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Reviewer: Spikelissa Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/08/2010 - 04:30 pm Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

Speedy response even better!!!!! Ok, I just looked back and your right. I just got confused with all the Buffy's and Spike's. Rome!Buffy and Rome!Spike had the scars. That's what threw me for a bit.

Here check here: I actually trust this site more than anything else. Here it is spelled Amara

But here it is spelled Amarra

I don't trust Wiki at all because so many people change things.

I do however, trust this site a bit more:

Even funnier here it's spelled Amarra too:

But here it's spelled Amara

So...drum roll says...It's a toss up!!!! LOL!

I look forward to more and I will try if I can keep a darn beta lol! I tend to get away with myself in my writing and long spurts of writers block, so we shall see! :-) Thanks for the encouragement though!

Author's Response: Hey there! yeah, I don't remember now what my beta referenced on the Amarra/Amara thing ... but - whatever! We all know what we mean! :D

I was really worried after I finished the main story that I would have nothing more to write ... but luckily, that hasn't happened ...yet! I haven't tried writing any other Spuffy couples, I'm not sure if I could anymore! To go back to canon and write a bitchy-Buffy who was mean to Spike would be soooo hard! Although, my Buffy has been known to hurt our sweet Spike without meaning to or is she was forced to out of a sense of doing what was right ... but, that's different.

I hope to have more soon ... I actually have 2-3 chapters writen and beta'd, I just have to get them formatted and start posting ... but I don't want to leave anyone hanging for too long while I move, so I may hold off on that until I'm sure I'll have time to get it finished in a timely manner. I know I hate having to wait to keep reading -- the way you did it totally rocks!

Thanks again for all the references and taking the time to do that! Everyone I've 'met' here on TSR is so nice! And you're no exception! {{hugs}} -P4S 2010.10.08

Reviewer: Spikelissa Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/08/2010 - 03:25 pm Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

Oh and I completely forgot but did the twins go on the trip? I'd love to see more about them growing up or had grown up. There are so few stories out there with older kids in the Spuffy World. More please! And again AMAZING SERIES!

Author's Response: Hi again ... yes, the twins did go, but since they're so young I only mentioned them a couple of times ... my next focus is going to be on the kids and how they grow, the challenges they face from being 'different' and just normal challenges of growing up, too. My hope is to wrap stories about the kids growing up around the stories about Spuffy fighting demons or other evil ... But yes, I do intend on following them as they grow and on Buffy and Spike being parents first and heroes second ...

Thanks again for your awesome review! :D I hope I answered your questions ... if not ... c'mon back! :D!

-P4S 2010.10.08

Reviewer: Spikelissa Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/08/2010 - 03:22 pm Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

Wow! I decided to read this all straight through and in Word form, so I appologize for the lack of reviews. I have down time at work and certaintly can't be on this site having it refresh multitudes of time for each chapter. I'd like to keep my job lol! So I had to copy it to Word. Anyway...couple of things!
Great story! Do you plan to continue writing more in the verse? Like say: An older Annie, years that have gone by. Or will you finally address Angel being at the bottom of the ocean. He was in a shark cage. You'd think he might've broken out by now, maybe? Or certaintly some big meat eating fish would be perplexed to try...yes vivd imagination of Angel demise in ocean lol! Unlike yourself I um don't have a love for DB at all. My kinks are Alex S. from True Blood, and Jake Gyllenhaal and oh Vin Diesel and some DB to me is blah and more blah. So imagine my surprise you did very well playing Angel as the bad guy but also seemingly the good guy too. You did an awesome job of it! You twisted what had happened in canon but intertwined it with your own. My only thing was this and I was wondering if it was forgotten? It wasn't mentioned again so I questioned it quite a bit through your story. Buffy's immortality. Yes she could be killed just like any vampire or demon could be killed. What confused me was the bleeding out part that placed her in a coma. Medically I have no education on that but wouldn't Buffy's Immortality have played some role in this? Although bleeding out could kill humans or demons so I guess that's not really what I'm referring to. It's towards the end of this story that puzzled me. Why would Unexpected Spike even want the Shanshu when Buffy is Immortal? That's my other question: Will the Rome!Buffy just be a resurrected Slayer along with a Shanshued Rome!Spike and live a human life span together? While Unexpected Verse lives on eternally unless they aren't killed at some point? If so, will you address this with other stories on how it effects family and friends, and themselves in that verse? Yes, I have lots of questions that seemed unanswered when it finished. Beautifully written though! Another thing that bothered me a bit. When a version of Buffy and Spike melded with Unexpected version of Spike and Buffy. It seemed at times like they would forget the Unexpected storyline but remember this other timeline and then vice versa, but not both at the same time. Perfect example: Read the part during the memorial they had for 'you know who' and see what I mean. It was vague but it was there. A bit confusion maybe. Rome!Buffy knows there is a crater but if I remember correctly Rome!Spike had heard of it never saw it (was my understanding). My question though was this burned up Spike and Buffy who stayed in the cave burning that melded with Unexpected brought their physical as well with them? The burned hands and chest? Sometimes I got confused because in the beginning when they melded I thought it was just memories that intertwined with the Unexpected dimension not physical attributes.

Final question: Did you leave things not addressed because you will come back to this verse? Like why does the bond stay after you know who is gone? And how was it possible that it worked for both sets of Buffy's and Spike's to be bonded but the credit card didn't transcend to the other dimension lol? Yes I'm an analyst lol! Or maybe having that certain someone dusted didn't take away the really if ocean sunk Angel ever finds away out of his watery grave he can be dust in the wind!

I love everything about this story! You made the 'claim' different than what others (including myself) have done and made it more symbolic and unifying! I was impressed as I'm sure everyone else who read this amazing series. I laughed and cried and fell in love with this series! It rates up there along with Niamh, Dawnofme, dreamweaver, maryperk, and so many more I can't think of that I found amazing. I definitely will keep my eye out for more of yours! Thanks for sharing! I do have to say that after reading so many great and amazing stories, I have just about given up finishing my stories. Amazing stories that I just can't compete with or begin to try to stand up against. I'd rather read lol. Oh and one more thing: it's Amara with just one r. I checked every place I could find. And what's more it's also referred to as the Stone of Amara. I didn't care I just wanted to let you know what I found when I searched at one point on. I crossed referenced everywhere and was shocked how this is always a common error. Even the dvd spells it with one r. It sounds better and seems better with two, but it's not unfortunately. Just wanted to point that out :)

Hope to see more from you!

Author's Response: WOW! Well, I think this one review makes up for lack of others ... no problem whatsoever! Glad you could find a way to read it and keep your job, too! :D

OK, let's see here...Yes, more is coming. Yes, Angel will be addressed. More about why Spike would want the Shanshu even tho Buffy is Immortal will come soon (although that is a good point!) and Buffy's immortality (along with Spike's) will also come into the story as time goes on ... it's not really apparent now, but will be in 20 years ...

It is my thought that yes, Rome!Buffy and now Shanshued Rome!Spike will just live a 'normal' lifespan, growing old together... unless something else magical happens or the PTB step in to do something to them, of course! you never know!

Ok, I'm trying to follow your question on the memory melding ... our Buffy and Spike didn't speak at the memorial for Willow - just Rome!Buffy and Rome!Spike did ... ours lit candles. Ours never saw the crater ... and your right Rome!Spike never had before either. I'll double check, but I think I said that right in there. Rome!Buffy, Rome!Giles and Rome!Andrew were the only ones that had seen the crater before from the group there. When their memories/souls first melded, the memories from Unexpected were pushed back for a short while, then it reveresed and the memories from 'canon' are now there, but pushed back. At times I use liberties and pushe them back further for the sake of a plot. Ok, the scars on Unexpected Spike and Buffy are from the amulet that BUFFY wore and Spike tore off her ... they did not bring the physcial scars from the burned up canon Spuffy with them. Does that answer the question? I'm not sure.

On the bond ... I think the bond would stay in place even after Angel is dust, since he was the clan leader at the time. The credit card actually did transcend... it's just that Disney in unexpected dimension didn't have the transaction, since it was made in the Rome! dimension ... but when they re-ran it, it was the same number and charged to AI... so the card number was valid, just that Spike made the purchase in the other dimension, so Unexpected dimension's Disney didn't have it ... their computers don't talk across dimensions ... :D

I've actually found the Gem of Amarra/Amara spelled both ways ... If my swiss-cheese memory serves, my beta and I went around about it and she said she was sure from a canon source that it was Amarra ... I don't recall now what the source was. Thanks for the heads up on it, though - we'll double check it!!

On the claim, I did it kinda how I'd like it to be myself ... and made it so they could 'turn it off' or close it down 'cause no one wants someone else in their head all the time ... even Spuffy!!

I'm really honored to be included in the list of authors you listed ... wow! I'm so glad you're liking the series and YES there will be more. Right now I'm in the middle of moving, but I will get back to it soon ... I hope to have a couple of chapters of the next story ready in the next week or so and I think a lot of your questions will be answered in that story. My next focus will be on how the kids grow ... BTW... yes, the twins were at Disney ... I mentioned them a little ... Spike watching them during the day when Buffy took Annie to the Fairy Faire and Lorne babysitting ... but since they're so young, there's just so much they can do. I will get them more involved, however, in the next story and future ones as I move time along more quickly so they can acutally have ... dialog! LOL!!

My muse desparately wants to jump ahead several years, but there are a few things we need to cover first ... anyway - more to come!!!

Thanks again for this awesome review! I hope you do keep writing ... don't get discouraged! There are never enough Spuffy fics ... the world can always use more!!

Thanks again!! {{HUGE SPIKE HUGS}} for you!!!

-P4S 2010.10.08 (PS- LMK if I missed anything .... I tried to cover all your quesions! :D)

Reviewer: AMI Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/02/2010 - 11:54 pm Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

Aww what a sexy, amazing chappie for both Spuffy couples..yay! for Rome! Spuffy, they're happy too. btw will B ever find out Mr Broodypir(tm) is no more? lol

LOL poor Snow White....and Annie was too cute, she's happy when she hears the loud Spuffy noises...knows they're nearby. :)

Thanx for the sexy pics. Yummmy!
And congrats on the wins over at SunnyD.especially Best New Author..well deserved. =)


Author's Response: Hi AMI!! I'm so glad you liked it!! :D My muse has not divulged to me who, other than our Tara, knows that Mr. Broodypire is no more in that dimension ... perhaps Andrew knows from the buttoncam, but that's purely speculation my part ... Mr. Evil-Blue-Eyed-Muse just smirks when I ask him about it... it's kinda scary sometimes! :D

Thanks so much for your kind words on the SunnyD's ... I'm gobsmacked on that win and 'Unexpected' getting runner up in three highly competative categories! Wow ... that was just amazing! I was shocked and giggly to get nominated and knocked out when I actually won!

You're welcome for the sexy pics ... they may have to tide you over a little bit while I move this month ... but hopefully things will settle down and I can get back to the Spuffy fun shortly!! :D

{{BIG Spike HUGZZ}} to you for your awesome reviews ... you're always entertaining and enlightening! Luv ya!

-P4S 2010.10.04

Reviewer: Inwen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/17/2010 - 08:18 pm Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

Loved it! such a great addition to your universe. I'm also glad that they finally got to have a nice family vacation. That was awesome. So excited to see what you have in store for us next!

Author's Response: Hi Inwen!! I'm so glad you liked it!! :D {{happy dance}} That was a pretty nice vacation - for both Spuffys!! I'll try to have more soon ... getting ready to move into a new house, so not sure how musey I'll be, but you never know!! Thanks soooo much for reading and stopping in here! I love hearing from you!!

{{HUGGGZZ}} -P4S 2010.09.18

Reviewer: Spuffy6 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/17/2010 - 01:03 am Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

loved it as usual! :) keep these stories coming, i always look forward to them.

Author's Response: Hi Spuffy6!! Thanks so much!! I'm so glad you stopped in here --- it's great to hear from everyone that's been reading!! I'll be working on some more ... hopefully a little less angsty for a while ... (but you just never know what my muse will want to do!).

Ta ever so for stopping in here!! {{huggs}} -P4S 2010.09.16

Reviewer: Blue Eyes Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/16/2010 - 11:24 pm Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

Love the ending like the back and forth with the spuffy vacation. As to the eye candie pics oh wow yeah. Which I could have a couple of licks maybe even a suck but no not for me damn it.

Author's Response: Hi Blue Eyes!! Glad you enjoyed their vacations! :D Oh, if we could sell Spike candy, we'd make a million ... well, assuming that we didn't eat it all first! :O

Thanks so much for reading and stopping in here!!! I love hearing from you! {{huggs}}

-P4S 2010.09.16

Reviewer: Vette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/16/2010 - 10:03 pm Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

Such a sweet ending, both Buffy's and Spike's deserved to have their time to love and be loved. Annie worried about her parents until she heard their howls are too funny and precious! But I feel sorry for Snow White, she may not feel like sleeping after that noise. Loved it! Hope your muse is resting too, I'm sure he is ready to make his mark on all of us with his black heart!

Author's Response: Hi Vette! Glad you enjoyed it!! Yes, poor Snow White ... she might feel like she just changed into Little Red Riding Hood! My what big teeth you have!

Muse boy is kicking back and having a pint right now ...I'm sure his evil mind is working to figure out what fun to have next, though! I'm gonna try to keep him on the light side for a little while (At least until I can get moved into my new house next month!!) He just smirks at that!! LOL!

Thank you SOO much for reading and reviewing here!! I do LOVE to hear from you, Vette!! Your reviews are always so wonderful and full of insight!

{{hugs}}-P4S 2010.09.16

Reviewer: magnus374 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/16/2010 - 08:26 pm Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

I really liked the ending.

Author's Response: Thanks magnus!! I'm so glad you liked it!! Thanks so much for all your reviews (here and on ef!!) I really love hearing from you, wherever it may be!!

-P4S 2010.09.16

Reviewer: westwingwolf Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/16/2010 - 04:45 am Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

Beautiful honeymoon moments for both Buffys and Spikes. I hope these happy moments can last for a while for everyone.

Author's Response: Hi WWW! You and me both!! :D My muse hasn't shared the Gem of Amarra story with me yet, so we'll probably just have some light short stories next ... But my evil blue-eyed-muse-boy is thinking about getting that Gem back... maybe I can talk him into doing something *easy* for them to get it! (I know - take ring, stake Angel ... sing "celebrate', the end)

Thanks SOOOO much for reading and all your comments! I really appreciate them and love hearing from you! {{{super Spike hugs to you!!}}}

-P4S 2010.09.16

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/16/2010 - 03:41 am Title: The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River

Loved the punch line. Annie is adorable. Wonder when they'll figure out about Angel and Tara. And if Angel is gone, who's going to pay his credit card bill? Dum, dum Dum! Love it. Update soon!

Author's Response: Hi BuffyRat!! My muse has been un-sharey regarding who knows about Angel other than Tara ... and possilby Andrew (from the button cam) ... but he's not even confirmed that to me ... ??? I guess one day, he'll let me know! Hopefully, Angel had some paperwork prepared so Wes (and Illyiria?) can take over operation of AI ... and get stuck with that credit card bill!! :O That may send him right back into the hospital!

Will try to post some more when I can ... right now, I'm getting ready to move to a new house (can you hear the screaming? That would be me, not Buffy! and not in a good way! :P ), so I'm not sure when I will have more, but there will be more, I assure you!!

Thanks SOOO much for reading and stopping in here so regularly!! We love hearing from you ... {{{{Spike hugs comin' your way!!}}}

-P4S 2010.09.15

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