Date: 04/06/2015 - 05:55 am Title: Part 1
Thank you for this site and all information abounds. I find it very interesting and I recommend it to everyone!
Good luck to you. Sincerely .
Date: 06/03/2009 - 08:16 pm Title: Part 2
I am so glad she didn't go on the date! and I really like your Buffy's breakdown of feeling for herself and for Giles. She was a strong character and should have stood up for herself in the final seasons. Joss messed up in my opinion. Your take was right on ;)
Author's Response: Well she did go but it wasn't any big deal. She sorted her feelings for Spike after. ITA that she should have stood up for her own needs. Thank you for reading and responding. k
Date: 06/03/2009 - 07:43 pm Title: Part 1
I like how this chapter went and am off to read part 2, cant wait to se how the date goes in your world ;)
Author's Response: Buffy is at least thinking. Glad you liked the story! kl