Date: 02/19/2014 - 08:03 pm Title: One
Omg. I'm going to die. You have 95 written stories?! I'm so happy I could cry!! Thank you. Thank you luck star or whatever allowed me to cross paths with you! You've made my working hours so much more tolerable :D
Author's Response: ROFL Yes, I also had a job that left me with time on my hands.... :)
Date: 10/17/2012 - 11:18 pm Title: One
Wow - that was a surprise! Pregnant Buffy kidnapped! Ohhh, W&H is so dead now. Love the idea of the two supernatural lovers having a baby, btw - I so think they both deserve that and would both be excellent parents, despite the wrapping around finger problem Spike would have with a baby girl. :)
Author's Response: I think they'd manage to be good parents. Glad you agree. :)
Date: 01/12/2009 - 03:48 am Title: One
Knew that the blighters at Wolfram & Hart wouldn't let them be. And it well figures there would be a bun in the oven. Those two crazy kids.
Author's Response: LOL Well, given my usual reaction to baby!fic, I'd say Hell has frozen over...
Date: 12/24/2008 - 04:53 am Title: One
OMG this was such a great chappie! Buffy and Spike expecting a baby and being happy.Of course something had to come and spoil it. Now lets see what W&H are up to the slimy bastards!
Off to read chap.2
Author's Response: I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading.
Date: 12/24/2008 - 01:50 am Title: One
Oh! Poor Buffy! The W&H guys obviously don't realise Spike's human or they wouldn't have called the baby 'demonspawn', unless they know something we don't.
Love it!
Author's Response: Ah, they're just referring back to Spike's previous condition. lol Glad you're liking it. :)
Date: 12/23/2008 - 08:57 pm Title: One
Ah... now I have to delete my LJ Memories from this morning since I was late for my F-List :)
I didn't expect this to be a sequel :D
Good to see this 'Verse again.
Darn... things went to well, huh? Buffy didn't have a chance to defend herself, being pregnant.
W&H? Seems they really haven't given up yet *sigh*
~ Good start :)
Author's Response: Thanks. It's the same story here or there - your choice. :)