Date: 04/21/2015 - 12:24 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
ohhh its ben a long time... Will there be more?
i love this story and what you Can do with it... Please Update if you want :)
Date: 08/04/2013 - 11:18 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
Please write part 2! I'm dying to know what happens!
Date: 05/12/2013 - 07:02 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
Can't wait for more!! Hurry hurry hurry!
Date: 05/07/2013 - 11:56 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
OMG!!! Please cont. this story!!! I can't wait for more. I feel like an addict!!! Please Oh Please give me my fix.... NOW PLEASE!!!!
Date: 04/16/2013 - 12:38 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
This was great. Fun entertaining and pretty damn hot.
Excellent excellent story, thank you.
Date: 04/16/2013 - 11:34 am Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued)
Holy christ on a cracker that chapter was funny.
I laughed out loud at least five times. Priceless.
Date: 09/22/2012 - 07:20 pm Title: Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time...
Wow just finished this and would love to see a part 2 are you still writing on it? couldnt put it down
Author's Response: I'm so glad you liked it! :D It's one of my favorite stories I've done, so it's very gratifying to hear you enjoyed it too! I'll start work on Part 2 when I get the chance, I still have some other fairy tales in mind to plop Buffy and Spike in the middle of lol
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Zeitsu! *hugggggs*
Date: 07/12/2012 - 05:52 pm Title: Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time...
Just finished reading this and absolutely loved it. Great creative use of fairy tales! I'm dying for the follow-up!
Author's Response: Glad you liked it, amosquito! I really enjoyed writing Part 1, and I'm looking forward to getting to Part 2 :)
Thanks for reviewin', hon! *hugs*
Date: 04/17/2012 - 04:40 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
fun! Are you ever going to write part II? Lots of readers would still like to have a conclusion! :-D
Author's Response: There will definitely be a Part 2 :) I had too much fun writing the first one to not continue Buffy and Spike's portal hopping adventures lol
The way I originally planned, I would've had the sequel finished by now. But RL got heavy and I don't have much time to write. But I will do the sequel, it's just a matter of time :)
Thanks so much for reviewing, hon! *smooooooch*
Date: 03/25/2012 - 11:23 pm Title: Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time...
I am a fan of all your works and this story is by far one of my favorites! I really hope you are still planning on writing the sequel because I'm dieing to know what happens next! :)
Author's Response: Aww thanks, SpikeLuver! You're so sweet :) I do indeed still plan on writing a sequel. I can't just leave Buffy and Spike in Limbo in that portal lol I'll start work on Part 2 when I get the chance :)
Thank you for reviewing! I really appreciate it! *smoooch*
Date: 11/22/2011 - 01:11 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
Wow! What can I say but thank you for an awesome story. This one was definately hard to put down when real life needed to be dealt with. I absolutely cannot wait for the sequel. This is still going to have a sequel isn't it? I know you said that you wanted it to be as good as the first, and it will. I think that your stories are all well written. Let me say it one more time... I can't wait for the sequel!!
Author's Response: Thanks, Embers and Flame! I'm glad you liked it! :D
Yes, I'll definitely still be writing a sequel, I'm just not sure when. I haven't had a whole lotta time to write lately, but I do want to start work on the sequel soon :)
Thanks for readin' & reviewin', hon! *hugggles*
Date: 08/28/2011 - 05:02 am Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
That was some fantastic story telling! I just discovered this story and read it all in one go (I couldn't sleep and now it's 3am, ha!) if you can believe it. The characterizations of Buffy and Spike (and everyone else) was spot on. I loved reading Anya especially... she had some of the best lines. You had me laughing out loud (literally) with "orgasm buddies." Thank you so much for posting, and I look forward to reading about their wacky adventures in part 2!
Author's Response: Aww you're so sweet, thank you, Veronica! I'm all smiley after reading your review =D
I had to rearrange stuff and add an extra chapter cos I had so many good lines for Anya lol You gotta love the characters who can and will say anything lol
I haven't gotten around to writing Part 2 yet, unfortunately. But I will get to it! Writing the first fic was so fun, I'm eager to write the second one too :)
Thank you so much for the lovely review, you made my day! :D *smooooooch*
Date: 08/08/2011 - 09:10 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued)
This chapter was hillarious!
Author's Response: heehee Thanks! It's hard to know if humor will land successfully or fall flat, so it helps a lot to get reviews like yours!
Thanks for reading and reviewing, eclipse! *smoochies*
Date: 07/24/2011 - 10:08 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
I love what you have done and I can't wait for part two to start!
Author's Response: I'm happy you enjoyed it, SpikesGirl! I had fun writing it, tho Buffy and Spike didn't have much fun for most of it lol
I've got some ideas for Part 2 I hope you'll like :) I haven't started it yet, but hope to in the near future.
Thanks for reviewing! It helps a lot to know there's interest for a sequel :) *HUGS*
Date: 04/01/2011 - 08:32 am Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
Now where's part two? I really liked the first part. You are one of my favorite authors. :D
Author's Response: Aww thank you, Kelli! :D Yay that you liked it!
I haven't gotten around to writing Part 2 yet, but I'm keen to. The fairy tale thing is just too much fun to not write another lol
I haven't had much time for writing for a while, but hopefully that will change soon *crosses fingers*
Thanks so much for reviewing, Kelli! *hugs*
Date: 10/12/2010 - 10:02 pm Title: Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time...
Instead of being a productive member of society today, I did absolutely nothing besides reading this fic from beginning to end... And I have absolutely no regrets. I loved every single moment of it, and honeslty, never wanted it to end. I wonder if Dawn is going to get tired of getting pampered after a while, or what the next quest for Buffy and Spike are. Oh! And I can't wait to see everybody's reactions when the book gets to the steamy bits between Buffy and Spike. I'm can't wait until you post Part 2! :D
Author's Response: I always wanted to write a story that people spent the whole day reading instead of working or doing chores - so yay! heehee You're such a sweetiepie, thank you! *hugs*
I think Dawn will get bored with the royal treatment after some time - might take a while though lol
I've got something special in mind for Spike & Buffy's next quest. I've had the idea for it in my head (and a bit of it written) for several years, it's about time I finally buckle down and get it done lol I want it to be a surprise, so I can't tell ya anything yet ;)
Oh yes, the Scoobies ain't seen nothin' yet heehee They'll look fondly back on the time when they'd only seen the R-rated bathtime pics :P
Thank you so much for the awesome review, Hollows! I loved hearing from you =D *smooochies*
Date: 07/18/2010 - 04:09 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
I just discovered this story!!!! And it GREAT!!!! I fell in love with it! lol
The plot is super great, the characters are very realistic (like in the series) and the smut is perfect!!! *smirk*
I love your wrighting style!
The only thing I can say is: When will there be the second part of the story????
I want to know what will happen next! *wails*
Please update soon!?!?!?!? *BIG puppy eyes*
Good luck for the next part! ^_~
Author's Response: Aww thank you, Sailor Sayuri! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :D I put a lot into the story, so getting reviews like yours makes me super-smiley =D
Oh no, not the puppy eyes! lol I wish I could give you an ETA on Part 2, but it's still in the planning stages. Lots of folks liked Part 1 so much (which is awesome, of course!), but now the pressure's on for me not to fu@k up Part 2 - I gotta make it at least half as cool as the first lol
Thank you so much for the extra sweet review! I'm happy you discovered the story and then were wonderful enough to share your thoughts on it with me :D I really appreciate you taking the time, hon! *hugggggles*
Date: 07/17/2010 - 01:04 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
LOVED it! :) More soon please?
Author's Response: Hey Kiera :) I'm glad you enjoyed it! I need to start gettin' busy on Part 2 lol
Thanks for reviewing, hon! *smoooch*
Date: 07/12/2010 - 10:57 am Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
Great story! Spike needed to show Buffy he is capable of more than the ol' vampire grrr! arggh! and the Hansel-and-Gretel sitch gave him a chance to do that. Does that mean that next story gives Buffy a chance to demonstrate what *she* is capable of?
I like the Joyce-Giles plot--she deserves a bit of fun. They're a bit alike, aren't they? Both polite and responsible on the surface, with something wilder underneath.
I wonder whether Dawn will get bored with having everything she wants. Or, I can picture her getting upset and wanting out because the Unari send her a Buffy lookalike.
Gee, I hope part 2 comes along soon and answers these questions for me (hint, hint). In the meantime, I can wait with a smile on my face, thanks to Anya-duck!
P.S. Love the poetry bits, too.
Author's Response: Thanks, charisse! I wanted to give Buffy plenty of time to come to terms with her attraction to Spike in this story - she's so damn stubborn lol
I saw Band Candy not long before I wrote that scene where Giles and Joyce's candy-induced fling was discovered lol I love that episode! I think it would've been great if they'd gotten together on the show. I wonder why they didn't? Oh right, because no one was ever allowed to be happy lol
Dawn's having lots of fun so far. I figure she'll get bored or miss her *real* friends and family after a while. Or she'll be so incredibly spoiled and insufferable by the time Buffy finds her that Buffy will decide to leave her there lol
heehee Glad you liked Anya-duck :D I don't know how long a wait it'll be before Part 2 is ready, but I'm excited to get started on it :)
I just love Spike quoting poetry or singing *dreamy sigh* lol I'm glad you liked it too!
Thanks for the awesome review, charisse! *smooooch*
Date: 07/10/2010 - 09:36 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
wow. that was an amazing fanfiction. really well written, and original, plus the spuffy scenes were so cute and right in character. nice job. can't wait for part 2!
Author's Response: Aww thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! =D
I'm in the process of planning Part 2. I've thought of some angsty stuff, but I'll do my best to get some funny, sweet, and hot stuff in there too lol
Thanks so much for your sweet review! *hugggs*
Date: 07/04/2010 - 05:38 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
I loved loved loved this story!!! Can't wait for part 2 :)
Author's Response: Thanks, tmsp! I loved writing the story, and it makes me all happy and smiley to know you loved reading it =D
I've got some crazy shit planned for Part 2 which I hope you'll enjoy lol
Thanks for reading and reviewing, tmsp! I loved hearing from ya *smoooch*
Date: 06/29/2010 - 05:47 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again)
very cool story. i really enjoyed how you incorporated the fairy tales into the plot. I can't wait for part II. Thanks for the great read!
Author's Response: Aww thanks, sc! I'm glad you liked the story! It's wonderful to get reviews like yours. You're a sweetiepie :D
I've got some interesting things planned for Part Deux. New fairy tales, more perils for our heroes, and of course Spuffyness ;) heehee
Thank you for reading & reviewing, sc! *huggggles*
Date: 06/26/2010 - 06:15 pm Title: Part 1, Chapter 13: Only You
That was one of the best naughty Spuffy chapters I have ever read. Truly brabo
Author's Response: Wow, thanks for the wonderful compliment, sweet_william! That means a lot *hugs* I love hearing the hotness was effective =D
Thanks for reviewing and encouraging my muse! :D *Smoooch*
Author's Response: Wow, thanks for the wonderful compliment, sweet_william! That means a lot *hugs* I love hearing the hotness was effective =D
Thanks for reviewing and encouraging my muse! :D *Smoooch*
Date: 06/25/2010 - 11:11 pm Title: Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time...
I loved this story! Really looking forward to the next installment. Keep up the great work!
Author's Response: Aww thank you, cquinn! =D I'm happy you enjoyed the story!
Thanks for the sweet review, hon! I really appreciate it! *hugs*
Date: 06/16/2010 - 01:57 pm Title: Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time...
Loved It! Can't wait for Part 2!
Author's Response: Aww thanks, Shannon! =D I put a lot into the story, so it's wonderful to know you enjoyed it! I haven't begun serious work on Part 2 as of yet, but I'm hoping it won't be too long before the juices start flowing :)
Thanks for reading & reviewing! *smooch*