Date: 08/15/2012 - 02:09 pm Title: Cold flames
Author's Response: Sweet! ;)

Date: 03/07/2009 - 02:51 am Title: Cold flames
OK this is like my 3rd time reading this, but I've been lazy and never left a review.Bad me.
I loved it, it was hot, sexy and droolworthy!
Loved the end...so cute,they're married with kids!YAY!
A BIG thank you to our lovely Sotia for getting you to write this.
You write excellent smut, definitely keep writing more!
Author's Response: Wow, thank you very much. I'm really glad you liked it. I'
ll be sure to thank Sotia :D.

Date: 02/03/2009 - 10:42 am Title: Cold flames
“Where do you want me, kitten?” he purred after nibbling on her ear lobe.
GAAAAA many posibilites come to mind, but will not go there! Very nicely done....
Author's Response: Thank you very much for reading and for leaving a review. Glad you enjoyed it!

Date: 08/25/2008 - 07:32 am Title: Cold flames
Wow dude that was hotness - I owe Sotia so much for suggesting your stuff :-) loved how it was set in the future too and awwww they were married lol. Brilliant one-shot, will definitely be reading your other stuff now, as in about 30 seconds time
Author's Response: Really glad you liked it and thanks for your enthusiasm :)

Date: 08/23/2008 - 04:44 am Title: Cold flames
*still purring* Just what I needed today! ;)
This was lovely. Sex was scorching hot, the ending was awwww-worthy sweet, and it was really pleasant to see a man's perspective, especially since yours is very interesting!
Actually I've read smut books written by men in my crazy young years *cough*, and they were filled with mysogin (sp? sorry, my english is not as good as I'd like it to be!) clichés. So it's refreshing to read something like this! :)
Once again, it was great. I'm adding it to my recs list.
Author's Response: First of all, glad you like it!
Second of all, the misoginistic (that's the way) books aren't that different in my opinion.
And last but not least, thank you for reviewing!

Date: 08/20/2008 - 05:10 pm Title: Cold flames
ok, that was very, very hot. and nice twist at the end to make the sexy... sweeter? anyway, thanks!
just noticed the AN. i guess i should thank sotia too. :D
Author's Response: Thank you for your review and glad you liked the twist. And of vourse you should thank Sotia.

Date: 08/03/2008 - 10:28 pm Title: Cold flames
Gracious! Spuffy-smut from the mind of a perverted male is absolutely fabulous! Loved it! So wasn't expecting the twist at the end btw.
Author's Response: As I have previously stated, always expect the unexpected with my fics. ;)
Glad you liked.

Date: 08/02/2008 - 01:30 pm Title: Cold flames
OH that was hot! Cold shower NOW!
Author's Response: *smirk*

Date: 08/02/2008 - 11:01 am Title: Cold flames
*gasps and dies at the hotness*
And knowing a guy wrote it, well, made it much hotter.
*dies again*
Author's Response: Don't die... you still have WIP's :P
Glad you liked it.

Date: 08/02/2008 - 09:06 am Title: Cold flames
Oh, babe, this was so HOT, and sweet, and happy... and knowing you wrote it for me makes me feel warm all over!
Thank you so very much, I totally loved it!!!
*huggles and smooches*
Author's Response: Your opinion on this particular piece is all I needed, really. Since it's written for you and all. And yes, I'll continue the WIP one-shot... sometime.
*hugs you back and lingers on the smooches*

Date: 08/02/2008 - 08:12 am Title: Cold flames
HOT :)
So it was only a dream. But who says you can't live your dream ;))
Author's Response: Yes, just a dream, but she can re-enact it at any time - sort of a Slayer Dream ;)

Date: 08/02/2008 - 03:40 am Title: Cold flames
Well if you hadn't said you were a bloke I wouldn't have been able to tell but what I will say is that was bloody good and it had a happy ending - yippee. Loved it and keep going - please.
Author's Response: There will be other one-shots as well as my longer fic. And there's also the challenge for Carrie. More of me to come (that sounded kinky :P)

Date: 08/01/2008 - 10:44 pm Title: Cold flames
Loved that.
Author's Response: Glad to hear it.

Date: 08/01/2008 - 07:30 pm Title: Cold flames
That was hoooootttttt...so, that's smut from a guy's perspective, huh? You can write me Spuffy smut anytime hunny. :)
Author's Response: Maybe I will *winks*
I already have the beginning for the next one done. And more ideas for the future.

Date: 08/01/2008 - 06:25 pm Title: Cold flames
*Is a puddle of mush* Well, it looks like I will have to find Sotia, and give her a big hug to say thank you for coersing you into sharing yout male author talents in writing smut!
Hun... all I can say is HAWT! and... awwww yeay for the shanshu'd Spike ending! *does the Snoopy Dance*
Adored it! Thank you so much for writing it and also for posting good to see inside of a guy's mind once in a while, and hey you know what? You are not so much different to us girlies after all! xxx
Author's Response: There will be future glimpses. Glad to see you so enthusiastic.