Reviews For Buffy's Diary
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/2007 - 06:45 am Title: Why??
Date: 02/25/2007 - 06:45 am Title: Why??
Mmm I like it, Buffy's journey in her diary (towards Spike). :)
Reviewer: Missytheslayer Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/24/2007 - 02:51 pm Title: Why??
Date: 02/24/2007 - 02:51 pm Title: Why??
This was a beautiful story. It'd be great to make a sequel to it *hint, hint* lol, but regardless, great job. It took me straight into Buffy's thoughts, like I was there. Amazing.
Author's Response: Thanks. I was really glad you enjoyed it. it only took me Half an Hour to write lol. There may be a sequel in the works. : )
If you Guys ask nicely lol
Reviewer: spuffyz_3rd Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/24/2007 - 10:35 am Title: Why??
Date: 02/24/2007 - 10:35 am Title: Why??
Gorgeous! I loved the line about Riley's vampire whores, made me laugh out loud.
Author's Response: HEH... Vampire Whore.. I loved wirting this story Sooo much coz i got to bag out both Angel and Riley :)