the frustrations that Buffy's always being saved. I'll try to make it worth your while :) Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Aurora Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 08:57 pm Title: VAMPS

Wonderful chapter. Ya kinda have to feel a little sorry for Spike.Being riddiculed by the gangs for looking like he can't hold his own. And with Angelus knowing how Spike really feels about Buffy, she's surely to become his latest target. I'm dying to see what's gonna happen next. I cant wait for the dynamic between Buffy and Spike to change. I wonder if she'll finally cave and submit to Spike's way of life or if she'll be the one to save him from it? Really great. Can't wait for the next chap.

Author's Response: Yea, I wanted to make this chapter mean something, if I was going to get a club scene plus some jealousy in there. I think that's the best part - seeing how the two will eventually get to the same point of understanding, and I gotta tell you, they got some tricky cruves left to go :) Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: braat44 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 08:55 pm Title: VAMPS

Loved this chapter! This is a really excellent story, and I can't wait for more.

Author's Response: Thank you for the review!

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 08:39 pm Title: VAMPS

A review for you.....

I'm intrigued, again, by this chapter. Spike is becoming not just possessive, but extremely protective of Buffy.

I can see that his feelings for her are genuine (fucked up, yes tee hee) but geniune!

I think Buffy better come to grips with the fact that she set the whole mess in motion when she ran off to LA in the first place. It was a stupid, stupid thing to do and every stupid action usually brings a horrible result.

I am sensing a new kind emotion on the horizon here, perhaps, dare I say it? Love?

I was just thinking about this story today and was so happy to see the update.

Author's Response: Oh I know you try to always review, spuf ;) I'm glad you got some clarity on Spike, and yes, most of his thoughts and justifications, or what he "thinks" are the reasons for protecting Buffy are messed up, but the hide his feelings about it, which are becoming more and more obvious. He never was good at the emotion control, was he?

Reviewer: NEO_trinityknot Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/11/2005 - 08:35 pm Title: VAMPS

I am still interested and reading, nice to see an update

Author's Response: Thanks for letting me know :D

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